Luigi Scazzieri

Luigi Scazzieri

Senior research fellow
Areas of expertise 

European foreign and security policy, Italy and the EU, transatlantic relations, migration.


How the EU and third countries can manage migration

01 November 2017
The EU's response to migrants crossing the Mediterranean is shifting from internal reforms to deals with countries in Africa and Asia. This approach has potential pitfalls and upsides.

Turkey and the EU: No end to the drift

16 October 2017
Turkey's slide away from the West encompasses both values and foreign policy. But if the EU ended the accession negotiations without an alternative in place, it would only worsen the problem.
How the West can contain – and end – the conflict in Ukraine

How the West can contain - and end - the conflict in Ukraine

15 September 2017
New US sanctions on Russia prevent a backroom Trump-Putin deal on Ukraine, but they also threaten Western unity. They should prompt the EU to re-invigorate the Minsk agreement. 

Trump, Europe and the Middle East peace process: A path out of the quicksand

23 June 2017
The Middle East peace process is frozen. Rather than attempting to reach an all-or-nothing final agreement, Europe and the US should pursue an incremental approach.
The EU and Libya: Realism or irrelevance

The EU and Libya: Realism or irrelevance

03 February 2017
Europe cannot view Libya only through the lens of migration. It needs to stabilise the country, brokering a compromise between different factions.

Italy's referendum: Much ado about little

28 November 2016
Whatever the outcome, Italy's referendum is not the watershed moment in Italian politics many are making it out to be.
