
Budget 2018: What to expect

29 October 2018
UK Investor
An analysis by the Centre for European Reform has found that the UK economy is 2.5% smaller now than if the British public voted to remain within the EU.

Is ‘Norway for Now’ a runner?

29 October 2018
The Financial Times
John Springford, of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, says Mr Boles’s idea is not a runner. “The EU has no interest in trying to organise a UK accession to the EEA for a short-term period rather than simply extending the transition,” he said.

Angela Merkel will not get to pass the crown to her preferred successor without a fight

Sophia Besch, Leonard Schuette
29 October 2018
The Telegraph
German Chancellor Merkel announced today that she would not run again for the leadership of her conservative CDU/CSU party. The end of Merkel’s chancellorship is in sight.

Budget: More cash for NHS but crackdown on tech firms expected

28 October 2018
The Guardian
Brexit is already costing us at £500m a week, according to a pro-European thinktank – compared with the £350m “dividend” plastered on the sides of the leave campaign bus. The Centre for European Reform’s analysis also suggests that the size of the UK economy is 2.5% smaller than it would have been had remain won the referendum. In cash terms, the public finances have been hit by £26bn a year.

Sorbonne: A year on

26 October 2018
The Financial Times
Emmanuel Macron’s blockbuster EU vision speech is one year old and almost none of his big ideas have come into fruition. Leonard Schuette at the Centre for European Reform reviews the French president’s “mediocre record” thus far. “For some of the slow progress, Macron is to blame. But by and large, Macron’s plans were stymied by developments outside his control. Due to his reliance on support from other member-states — particularly Germany and Italy — he has been held hostage by parochial domestic politics elsewhere. At home, his popularity is waning.”

Why Britain’s economy will be more European after Brexit

25 October 2018
Brexit rubs salt in the wound. By stopping the free movement of people from the EU it limits the scope for migration to offset the demographic brake. And by harming Britain’s main trading relationship it inflicts further economic costs. Already GDP is 2.5 percent smaller than if Britain had voted to remain in the 2016 referendum, according to the Centre for European Reform.

Italy and the EU: There is no good outcome from here

24 October 2018
The European Union has taken the unprecedented step of rejecting the Italian budget.

CER podcast: The cost of Brexit to June 2018

Beth Oppenheim, John Springford
24 October 2018
The UK economy is 2.5 per cent smaller as a result of the vote to leave the EU. John Springford talks to Beth Oppenheim about his latest analysis, how he has refined his modelling method and the implications of the findings. 

Ekspert: Briti parlament hoiab peaminister Mayd kahvlis

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 October 2018
Sõltumata sellest, kas Ühendkuningriigi peaminister Theresa May tooks Brüsselist koju pehme või karmi Brexiti, püsib tõenäosus, et Briti parlament sellega ei nõustu, selgub intervjuust mõttekoja Centre for European Reform vanemteaduri Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska.

The silent struggle at the heart of Brexit

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 October 2018
According to Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, the Brexit talks "have revealed that the British have limited understanding of how the EU operates. Some in the UK still tend to think that the EU would bend backwards and offer the UK a sweet deal if only the British negotiators knew how to properly exert pressure on the EU 27.

Debunking Jacob Rees-Mogg’s claim an extension period will make the UK a ‘vassal state’

Sam Lowe
19 October 2018
In an effort to break the Brexit negotiation deadlock over the Irish backstop, it is reported that Theresa May has conceded that the standstill transition period could be extended beyond its current deadline of December 2020.

A second Brexit referendum is wishful thinking

Beth Oppenheim
19 October 2018
The UK's 2016 Brexit referendum was meant to put the vexed question of Britain's relationship with Europe to bed forever - it didn't. 

UK businesses despair as a no-deal Brexit looms, EU silent on contingency plans

19 October 2018
The Australian Financial Review
"When we had a fuel strike in the early 2000s, that led quite quickly to people stockpiling fuel and huge queues at the petrol pump. We'd be looking at something pretty similar," says John Springford, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform."But my suspicion is that the UK and EU will co-ordinate to try and get essential things through, like food and fuel, and keep the flights in the air."

EU influence: Influencers

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
19 October 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska is moving to the Centre for European Reform’s Brussels office to work on the 2019 EU election, Brexit and rule of law issues.

Brexit latest: Jeremy Hunt calls on Tories to stay united behind PM

19 October 2018
Deputy director at the Centre for European Reform John Springford said: “The taxpayer would gain from another year of single market membership.”

Polskie Radio 24: Szczyt UE bez przełomu w sprawie Brexitu

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
19 October 2018
Unia Europejska zgodzi się na wydłużony okres przejściowy po Brexicie, jeśli zechce tego Wielka Brytania - tak deklarowali szefowie unijnych instytucji na zakończenie szczytu w Brukseli. - Stawka jest wysoka, bo parlament brytyjski może zagłosować przeciwko umowie o wyjściu i deklaracji do niej dołączonej – mówiła w "Magazynie europejskim” Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspertka z Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

Regime Change? The European Economy to 2030

17 October 2018
Brink News
After a decade of putting out the fires of the Great Recession of 2008-09, the euro crisis of 2010-12, and the migration crisis, which blew up in 2015, now is the right time to ask: What regime does the European economy need by 2030?

British trade negotiator's conundrum: Can he actually make any deals?

Sam Lowe
16 October 2018
The Wall Street Journal
If the UK is barred for doing trade deals for goods in coming years, it can focus on promoting trade in services. It could work on ways to get regulators in different countries to co-operate on mutually recognized rules to help British firms do business there, for instance. While talks on services are possible, “broad services agreements don’t really exist,” says Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

Cumbres borrascosas

Camino Mortera-Martinez
16 October 2018
El Periodico Internacional
Esta no es la mejor semana para ser corresponsal, diplómatico o turista en Bruselas. Entre el martes y el viernes, la ciudad habrá acogido siete cumbres. 

Crisis or choreography over Brexit?

15 October 2018
The Financial Times
At the same time the PM needs to reduce the lengthy period between the moment she signs a final deal in Brussels and the moment she puts it to the Commons. “She needs to sign an agreement very close to the moment she has a meaningful vote,” says John Springford of the Centre for European Reform. “On the current timetable, if she were to land an agreement this week, there would be up to two months for backbench opponents and the Eurosceptic media to tear it apart.”