Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


Эксперт о миротворцах на Донбассе: "Максимум, что может быть, – увеличение миссии ОБСЕ"

20 February 2015
Ian Bond explains why Ukraine's request for UN peacekeepers won't be met, but it may get more OSCE observers to monitor the ceasefire in the east (in Russian).

Minsk peace is an illusion

The Moscow Times
15 February 2015
It is easy to see the short-term imperative of the deal agreed in Minsk on February 12th for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko: His troops have been on the retreat since New Year's, as Russia has inserted more forces and equipment into eastern Ukraine.
France, Germany and Britain have all come out...

Judy Asks: can the west save Ukraine?

Carnegie Europe
08 February 2015
A selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

The former British ambassador in Latvia: the Cold War is already taking place (in Russian and Latvian)

13 January 2015
Эксклюзив: Вторая Холодная война уже идет, уверен бывший британский посол в Латвии

Russia and the US play the blame game

The Moscow Times
18 December 2014
The US Senate Intelligence Committee's recently released report on CIA torture of terrorist suspects makes stomach-churning reading. 

Judy Asks: Can Tusk boost EU foreign policy?

Carnegie Europe
03 December 2014
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

О британской иррациональности...

Ukranian Daily DEN
18 November 2014
Ян БОНД: "У нас существует мысль, что можно иметь выгоду от членства в ЕС благодаря доступу к единому рынку, не будучи членами евросообщества" (In Russian and English).

Analist britanic: "Sunt sceptic că Noul Drum al Mătăsii are sens din punct de vedere comercial" (interview in Romanian)

The Epoch Times
07 October 2014
Ian Bond a explicat într-un amplu interviu acordat Epoch Times care sunt barierele în calea Noului Drum al Mătăsii, de ce Rusia şi China au interese divergente în Asia Centrală şi ce vrea să facă Putin în continuare în Ucraina.

Мистецтво (не) розійтися/The art of (not) breaking a relationship (with English translation)

The Day
23 September 2014
Які уроки треба винести Європі з шотландського референдуму/What lessons should Europe draw from the Scottish referendum?