
Trump on the island: Why the US president will not help the British premier

Christian Odendahl, Beth Oppenheim
13 July 2018
 “Future arrangements will complicate the fact that the US and the EU adhere to different regulatory standards, said research staff of the Centre for European Reform, Beth Oppenheim and Christian Odendahl. According to analysts, the standards of food production in America are lower than in the EU, so the United States has long been calling for barriers to be removed in this sector. "If Britain intends to adhere to pan-European standards, the United States will have less incentive to complete the trade deal," experts concluded.”

Chequers plan for EU goods rules out Indian trade deal

Sam Lowe
12 July 2018
The Times
Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said: “If the UK remains bound by the EU’s approach to plant and animal health it will remain unable to address many of the concerns laid out by India, potentially making a far-reaching free trade agreement all the more difficult.”

The Spectator Podcast: Is the Brexit drama just beginning?

12 July 2018
Is Brexit going in circles? With the resignations of David Davis and Boris Johnson – and widespread unhappiness at the Prime Minister’s Chequers plan – it is hard to pretend that things are going well. But is the drama only just getting started?

Inching our way towards Jersey

Sam Lowe
12 July 2018
Financial Times
“The EU will probably reject Theresa May’s Chequers compromise. Rather than confronting the EU on its fundamental principles, the UK should build upon the foundations of a customs union,” wrote Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Judy Asks: Is Trump wrong about NATO?

Sophia Besch
11 July 2018
Carnegie Europe
A selection of experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

CER event podcast: CER/KAS Conference on 'Plugging in the British: Completing the circuit'

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Charles Grant, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Yvette Cooper MP, Claude Moraes MEP, Peter Storr, Rosa Balfour, Simon Fraser, Paul Johnston, Nick Westcott, Felix Dane, Paul Everitt, Kori Schake, Julie Smith
11 July 2018
Three panels of experts gathered at the CER/KAS conference, ‘Plugging in the British: Completing the Circuit’ at the Royal United Services Institute.

BBC World Service: Trump: NATO Allies 'delinquent'

Sophia Besch
11 July 2018
Sophia Besch a research fellow a the Centre for European Reform spoke to the BBC World Service about how US relations with its NATO allies are “at an absolute low point. The European allies seem traumatised and shocked. …I personally think there is very little that they can do to convince Trump of the NATO value but we will see how they get on over the next 48 hours.” (from 37:53 mins).

Voice of America: NATO summit overshadowed by defence spending spat

Sophia Besch
11 July 2018
Singling out Germany isn't necessarily fair, said defence analyst Sophia Besch of the Centre for European Reform.

BBC Newsnight: NATO summit

Sophia Besch
11 July 2018
Sophia Besch, a research fellow at the CER spoke to Newsnight (from 31:57 mins) from the NATO summit.

Europe's response to May's plan could cost her more ministers

10 July 2018
The Guardian
The EU’s initial reaction to the Chequers plan is polite, but negative. The prime minister will have to make further concessions before it is accepted.

NATO desperate to avoid rerun of disastrous G7 summit

Sophia Besch
10 July 2018
Deutsche Welle
"We're absolutely right to be nervous," said Sophia Besch, a fellow with the Centre for European Reform (CER), about the possibility a Trump-Merkel clash could derail the summit. "[Trump] is framing the 2 per cent as the golden ticket for any European leaders to get into his good graces, and that's why everyone is so worried." Only seven allies other than the US invest in their militaries at the desired level, though all 29 are increasing their defense budgets now, a trend that started in 2014.

Donald Trump UK visit: When is Trump coming to the UK? Will he visit London?

10 July 2018
The Express
Ian Bond, director of Foreign Policy and the Centre for European Reform, said: “Trump’s visit will be more of a minefield than manna from heaven for the Prime Minister. "He is hugely unpopular in the UK, and her invitation to him to pay a State Visit attracted a lot of criticism."

Deutsche Welle: NATO desperate to avoid rerun of disastrous G7 summit

Sophia Besch
10 July 2018
Sophia Besch, a research fellow with the Centre for European Reform (CER), spoke to Deursche Welle about the possibility that a Trump-Merkel clash could derail the summit. "[Trump] is framing the 2 per cent as the golden ticket for any European leaders to get into his good graces, and that's why everyone is so worried. (From -3: 18 mins)

NATO, the Queen, Putin and some golf – Trump has a busy week coming up

Sam Lowe
10 July 2018
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told CNBC’s “Street Signs” on Monday that the “special relationship” between the UK and US is “quite fraught at the moment.” “President Trump isn’t particularly popular in the UK. Last week, there was a bit of a kerfuffle over the fact that someone is going to fly an air balloon with an effigy of Trump in a nappy and that’s been allowed in London. I don’t think he takes very well to personal insults, so he will notice it,” Lowe said. “So there’s problems there on the transatlantic side.”

Nato summit: Europe's fight to overcome its reliance on US for defence

Sophia Besch
09 July 2018
The Times
Sophia Besch, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, fears that the EU’s defence fund plan could turn into European protectionism if Britain is excluded. “EU strategic autonomy is not achievable without the UK,” she said.

Trump will be May's 'GUEST FROM HELL' during UK visit, former diplomat warns

09 July 2018
The Express
US President Donald Trump will be Theresa May's "guest from hell" when he arrives in the UK on Friday, with the British Prime Minister locked in a desperate battle to stay in her job after the sensational resignations of Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Brexit secretary David Davis, former diplomat Ian Bond has said.

CNBC: Hard to see who would replace UK Prime Minister Theresa May

Sam Lowe
09 July 2018
The European Union is waiting for someone concrete to negotiate with, says Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

What the Chequers agreement means for farmers

Sam Lowe
09 July 2018
Farmers Weekly
Speaking to the House of Lords EU External Affairs sub-committee last week, Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, highlighted the risks for the UK of breaking away. He said every product of animal origin shipped to the EU from third countries has to enter via a special veterinary border inspection post. Upon leaving the EU, the number of avenues for British goods into Europe would be slashed, as not every entry point has such a facility.

Cream tea and compromise as May secures another reprieve

07 July 2018
The Guardian
Writing for the Observer, Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, who is in close touch with senior figures in Brussels, says: “The EU will reject Theresa May’s proposals. It views her complex customs proposals as unworkable and believes that the four freedoms of the single market are indivisible – movement of goods must go with labour, services and capital. If the UK could ‘cherrypick’ the single market, others might seek a similar status, thereby undermining the EU’s strength and cohesion.”

After May's deal, many people will ask, does Brexit have any point?

07 July 2018
The Observer
Three experts, Vernon Bogdanor, Charles Grant and Claire Fox give their verdict on the compromise agreed by the prime minister and her cabinet.