Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


CER podcast: Discussion on Theresa May's new cabinet

15 July 2016
A conversation about the strategy behind recent appointments, consequences for Britain’s foreign policy and trade relations, and an outlook on the start of negotiations with the EU-27. 

Euronews: Brexit: rischi di contagio

28 June 2016
Ian Bond, del Centre for European Reform, commenta: “Molto dipende da che cosa accadrà al Regno Unito. L’importante è non dare l’impressione che sia tutto facile. Penso che l’approccio alla Boris Johnson, che vuole la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca, non l’avrà vinta. I leader europei gli diranno: avete una scelta, è una scelta fra due opzioni, e basta”.

Radio Svoboda: Британія може опинитися в ситуації України

22 June 2016
Ian Bond the director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Radio Svoboda about the UK's EU referendum.

Polskie Radio: Brexit - historyczny wybór Wielkiej Brytanii?

22 June 2016
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Polskie Radio about the UK's EU referendum.

CER podcast: Europe after Bremain - an agenda for the UK

17 June 2016
Sophia Besch talks to John Springford, Camino Mortera-Martinez and Ian Bond on what role the UK could play in the EU following a vote to stay in on June 23rd.

Ten things Cameron should do if we vote "Remain"

16 June 2016
If the UK votes on 23rd June to stay in the EU, Britain and its partners will face a choice: to carry on with their previous dysfunctional relationship, or to create something better.
The EU and NATO will both want to make Brexit work

The EU and NATO will both want to make Brexit work

The Telegraph
11 June 2016
The leaders of Nato's 28 member-states met in Warsaw last week against a background of security crises on all sides.

Russia using refugee crisis to divide the West

Anadolu Post
08 June 2016
Russia is deploying a raft of measures, from propaganda to threats of nuclear war in an effort to divide and weaken the West. After a slow start, the West is responding.
Liam Fox is wrong to suggest that the EU controls the Foreign Office

Liam Fox is wrong to suggest that the EU controls the Foreign Office

The Spectator
14 May 2016
Former Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox told an audience at the Royal United Services Institute last week that the Foreign Office had been reduced to “little more than the EU embassy in Whitehall”.

CER podcast: Five questions on the implications of a Brexit for the EU

04 May 2016
In the first of a series of podcasts on the implications of a Brexit for the EU, Sophia Besch talks to CER's director of foreign policy Ian Bond.