
Article 50 extension would need major shift in UK politics, say EU officials

22 July 2018
The Guardian
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said that following his discussions with French government officials and the commission it was clear that a high bar would be set for an extension. “If there is a very good reason for it, then fine,” he said. “But if it is just because a deal hasn’t been agreed, then that’s not going to be fine. The commission and the French government say they are relaxed about a no deal, although I am not sure they are.”

With Brexit deadlocked, Britain stares over a cliff

21 July 2018
The New York Times
“Basically nobody has the faintest idea what will happen,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a research institute. “The risk is real of political deadlock in Britain with Britain drifting toward the cliff edge.”

'Dead on arrival!' Brexit White Paper is 'stalking horse' for a customs union – think-tank

Sam Lowe
20 July 2018
The Express
BREXIT proposals set out in the Government's White Paper have zero chance of being accepted by the European Union in their current form, an economist with the Centre for European Reform think tank has warned. And senior research fellow Sam Lowe has suggested that the facilitated customs partnership idea set out in the document amounts to a "stalking horse" for the UK being part of a straightforward customs union.

ABC Radio: Does Donald Trump's step towards Putin seal a new world order?

20 July 2018
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to ABC about how for many in the global community, the Helsinki summit signals the manifestation of a new world order, coming just days after Donald Trump waged rhetorical war against US allies in Europe, criticising Germany's Angela Merkel, Britain's Theresa May and NATO.

Spain becomes top EU migrant destination; Italy blamed for deaths at sea

19 July 2018
Voice of America
The fall in migrant numbers in Italy has given the League party a political boost at home, says analyst Luigi Scazzieri of the Centre for European Reform. "The figures had already dropped very much under the previous government, due to a set of deals Italy had struck with Libya. Indeed, the arrivals had dropped very sharply. Now, of course, the policy of preventing NGO boats from docking has led to an even further decrease. But more than that, it's led to a very strong political win for the League, especially because other European countries have now been forced to take in some of the migrants arriving in Italy," Scazzieri told VOA.

Monocle podcast: The Globalist - Polish judicial system reform

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
19 July 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research felow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to the Monocle about how Poland wants to reform its judicial system (from 13:40 mins).

May's Brexit model is alive and kicking

Sam Lowe
18 July 2018
Financial Times
Above all, there is a decision to be made between the current free movement of goods across Britain’s European borders (thus protecting both the peace settlement in Northern Ireland as well as manufacturing supply chains) or taking a maximalist view of “taking back control”. This choice is one that May has taken — in favour of the former. The white paper may not state this clearly — many political fig leaves remain in place — but as Sam Lowe rightly puts it, she is “inching our way towards Jersey”. That refers to the “Jersey model” of free movement of goods, with the UK being a full rule-taker as far as the production and trading of goods is concerned, which both Lowe and I have outlined.

A second Brexit referendum is back in play

18 July 2018
The Economist
 It would almost certainly be necessary for Britain to ask the EU for more time. It would probably agree, believes Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, though it would hope to resolve matters before elections to the European Parliament at the end of May.

EU rejects protectionism in huge trade deal with Japan

18 July 2018
The Times
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, said the EU-Japan deal was a “rebuff to the US attempts to move away from the multilateral order to an order based on the principle of might being right”.

What it was like to attend that Trump-Putin press conference

17 July 2018
The Atlantic
The bizarre dynamic, experts warn, is likely to leave Putin emboldened after the meeting in Helsinki. “What generates stability is that your adversary knows that doing anything stupid will be met with a costly response,” Ian Bond, a former British diplomat in Moscow, told me. “So to the extent that they’re given a pass, you’re encouraging them to do it again and that is increasing instability.”

The Tory civil war over Brexit

Sam Lowe
17 July 2018
Financial Times
Today at Westminster, there is much debate over how much technical damage the Rees-Mogg amendments really did to Chequers. Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform is among a number of analysts who believe it was actually less harmful than Brexiters believe.

CER wins the 2018 Prospect Award for 'Think Tank of the Year'

17 July 2018
Ian Bond and Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska represented the Centre for European Reform at the Prospect think tank awards, and were delighted to accept the award for Think Tank of the year.

How Theresa May could stumble off the Brexit cliff

17 July 2018
One commits the UK to leaving the EU’s VAT area after Brexit. Some experts say this all but guarantees a hard border in Ireland, undermining the whole purpose of May’s compromise Chequers plan. Charles Grant, the director of the Center for European Reform, said: “Unless we stay in EU’s VAT area, we cannot avoid a hard border.”

CER wins the 2018 Prospect Award for 'Think Tank of the Year'

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Ian Bond
17 July 2018
Ian Bond and Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska represented the Centre for European Reform at the Prospect think tank awards, and were delighted to accept the award for Think Tank of the year.

DOMINIC LAWSON: Any Brexit plan that Peter Mandelson and Jacob Rees-Mogg BOTH think is hopeless must be an absolute stinker!

15 July 2018
Mail Online
'But if May wants a deal, her red lines will have to shift. She has already agreed to be a rule taker and accepted a role for the European Court of Justice. She will also have to accept some sort of customs union, payments to the EU and something close to free movement of labour.'

Just sitting down with Trump, Putin comes out ahead

15 July 2018
The New York Times
Ian Bond, a former British diplomat in Moscow who is now director for foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, a research group in London, said he would normally cheer any chance for leaders to sit down and hash out their problems.

Brexit: How Trump strengthens the case of the remainers

14 July 2018
The Globalist
And when even liberal voices such as Charles Grant of the London-based Centre for European Reform talks about it being unacceptable to having a deal with the EU like Norway because that would make the UK a “vassal state,” it goes to show one sad fact: The UK is still very long on imperial attitudes – and very short on realism.

BBC Radio 4 - Today programme: White paper - goods and services post-Brexit

Sam Lowe
13 July 2018
Sam Lowe of the CER spoke to the Today Programme about the implications of the governments' white paper on goods and service post-Brexit (from 15:00 mins).

CER podcast: A guide to the White Paper

Sam Lowe, Beth Oppenheim
13 July 2018
Beth Oppenheim asks Sam Lowe about the UK government's recent White Paper on Brexit, and whether it stands any chance of being accepted by the EU.

Trump's criticism of May's Brexit plan zeroes in on trade reality

Sam Lowe
13 July 2018
The Wall Street Journal
Mr Trump’s interview upset many in the UK by undermining his host on the day he arrived in the country. But the message wasn’t wrong, trade specialists say.“Fundamentally, it’s the correct analysis,” says Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the London-based Centre for European Reform, a pro-EU think-tank. “The closer the UK remains to the EU, the more difficult it becomes to do a trade deal with the US.”