
Een Vandaag: Waarom blijven zoveel Britten de brexit steunen

13 October 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, speaks to Een Vandaag about why so many Brits continue to support Brexit.

Brexit already hurting UK economy and no-deal risks recession, says Office for Budget Responsibility

11 October 2018
The Independent
The Bank of England and some independent analysts, including the Centre for European Reform, have suggested that the Leave result has held back UK GDP growth by between 2 and 2.5 per cent relative to where it otherwise would have been due to lower household spending, resulting from the spike in inflation after the vote, and lower business investment due to Brexit-related uncertainty.

Filling in the gaps in the Brexit deal

11 October 2018
The Economist
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, says several countries are keener to enforce a level playing-field on regulation than they are to keep untrammelled free movement of people. So some limits may be acceptable.

The UK economy since the Brexit vote

11 October 2018
The Financial Times
Financial Times research has shown that by the end of the first quarter, the UK economy was between 1 and 1.5 per cent smaller than it would have been without the Brexit vote, although some independent estimates, such as a recent report from the Centre for European Reform, suggest the hit could have been as large as 2.5 per cent.

The Guardian - Politics Weekly podcast: The Irish border, SNP conference and emotions in politics

11 October 2018
Heather Stewart is joined by Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, Katy Hayward and Lisa O’Carroll to discuss one of the toughest issues yet to be resolved in the Brexit negotiations: the Irish border.

Discussion paper No.3 Brexit and the OBR's forecasts

11 October 2018
Office for Budget Responsibility
The Centre for European Reform found that cumulative UK growth was lower by 2.5 percentage points between the second quarter of 2016 and the second quarter of 2018 than the comparator. Born et al (2018) found that the shortfall in GDP growth was 2.0 percentage points over the same period.2 It is noteworthy that the estimates are broadly similar, despite the composition of the doppelgangers differing significantly.

CER podcast: Instability in Libya and a divided EU

Sophia Besch, Luigi Scazzieri
10 October 2018
Sophia Besch asks Luigi Scazzieri about the latest escalation of the conflict in Libya, and they discuss the EU's fragmented policy.

„May ist ein Desaster”

10 October 2018
Das Endspiel hat begonnen: Brexit-Experte Charles Grant über den Niedergang der politischen Klasse in England, das Trauerspiel der Premierministerin – und das Vorbild Schweiz.

Brexit’s economic damage is getting real

10 October 2018
The Edge Markets
The Centre for European Reform’s (CER) John Springford has taken the Born-led model a step further. The CER approach uses not just GDP, but also other attributes of 22 advanced economies — including the inflation rate, openness to trade, investment ratio and how well-educated the population is — to create a doppelganger UK that most closely matches the country’s economy before the referendum. Based on that methodology, the CER puts the cost of Brexit at 2.5% of GDP.

Fears rat hair, maggots and mould might start appearing in British food following post-Brexit trade deal

Sam Lowe
10 October 2018
The Independent
Sam Lowe, a trade specialist at the Centre For European Reform, predicted that the US would want the UK to move away from EU food standards and much closer to its own in any future free trade deal negotiation. “The US actively dislikes many existing EU measures and will certainly pressurise the UK to jettison many of them in any FTA negotiations with the UK,” Mr Lowe told Business Insider.

Die Frau, die über den Brexit entscheidet

Sam Lowe
10 October 2018
Die Welt
In London vermutet man hinter Fosters lauter Ablehnung derweil Kalkül. „Meint sie ihr Nein ernst? Anfangs hatte die DUP auch eine Unterstützung der Minderheitsregierung abgelehnt und sich dann doch darauf eingelassen“, erinnert Sam Lowe daran, dass May Nordirland nach der Wahl kurzfristig umgerechnet 1,2 Milliarden Euro Sonderhilfen zusagte. „Nordirland ist in vielerlei Hinsicht nicht in Großbritannien integriert. Etwa in seiner kategorischen Ablehnung der rechtlich verbindlichen Homo-Ehe oder des Abtreibungsrechts. Das Beharren auf die Integrität des Territoriums birgt aber hohe Symbolik, und die ist wichtig für die DUP“, sagt der Handelsexperte vom Centre for European Reform.

Post-Brexit Britain: Why UK could be forced to accept rat hair and maggots in their food after US trade deal

Sam Lowe
10 October 2018
The Daily Mail
Sam Lowe, a trade specialist for the Centre For European Reform told Business Insider that the US would 'pressure' the UK to align its food standards closer with the FDA rules. 
'The US actively dislikes many existing EU measures and will certainly pressurise the UK to jettison many of them in any FTA negotiations with the UK,' Lowe told BI this week. 

Le Pen i Salvini nie chcą utożsamiać się z Trumpem

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 October 2018
Partie populistyczne wyciągnęły wnioski z przeszłości i nie obiecują już wyprowadzenia swoich państw z UE. Szczególnie po decyzji Wielkiej Brytanii o brexicie wiedzą, że to nie jest postulat popierany przez wyborców – zauważa Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska z Centre for European Reform (CER) w Londynie.

Brexit's economic damage is getting real

09 October 2018
The Centre for European Reform’s John Springford has taken the Born-led model a step further. The CER approach uses not just GDP, but also other attributes of 22 advanced economies — including the inflation rate, openness to trade, investment ratio and how well-educated the population is — to create a doppelganger U.K. that most closely matches the country’s economy before the referendum. Based on that methodology, the CER puts the cost of Brexit at 2.5 percent of GDP.

UK businessman posts defiant anti-Brexit war cry

09 October 2018
France 24
Leaving the EU is “a car crash waiting to happen” and “the worst thing to happen to the UK since the Second World War”, he said, citing an estimated cost of £500 million a week that was provided last month by the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

Remainers shouldn't assume EU leaders will welcome another Brexit referendum

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Beth Oppenheim
08 October 2018
The Telegraph
Prime Minister Theresa May has yet again ruled out a new EU referendum. There has already been a people’s vote, and the people voted to leave, she told her party conference last week.

Remainers shouldn’t assume EU leaders will welcome second referendum

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Beth Oppenheim
08 October 2018
The Financial Times
“The member states and the EU institutions want the UK out before the European Parliament elections in late May 2019 and the nomination of a new commission afterwards, or Britain would be obliged to take part. The EU has already agreed to redistribute 27 of Britain’s 73 seats in the European Parliament to other member states. France — one of the hardliners in the Brexit talks — is among the countries that are due to benefit from this redistribution. It is hard to imagine that Paris will be eager to give the UK more leeway.” (Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, senior research fellow and Beth Oppenheim, researcher at the Centre for European Reform).

Staying in the EU is best for everyone apart from Boris Johnson

07 October 2018
The Mirror
Brexit already costs £500million a week after uncertainty slashed economic growth by 2.5%, according to the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

Rachel Reeves: Why I’m backing a People’s Vote on any Brexit deal

06 October 2018
The Yorkshire Post
The £500m cost is the conclusion of the Centre for European Reform which warned the UK economy was already 2.5 per cent smaller than it would have been Britain had voted to remain in the EU.

Britain faces more than a decade in EU trade limbo once Brexit deal signed

Sam Lowe
05 October 2018
The Telegraph
Sam Lowe, senior research fellow and trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, said, “It is unlikely that anything of substance will be agreed on the future trade relationship before leaving, meaning there will be much left to discuss in the transition.“If there was a clear direction and agreed, set parameters it is possible that the negotiations could be concluded before the transition ends, it seems improbable.”