Regardless of 'Brexit' vote, experts say, EU must rethink status quo

Press quote (The New York Times)
Simon Tilford
18 June 2016

"It is not very easy being English at the moment," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London. "Grim stuff." Mr Tilford falls into an interesting camp: He has long been an outspoken critic of the European Union’s handling of its currency woes, yet he strongly supports Britain's remaining in the bloc. The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, he argues, even as he realizes that policy failures by the European Union have helped legitimize the arguments of some who want to leave. "It has made it easier for them to portray the EU as a failure," he said. "Lots of people have become euroskeptics in Britain because they are so angry at what has happened in the eurozone in recent years."