
Is Europe at a crossroad?

12 April 2024
“If you think of a world in which geopolitical tensions are going up and in which you have to rearm, being the slow grower is not good news. You are drifting down the economic league table,” Sander Tordoir, a senior economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank, told Euractiv. 
 CER Podcast: Unlocking better regulation in Europe

CER Podcast: Unlocking better regulation in Europe

Zach Meyers, Anthony Teasdale
11 April 2024
Anthony Teasdale and Zach Meyers discuss better regulation.

Rapport: EU:s lagar måste bli bättre för företagen

11 April 2024
Svenskt Naringsliv
En rapport som tagits fram av tankesmedjan Centre for European Reform, CER, visar att EU kan göra mycket mer för att lindra regelbördan för företagen. En central del av kritiken är att EU-kommissionen under ordföranden Ursula von der Leyen har klubbat igenom för många lagar och regler för snabbt och utan tillräcklig genomlysning och förankring.

Comment la France va tenter de défendre sa crédibilité à Bruxelles

10 April 2024
Le Figaro
« Les règles budgétaires sont des garde-fous destinés à préserver la confiance entre les États membres, plutôt qu’à être appliquées au pied de la lettre », explique Sander Tordoir, économiste au Centre for European Reform, à Berlin.

„Finanzcrash in Zeitlupe“ – Ökonomen fürchten das Auslaufen des EU-Wiederaufbaufonds im Jahr 2026

09 April 2024
Table Europe
Sander Tordoir schrieb in einem Papier 2023, dass das EU-Budget mit denneuen Schuldenregeln hätte verbunden werden müssen. Dies würdedie Investitionsbudgets schützen, während es einen Anreiz liefere, dienationalen Budgets in Ordnung zu bringen. 

Draghi acude [otra vez] al rescate de Europa con el viejo recetario keynesiano

08 April 2024
El Diario
Sander Tordoir, del Centre for European Reform (CER), think-tank paneuropeísta, pone el dedo en la llaga: la competitividad es una nebulosa de la que siempre hablan los lobistas para presagiar época de vacas flacas, pero, en esta ocasión, en Europa, es un asunto urgente y un baño de realidad, del que “no saldrá con éxito” si no estimula la movilidad laboral, distribuye más equitativamente la riqueza o no canalizan adecuadamente sus cualificaciones laborales.
Ian Bond

Euronews: Brussels, my love? Is Europe ready for Trump in the White House?

06 April 2024
We were joined by Ian Bond, deputy director of the CER who warned that Trump was "subservient" to Putin - which is a threat to America's European allies.

Going underground: Behind the growing demand for luxury doomsday bunkers

06 April 2024
The best way to avoid a major geopolitical conflict is not to build a bunker but to demand your local representatives fund the Ukrainian war effort, according to Ian Bond, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform.Bond believes that politicians "will eventually take notice" that there’s more public support behind the war and will do something about it if pressured for long enough and by enough people.
Ian Bond

TRT World: As NATO marks its 75th anniversary, is the alliance promoting peace or provoking global conflict?

04 April 2024
As the alliance marks its 75th anniversary, we ask the questions: is NATO a protector of global peace or a potential threat to it? And what does the future hold for the alliance in the next 75 years? Ian Bond, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform (from 07;10 mins)...

Ukrainian Strikes on Russian oil refineries: What's the impact?

03 April 2024
"Since Russian import capacity for refined oil products is limited in the short run, since they're set up to export, it's actually a fairly clever way of causing disruption in the Russian market with limited impact globally," Aslak Berg, Research Fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told Euronews.

Eurozone inflation fall defies projections, buoying hopes of ECB interest rate cuts

03 April 2024
"It would be surprising if the ECB cut rates already in April," Sander Tordoir, senior analyst at the Centre for European Reform (CER), told Euractiv.

Una sorpresa en Francia amenaza (de nuevo) la aplicación de las reglas fiscales de la UE

31 March 2024
EL Confidencial
"Dependiendo de cuánto de esto (el déficit) sea estructural, podría de hecho hacer que este ajuste fiscal requerido fuera más alto, tal vez incluso inverosímilmente alto. La Comisión podría entonces tener que suavizar las normas", admite a El Confidencial Sander Tordoir, investigador del Centre for European Reform (CER).

The EU quandary: Labour’s efforts to build good relations and keep red lines

30 March 2024
The Guardian
The economist John Springford, of the Centre for European Reform, whose estimates suggest UK gross domestic product is perhaps 5% smaller than it would otherwise be as a result of Brexit, says Labour’s plans are unlikely to move the dial on growth.

Have low wages permanently ‘scarred’ Europe’s economy?

29 March 2024
Sander Tordoir, a senior economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER), which hosted Wednesday’s event, told Euractiv that the ECB official’s concerns about the negative repercussions of persistently low wages are “exactly right”.

Scotland has lost £100 million a year in salmon exports to EU

28 March 2024
The London Economic
Research out from the Centre for European Reform (CER) in February suggests that Brexit is leaving a hole of almost £100 billion in annual UK exports, making Britain’s economy worse off than if it had remained in the EU.
CER Podcast: Can Berlin and Brussels disentangle their economy from China’s grasp?

CER Podcast: Can Berlin and Brussels disentangle their economy from China’s grasp?

Sander Tordoir, Shahin Vallée
27 March 2024
Sander Tordoir and Shahin Vallée discuss China and Germany's relationship.

Kaliningrado: el as en la manga de Rusia en una posible guerra contra la OTAN

27 March 2024
EL Confidencial
"El acceso de Finlandia y Suecia a la OTAN ha mejorado la posición estratégica en la alianza en la región báltica muy considerablemente", dice Ian Bond, vicedirector del Centre for European Reform (CER) y antiguo embajador británico en Letonia. "Antes, la única manera que tenía la OTAN de reforzar a los Estados bálticos era a través del Corredor de Suwalki. Ahora también pueden reforzar el flanco oriental desde Suecia y Finlandia. Y Finlandia, claro, tiene una frontera muy larga con Rusia, lo cual también complica la planificación estratégica de Rusia".

Déficit public : à quoi la France s’est-elle engagée à Bruxelles ?

26 March 2024
La France est-elle pour autant épargnée d’ici là ? Non, car cette concession est à relativiser, selon Sander Tordoir, du Center for European Reform. « Cette exclusion va probablement donner un certain répit jusqu’à ce qu’Emmanuel Macron quitte ses fonctions, mais la France ne va pas être pleinement épargnée : elle va devoir réduire son déficit structurel graduellement à compter de 2025 », pose cet expert de la politique budgétaire en Europe.

Stormont’s honeymoon ends as Brexit pulls parties apart

21 March 2024
Financial Times
Anton Spisak, a policy analyst and former UK government official, who notes in a new paper for the Centre for European Reform that Britain’s trade with Northern Ireland has been stagnant since 2016 while Ireland’s share has surged by 66 per cent. In other words: “Northern Ireland’s trade matters in both directions — east-west and north-south — and needs to be prioritised equally by present and future British governments.”

The long battle over Russia's frozen assets heats up

20 March 2024
As Zach Meyers, assistant director of the Centre for European Reform, explained: "This interest legally belongs not to Russia, but rather the Belgian securities depository Euroclear." ..."Euroclear earned approximately €4.4bn on the €19bn of frozen assets in 2023," Meyers added.