
Brexit: Brytyjczycy po referendum

22 August 2016
Pójście za jego radą i uruchomienie art. 50 traktatu lizbońskiego oznaczałoby, że Londyn decyduje się na „hard Brexit" – odcięcie większości więzi łączących Zjednoczone Królestwo z Unią. Procedura rozwodowa nie może trwać dłużej niż dwa lata, a w tym czasie żadna ze stron nie jest gotowa do ustalenia nowych zasad współpracy. – To wymaga zaangażowania około 10 tys. ekspertów i od pięciu do dziesięciu lat negocjacji – mówi „Rz" Ian Bond, dyrektor w Centre for European Reform (CER) w Londynie.

Marketplace: Turkey — EU tensions threaten refugee deal

Rem Korteweg
22 August 2016
"The migrant deal was ill-advised from the outset. It was a deal with a leader who was already backsliding on human rights and democracy before the post-coup purge," said Rem Korteweg of the Centre for European Reform.

Brexit X-men: How the prime minister's key negotiators are coping

21 August 2016
The Guardian
Charles Grant, director of the CER, says some “very senior” people in the UK government are deeply ignorant about the single market, and adds that only now are the Brexit-backers beginning to grasp the difficulty of what faces them. “I think that two months down the line the senior Brexiters are beginning to realise that the whole process is going to be a lot more complicated, time-consuming and boring than they had imagined before, when they had presented it all as black and white."

SNP seeks a way to avoid border checkpoints after independence

21 August 2016
The Scotsman
But Ian Bond, director of foreign policy for the Centre for European Reform, said border controls would be inevitable if Scotland voted for independence and was readmitted to the EU under standard conditions.

A death foretold

Camino Mortera-Martinez
18 August 2016
The Mark News
The worst refugee crisis since World War II, a seemingly never-ending string of terrorist attacks, and the rise of populism across Europe threaten to bring the Schengen area down.

EU referendum: The beginning, not the end, of Brexiteers' problems

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
18 August 2016
Norweigan Instiutute of International Affairs
On 23 June 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union. The referendum outcome triggered resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron and his replacement by former Home Secretary Theresa May.

Tok FM: Brexit może opóźnić się do końca 2019 roku?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
17 August 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Brexit, and that it may be delayed until the end of 2019?

Brexit trade deals: The gruelling challenge of taking back control

17 August 2016
The Guardian
The UK will have to negotiate no fewer than six deals to re-establish its place in the world after Brexit, according to Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

Inforadio: Abgehängt durch die Globalisierung

Christian Odendahl
16 August 2016
Andere Länder setzen auf Zäune - die Briten stimmen für den Brexit. Und damit nicht nur  gegen die Personenfreizügigkeit, sondern auch ganz allgemein gegen die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung. Ist das Auftreten populistischer Bewegungen ganz allgemein ein Phänomen der voranschreitenden Globalisierung? Eine Ausdrucksmöglichkeit der Abgehängten? Darüber spricht Irina Grabowski mit Christian Odendahl, dem Chefökonom beim Centre for European Reform in London.

A deal on Brexit was never going to be easy. There's plenty that could go wrong

16 August 2016
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, believes that the UK needs to conduct five interconnecting sets of trade negotiations (actually he identifies more but I’m going to leave out those on foreign, defence and security policies for the sake of simplicity).

Would Turkey's emergence as 'gas bazaar' be beneficial?

Rem Korteweg
16 August 2016
Anadolu Agency
Rem Korteweg, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, also reiterated that Turkey's importance for Europe as a transit country for non-Russian gas.

El terrorismo pone en jaque la estrategia europea de seguridad

Camino Mortera-Martinez
15 August 2016
El Pais
"Ni la propuesta francoalemana ni las medidas que salen de Bruselas ni las respuestas puramente nacionales van impedir que el nuevo terrorismo siga golpeando: que un lobo solitario estampe un camión sobre la multitud, o un excombatiente entre en una iglesia y acuchille a un párroco”, reflexiona Camino Mortera, del CER.

EU migrants will stay in UK as Home Office cuts mean it will take 140 years to deport them

Camino Mortera-Martinez, John Springford
12 August 2016
The Express
The new Prime Minister oversaw such savage cutbacks to her former department it is incapable of keeping track of the number of European migrants entering the country and organising their return, according to the Centre for European Reform (CER). And at current rates, it would take Britain 140  years to trace and deport all EU migrants, a separate study by the Migration Observatory revealed. The CER said trying to send EU workers back to the continent is "politically attractive" but "impractical, of dubious legality and against British interests". 

Brexit Briefing: Balance at the BBC

11 August 2016
Financial Times
Charles Grant has argued that journalists’ poor knowledge of the EU contributed to the Brexit vote. While the outcome of the June 23 referendum may seem to reduce the need for such "insider" expertise, in-depth understanding of the EU, it will remain just as important in reporting negotiations on the future of Britain outside the EU in the years ahead.

Europeans bemused and dismayed by Donald Trump

10 August 2016
Voice of America
"People are kind of stuck as slightly horrified spectators," said Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the London-based Centre for European Reform. "Hoping that it turns out all right, but not having much influence over the outcome."
Il n'y aura pas de nouveau traité européen majeur

Il n'y aura pas de nouveau traité européen majeur

08 August 2016
Le Monde
Le Brexit est un événement capital dans l’histoire de l’Europe, et après lui le récit dominant sera non plus celui de l’intégration mais celui de la désintégration.

Will Italy's banking crisis spark eurozone chaos?

Simon Tilford
03 August 2016
The Daily Express
Simon Tilford, of the Centre for European Reform, says: "There is a very real risk that Mr Renzi will come to the conclusion that his only way to hold on to power is to go into the next election on an openly anti-euro platform."

Four ways to curb migration post-Brexit

01 August 2016
Financial Times
John Springford of the CER says they would do little to curb immigration unless Britain is prepared to accept the threat of curbs on market access for its firms. Given that both Norway and Switzerland have had higher immigration levels per capita than the UK, voters would want something far tougher, he argues.

Brexit and the challenges of reality

01 August 2016
Financial Times
In an important post, Charles Grant has detailed the six deals the UK government has to do.

Pro-Brexit economists see growth opportunities for the UK

01 August 2016
The Wall Street Journal
“The lower the barriers to trade and investment are, the more of those things you’ll have,” said John Springford, an economist at the Centre for European Reform, an EU-focused think tank. “Over the long term, less trade and investment is going to mean a smaller economy than would otherwise be the case.”