
UE-Wielka Brytania: Brexitu można jeszcze uniknąć

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 January 2018
Agata Gostyńska, ekspertka londyńskiego Centre for European Reform (CER), uważa, że do tej pory scenariusz organizacji ponownego referendum był mało prawdopodobny, bo sprzeciwiali mu się nie tylko torysi, ale także Partia Pracy Jeremy'ego Corbyna. Ten ostatni od lat był mocno sceptyczny wobec integracji.

Why Brussels is not buying Theresa May's 'No Deal' minister bluff

08 January 2018
The Telegraph
As Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, puts it. “The EU-27 do not take the threat of a UK walk out very seriously, believing that the consequences of no deal, while bad for the EU economy, would be catastrophic for the UK economy".

TPP: The UK is having a Pacific pipe dream

Sam Lowe
05 January 2018
The DIT has suggested that Britain should join the Trans-Pacific Partnership — but who's to say that we'd be welcome?

Bratranci, ktorí sa potrebujú

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
05 January 2018
SME Daily (Slovakia)
Orbán viackrát zopakoval, že európska migračná politika zlyhala a krajiny Visegrádu mali vo svojom prístupe pravdu. „Keď odborníci priznali, že myšlienka kvót má svoje muchy, krajiny V4 mali možnosť zapojiť sa do tejto debaty. No namiesto toho si vybrali vzdorovitý protimigračný naratív, ktorý viac uškodil ich medzinárodnej reputácii a oslabil ich vplyv pri vyjednávaní,“ hovorí pre SME analytička Centra pre európsku reformu Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska.

Liam Fox says UK considering option of joining Pacific trade group

Sam Lowe
03 January 2018
The Guardian
Samuel Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, said ministers tried to downplay the gravity model because “it eventually says we shouldn’t leave the EU”. He said the “iron-law of trade” was that you always do more business with a large country nearby – and that as distance doubles, trade halves.

Brexit minister condemned by union for questioning civil servants' impartiality

01 January 2018
The Guardian
Steve Baker, a Brexit minister, refused to dismiss a claim that civil servants were rigging their Brexit analyses to show that the UK should stay in the customs union. The claim was made by the Tory Brexiter Jacob Rees-Mogg. He asked Baker if he had heard the claim from Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, that “officials in the Treasury have deliberately developed a model to show that all options other than staying in the customs union were bad and that officials intended to use this to influence policy”.

Tok FM: Jak Wielka Brytania radzi sobie z Brexitem?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 December 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM and looks back at events in 2017, Brexit and lessons for Poland.

Die Rekruten: The reality show on the frontline of the German army's battle for public support

Sophia Besch
26 December 2017
The Guardian
“I cannot think of another country which is so sceptical about its own armed forces as Germany,” says Sophia Besch, a European defence expert at the Centre for European Reform in London. “As an institution,” she adds, “the Bundeswehr is incredibly insecure.” Forthright attempts after the war to ensure Germany’s newly formed armed forces did not forget the Nazi era are embodied in the concept of a soldier as a “citizen in uniform”. Besch says German soldiers are not allowed to dress up like their British and American counterparts. “It is no accident that they resemble bus drivers,” she adds.

How the EU failed to prevent the Catalan 'train crash'

Camino Mortera-Martinez
26 December 2017
EU Observer
"I don't think the EU was not interested [in what was happening]," political scientist Camino Mortera-Martinez told EU observer. "Both the Spanish and the EU did not think it would go that far. It was unthinkable, even for Madrid."

Businesses WILL continue to choose UK over EU countries DESPITE Brexit, strategist says

Michel Barnier
22 December 2017
The Express
The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said in November that if the UK leaves the single market then financial firms will lose their EU passporting rights. He claimed the UK cannot “cherry pick” at aspects of the single market and it will lose the benefits of the single market when it leaves the European Union. Speaking at a conference by the Centre for European Reform, Mr Barnier said: “On financial services, UK voices suggest that Brexit does not mean Brexit. Brexit means Brexit, everywhere.

New year, old problems for May's Brexit team

21 December 2017
The World Weekly
“The plan for the Irish border doesn’t add up, and everyone knows that,” says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European reform. “There will have to be a hard border of some sort.” The government, in that case, may have to come up with another fudge. “The British will take their promise not to establish a hard border in a vague way,” Mr. Grant told The World Weekly, “perhaps getting around it by saying they simply promised there would be no physical barriers, and so on.”

Secret Government 'analysis' on Brexit is ridiculed as 'printed off Wikipedia' after it reveals 'food is vital', planes have a 'nose, wings and fuselage' and retail is 'large and diverse'

21 December 2017
The Daily Mail
John Springford, director of research at the Centre for European Reform, said he had reviewed the 'aerospace' analysis and concluded: 'It's entirely descriptive. Zero analysis of Brexit impact.'

The Guardian - Politics Weekly podcast: Corbyn's year, digital diplomacy and loneliness

Sam Lowe
20 December 2017
Anushka Asthana is joined by Michael Savage, Ellie Mae O’Hagan and Sam Lowe to discuss a year that saw Jeremy Corbyn strengthen his position as Labour leader and confound expert predictions of Labour's demise.

CER podcast: CER researchers review the year 2017

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Charles Grant, Simon Tilford
20 December 2017
Charles Grant, Simon Tilford and Ian Bond review the political themes and events that shaped 2017, and take a look at some of the predictions they made last year.

Brexit: House of Commons reaches final day of scrutiny of law ending Britain's EU membership

20 December 2017
First Post
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said that as long as Britain's goals remained vague, competing forces in May's government could keep together. "But the real difficulties ahead lie when the British will ask for special system of regulatory alignment — they won't get it," he said.

Brexit Britain faces a reality check on trade

Charles Grant, Beth Oppenheim
19 December 2017
Britain and the European Union are finally set to begin what promises to be the toughest stage of the Brexit process: negotiating a new relationship and a transition phase to bed down the changes.

Barnier: "No special deal"

Michel Barnier
19 December 2017
Financial Times
Barnier oversaw the financial sector as an EU Commissioner and his views on post-Brexit relations in this field are pretty categorical. His speech last month to the Centre for European Reform outlined his position in more detail.

UK should work more closely with MEPs on Brexit

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
18 December 2017
EU Observer
When it comes to engaging with the European Parliament on Britain's withdrawal from the EU, Brexit secretary David Davis looks to have made a wise call.

BBC Today programme: UK's future relations with the EU

18 December 2017
Charles Grant speaks to the Today programme about what the UK's relationship with the EU post-Brexit, he explains that the EU will not be offering a bespoke deal to the UK (from 2:44mins).

Brace yourself for the next Brexit faultline: The battle over transition

18 December 2017
The Guardian
Will Theresa May be able to convince her party of the necessity for a transition period, during which the UK obeys EU rules without having any say in them?