
How Theresa May will surprise Trump at their first summit

Rem Korteweg
25 January 2017
The Washington Post
"The link between Britain and the United States is going to be very important not only for Britain but for NATO and the EU," Rem Korteweg, a foreign and security policy expert at the Centre for European Reform, said in an interview.

Battle lines harden after article 50 ruling

24 January 2017
The Guardian
As the Centre for European Reform's John Springford pointed out in an interesting Twitter thread, however, Britain’s trade with the US amounts to about a third of that with the EU (while Australia represents a great deal less).

British government braces for critical Supreme Court Brexit ruling

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 January 2017
France 24
"Even if the Supreme Court rules that May cannot bypass parliament in Westminster, parliamentarians will be unlikely to go against the vote of the British people and block Brexit," said Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

'Brexit' ruling reveals cracks in Britain's centuries-old institutions

Simon Tilford
24 January 2017
The New York Times
There is still an outside chance that Parliament will reassert control of Brexit talks, said Simon Tilford, a Britain and Europe specialist at the Centre for European Reform in London. "What this does is it opens the way for much greater parliamentary scrutiny of the whole process," he said. "But we’re only going to get this if the Labour Party is willing to push back. That is not likely, but not impossible."

Brytyjski Sąd Najwyższy zdecydował w sprawie Brexitu i utrzymał wyrok przeciwko rządowi

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Jakub Janiszewski about the Supreme Court's ruling on triggering Article 50.

Three challenges for Mrs May

23 January 2017
Financial Times
As John Springford of the Centre for European Reform tweeted today: “Britain’s trade with the US is only one-third that with the EU. So a US deal unlikely to make up for higher trade barriers with the EU.”

Third Rutte cabinet most likely after March Dutch parliamentary election

Rem Korteweg
20 January 2017
Sputnik News
"This is difficult to predict at the moment. But going by current polls, a coalition that does not include the PVV will need to have, at least, five parties. There could be a centrist coalition including VVD, D66, CDA, PvdA and a smaller party. Or a center-right coalition: VVD, D66, CDA, 50Plus and a smaller Christian party," Rem Korteweg, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told Sputnik, adding that any coalition formed after the election could be quite unstable and the Dutch may be asked to go to the ballot box again soon.

Is Theresa May's Brexit Plan B an elaborate bluff?

19 January 2017
Financial Times
"Threatening to walk away if you don’t get a good deal is a standard negotiating tactic, but if the threat is empty you look a bit foolish," says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank. "Everyone knows she is not an ultraliberal," he says, adding it is inconceivable that parliament would vote for big cuts to environmental, employment or social laws.

Back to 1971: She may not frighten Europe but the prime minister frightens me

18 January 2017
Open democracy
As Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform notes, this is a hollow threat. If she tries to turn the UK into a low-regulation Singapore undercutting the EU, the prime minister will upturn the one set of positive changes she pledges for Britain after Brexit: robust workers’ rights and – perish the word – a European industrial strategy.

Briterne styrer mod totalt brud med EU

Sophia Besch
18 January 2017
Kristeligt Dagblad
Men selv det sidste er ikke entydigt, mener seniorforsker Sophia Besch fra den proeuropæiske tænketank Centre for European Reform (Centre for European Reform) i London. ”Briterne har sagt helt klart, at de ikke længere vil følge EU-Domstolen, og at de vil hente kontrollen tilbage til Storbritannien,” siger hun. Mens Theresa May er klar i mælet, når det gælder, hvad briterne ikke vil, efterlyser Sophia Besch meldinger om, hvad briterne er klar til give. ”Briterne er nødt til at give køb på noget, men hun har ikke løftet sløret og holder kortene meget tæt til kroppen,” mener Sophia Besch.

May praised for "Churchillian" vision as Europe talks tough on Brexit

18 January 2017
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, said that parts of the EU were worried that Mrs May was being deeply unrealistic and that - like David Cameron's bold promises to reform Europe during his Bloomberg speech of January 2013, was setting herself up to fail.

Was Theresa May nicht gesagt hat - aber ansprechen muss

Christian Odendahl
18 January 2017
Der Tagesspiegel
Die britische Premierministerin Theresa May hat in ihrer Lancaster House Rede die zwölf Ziele der Briten in den kommenden Brexit Verhandlungen vorgestellt.

EU could take economic hit to deter Brexit copycats

18 January 2017
Sky News
As the Director of the Centre for European Reform, Charles Grant, says, Mrs May has put the restoration of UK sovereignty ahead of economics. She said herself when she campaigned to remain, that Brexit would hit the British economy.

May's Maggie moment

17 January 2017
EU Observer
As Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform put it, “governments and businesses in many parts of the world will understand the essence of May’s Brexit strategy to be this: what matters is limiting free movement of labour and the rulings of foreign courts, and the price to be paid – the result of lower levels of trade and investment with the EU – of slower economic growth, is too bad.”

What Theresa May's speech means for the Brexit economic outlook

Simon Tilford
17 January 2017
Simon Tilford, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform in London, argues that a transitional deal, one that would run in theory from 2019 through 2022, will still be hard to nail down, as the EU will insist on a high degree of freedom of movement in that time. That would leave May unable to deliver a meaningful cut in immigration before the next election in 2020.

Wielka Brytania: Eksperci ostrożnie o planie May ws. Brexitu

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
17 January 2017
Gazeta Prawna
"Wystąpienie May potwierdziło wiele oczekiwań ekspertów, ale europejscy partnerzy docenią, że brytyjski rząd wreszcie przedstawił zarys swojego planu" - oceniła w rozmowie z PAP analityczka z londyńskiego think tanku Centre for European Reform (CER) Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska.

NPR: British Prime Minister Theresa May outlines plan to leave European Union

Rem Korteweg
17 January 2017
Rem Korteweg speaks to NPR about Theresa May's Brexit speech on the 17 January 2017.

Amnesty warns EU values, rights slipping amid security clampdown

Camino Mortera-Martinez
17 January 2017
Voice of America
Brussels-based justice and home affairs expert Camino Mortera-Martinez, of the Centre for European Reform, agrees that emergency measures have escalated, deepening an old split between those supporting state intervention and others championing privacy and individual rights.
“The question for me is do these measures make sense, are they reasonable?” she says. “It’s not possible in the current context not to have invasive measures on civil liberties in fighting terrorism, because of the exceptional state in which we’re in.”

Trade experts point to a problem with Theresa May's Brexit strategy

Rem Korteweg
17 January 2017
What's more, says Rem Korteweg, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank, even if Britain secured an agreement to reduce tariffs on EU-UK trade and smooth over some customs red tape, it may still fail to remove a major problem for British business after Brexit: checks on UK goods when they cross EU borders.

Donald Trump takes swipe at EU as 'vehicle for Germany'

16 January 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said: "These comments reinforce the view that transatlantic relations are heading for their rockiest period since world war two. His views on Israel, Iran, climate etc are bound to create a chasm across the Atlantic and the UK will be left trying to straddle the divide — and perhaps falling in."