Single market, competition & trade

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The Greek bailout deal resolves nothing

14 July 2015
The Huffington Post
The new bailout deal signals Greece's capitulation to its creditors, something which has important ramifications for the bailout's success. Even if the deal makes it through the Greek parliament in the coming weeks, the programme's economic incoherence will make it fall apart.

BBC Newsnight live from Athens: Duncan Weldon talks to Simon Tilford on the Greek crisis

Simon Tilford
06 July 2015
Live from Athens, as the Greeks and the Euro face the consequences of a no vote. The BBC are hit in the wallet. And have Labour forgotten how to win?
Simon Tilford talks to Duncan Weldon on the Greek crisis: watch it here (12:39/ 14:18).

No catharsis in Grexit

Simon Tilford
03 July 2015
City A.M.
There is a growing gap between the way the Greek crisis is seen in the Eurozone and the way it is seen across the rest of the world. Everyone agrees that Greece is a poorly governed country and that Syriza has played a poor hand badly. But whereas many Eurozone...

Radio 4 - Week in Westminster: Greek crisis and the eurozone

27 June 2015
Charles Grant speaks on the 'Week in Westminster' discussing the Greek crisis and the eurozone.

China Central TV: EU at a crossroads

26 June 2015
Ian Bond is interviewed by China Central TV English service, along with Francois Godement of ECFR and George Tzogopoulos, on the Greek crisis in Europe.

Beware the four horsemen circling Europe: Greece, Russia, migrants and the Brexit

Rem Korteweg
25 June 2015
The Independent
Four horsemen are stalking Europe: the Greek financial crisis; illegal migration in the Mediterranean; Russian aggression; and Britain's reform-or-Brexit threat.

Was Griechenland eigentlich braucht

Christian Odendahl
24 June 2015
Der sich abzeichnende Deal zwischen Griechenland und den Gläubigern ist politisch richtig, aber ökonomisch kontraproduktiv, sagt Ökonom Christian Odendahl. Eine langfristige Lösung für Griechenland und für Europa ist er nicht. Rein ökonomisch betrachtet: Ist es richtig, von Griechenland stärkere Einsparungen, eine Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer und eine Kürzung der Renten zu...

Gästinlägg: Vad Grekland behöver

Christian Odendahl
18 June 2015
Ett avtal mellan Grekland och dess fordringsägare är fortfarande sannolikt. Vad landet verkligen behöver är emellertid en partiöverskridande överenskommelse om att förändra sina institutioner, en mindre restriktiv finanspolitik och löften om framtida skuldnedskrivningar, skriver Christian Odendahl, chefsekonom på tankesmedjan Centre for European Reform i detta gästinlägg. 
Förhandlingarna mellan Grekland...

Grecia, dopo l'accordo lavoriamo per una soluzione

Christian Odendahl
13 June 2015
Il sole 24 Ore
I negoziati in corso tra la Grecia e i suoi creditori stanno entrando nelle fasi finali, come indica il coinvolgimento di Angela Merkel e François Hollande.

Kan Duitse en Nederlandse handelsoverschot lager?

Simon Tilford
02 May 2015
de Volkskrant
Nederland en Duitsland moeten meer consumeren en minder exporteren, stelt de Brit Simon Tilford. Een vreemde eis, vinden andere economen.

Germany is becoming relaxed about a Grexit – perhaps too relaxed

24 April 2015
The Guardian
Many EU member states and the US still fear the consequences of Greece leaving Europe. They need to get their voices heard in Berlin

Merkel drängt Athen nicht aus dem Euro

Christian Odendahl
09 April 2015
Deutschland hat kein Interesse daran, dass Griechenland den Euro verlässt, sagt der Ökonom Christian Odendahl. Schließlich könnte Griechenland sich nach einer turbulenten Phase erholen. Trotzdem ist es auch für die Griechen sinnvoll, den Euro zu behalten.

Judy Asks: Time for Greece to leave the euro?

Christian Odendahl
18 March 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

Gebt Syriza eine Chance!

Christian Odendahl
27 February 2015
Welche Reformen Griechenland wirklich braucht und warum (Tot-) Sparen nicht hilft

Οι μεταρρυθμίσεις θα κρίνουν τη διαπραγμάτευση με το Βερολίνο

Christian Odendahl
28 January 2015
Με τη νέα ελληνική κυβέρνηση να προετοιμάζεται για τις διαπραγματεύσεις με την τρόικα, η θέση της Γερμανίας ιδίως έχει γίνει αντικείμενο συζήτησης τόσο στην Ελλάδα όσο και στις αγορές.

Italy’s ‘Neet’ rate is way above OECD average

07 January 2015
Financial Times
John Springford writes a letter of opinion in the Financial Times.

Video interview on 'Unlocking Europe's capital markets union'

Hugo Dixon
12 December 2014
With Hugo Dixon, editor-at-large Reuters News and the founder of Reuters Breakingviews. 

Analist britanic: "Sunt sceptic că Noul Drum al Mătăsii are sens din punct de vedere comercial" (interview in Romanian)

07 October 2014
The Epoch Times
Ian Bond a explicat într-un amplu interviu acordat Epoch Times care sunt barierele în calea Noului Drum al Mătăsii, de ce Rusia şi China au interese divergente în Asia Centrală şi ce vrea să facă Putin în continuare în Ucraina.

Neue Ideen für die EZB

Christian Odendahl
06 October 2014
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Disput um Geldpolitik - Debatte

Splendid isolation?

John Springford, Richard Lambert
25 June 2014
Project Syndicate
Membership of the European Union has shackled Britain’s economy to a corpse. The United Kingdom has been bound by swaths of costly red tape to a bunch of moribund economies with no growth prospects. As a result, UK exporters have been held back from the fast-growing markets of the Commonwealth and the developing world.