
Europe’s mixed economic messages

Simon Tilford
30 November 2017
Financial Times
 Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform examines the Visegrad four (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) and finds that, economically speaking, all is not well. He points out that while economic production (gross domestic output) has caught up impressively with western Europe, incomes have converged less. The four countries’ GDP per capita ranges from 64 per cent to 82 per cent of the eurozone average; but labour income is only at 50 per cent to 59 per cent. Consumption growth has also lagged behind GDP growth.

Brexit cost rises as Britain retreats on divorce demands

29 November 2017
The New York Times
“Although the current focus is on the separation, the next phase of the talks could prove much harder and more acrimonious,” wrote Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a research institute, in an analysis. “EU negotiators think the British government is deluded about the kind of future relationship it can achieve.”

Brexit breakthrough pits diehards against EU strength

29 November 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform has set out ten predictions for the Brexit talks, including the Irish border will prove the most contentious part of the separation agreement.

Brexiters nowhere to be seen as UK raises white flag over EU divorce bill

29 November 2017
The Guardian
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, said he believed Britain had little realistic choice but to cave in on money, citizens’ rights and the Irish border if it wanted to get to phase two talks on trade. “It is dressed up as a negotiation, but it’s really been a story of the British taking time to realise that they have got to accept what the EU demands of them,” he said. “The EU is intelligent enough not to pursue this in a humiliating way, but the truth is that we have to accept.”

Ireland urged to trust Theresa May

27 November 2017
The Telegraph
Michel Barnier has given a speech at an EU summit in Estonia. Much of what he said was similar to his address to the Centre for European Reform: Britain must choose between a trade deal with the EU or radically different regulation from it.

Irlandia wykolei Brexit? Szykuje się wielka awantura

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 November 2017
Irlandczycy od początku sygnalizowali jak ważna jest to kwestia, ale Brytyjczycy chyba nie docenili wagi tego problemu. Teraz to najważniejsza przeszkoda w tych negocjacjach - mówi w rozmowie z WP Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, analityk Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

CNBC: Brexit divorce bill price won't be most difficult issue to solve

24 November 2017
How the UK government approaches the Irish border will be "much more difficult," Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, told CNBC.

EU reward to Britain for Brexit concessions may prove meager

Simon Tilford
24 November 2017
The Wall Street Journal
There may be some carve-out allowing Britain not to apply new post-Brexit EU laws, “but only if those bits of legislation have no material impact on the” key rules of the EU single market, said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Center for European Reform.

Border issue most likely to scupper Brexit deal, warns UK think-tank

24 November 2017
Irish Independent
Charles Grant, of the Centre for European Reform, which Michel Barnier addressed earlier this week, said he believes a deal can be done - if Ireland agrees to language that signals there would be no regulatory divergence between the North and the Republic. France and Germany are among the countries keen to move on to the next phase of the talks dealing with the future relationship, Mr Grant said.

Brexit bulletin: Suspicious minds

24 November 2017
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, predicted this week that if there’s no breakthrough in December, it will be Ireland, not the financial settlement, that scuppers it.

Britain to face BIGGER issues than EU's demand for HUGE Brexit divorce bill, warns expert

24 November 2017
The Express
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform (CER), said the EU’s demand for a Brexit divorce bill is a small issue in comparison to the Irish border. Speaking to CNBC, Mr Bond said: “I don’t really think at the moment that the exit price is going to be the most difficult thing to solve. I mean, that in a sense is arguing about the price of the carpet. 

Eastern partners, eastern problems

23 November 2017
EU Observer
You can tell something about the degree of enthusiasm the EU has for relations with its eastern partners from the 'Myths about the Eastern Partnership' factsheet posted on an EU website on the eve of the fifth 'Eastern Partnership' summit on November 24th.

Michel Barnier knows the real meaning of 'taking back control'

23 November 2017
The Evening Standard
It is ironic that those on the extreme Right who want to leave the EU will thereby demolish the biggest block to Corbyn’s economic policies. It is interesting, too, that the one politician who has a clear idea of the meaning of “take back control” is not British. Michel Barnier, the European Union’s chief negotiator in the Brexit talks, made this clear at a conference on Monday in Brussels, organised by the Centre for European Reform.

Judy Asks: Can Merkel pull through?

Christian Odendahl
22 November 2017
Carnegie Europe
When I floated the idea of a German minority government in early September and argued that there were upsides to it, the reaction was critical, bordering on hostile.

The British machine is 'Getting its act together' on Brexit

22 November 2017
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, which has a track record of predicting the next steps in Brexit talks, said the perception in Brussels of the British team has improved, and with it the chances of a deal to allow negotiations to move from separation to trade. “EU officials say that British officials are being impressive, and guiding the politicians. The Treasury is more involved and that pleases them, because the Treasury is switched on,” Grant said in an interview. “May is more involved and that pleases them. The British machine is getting its act together.”

EU Commission gives grave WARNING to UK businesses after Barnier SCRAPS passporting rights

22 November 2017
The Express
The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Monday that if the UK leave the single market then financial firms will lose their EU passporting rights. He claimed the UK cannot “cherry pick” at aspects of the single market and it will lose the benefits of the single market when it leaves the European Union. Speaking at a conference by the Centre for European Reform, Mr Barnier said: “On financial services, UK voices suggest that Brexit does not mean Brexit. Brexit means Brexit, everywhere.

Time for tough love for EU rule breakers

22 November 2017
Financial Times
 Brussels should withhold structural funds from countries in breach of the rule of law, argue Jasna Šelih, Ian Bond and Carl Dolan in a new report for the Centre for European Reform.

'You're powerless!' Bombshell report urges Brussels to punish states flouting 'EU values'

22 November 2017
The Express
Brussles should be granted the power to punish rogue member states flouting “EU values” by withholding billions of pounds in funding from them, a landmark report says today. The dossier, compiled by the influential Centre for European Reform think tank, says the bloc’s current deterrents are too weak and have “proved impossible to use in practice”. 

CER podcast series: How to save the EU

Sophia Besch, Christian Odendahl, Anand Menon, Yascha Mounk, Heather Grabbe, Constanze Stelzenmüller, Catherine Mann, Barry Eichengreen
22 November 2017
In November, the CER took more than 50 of Europe's top economists and political commentators to a conference on 'How to save the EU'.

Merkel's troubles may spell trouble for all of Europe

21 November 2017
The New York Times
“I don’t think it makes much difference to Brexit in the short term, because the positions of various parties in Berlin are all pretty hard-line on the issues,” said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform. “But it might matter in the long term, because if the negotiations get stuck, Merkel and Macron could intervene to get a deal,” he said. “That might not happen if Merkel disappears, because the EU got used to her knocking heads together.”