Foreign policy & defence

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Europe's blurred boundaries

Europe's blurred boundaries: Rethinking enlargement and neighbourhood policy

02 October 2006
In many parts of the EU there is growing hostility to further enlargement. Charles Grant argues that the EU must keep open the prospect of accession for its European neighbours, and suggests how opposition to enlargement can best be overcome.
Europe's flawed approach to Arab democracy

Europe's flawed approach to Arab democracy

Richard Youngs
02 October 2006
The European Union's efforts to promote political reform in North Africa and the Middle East are running into the ground. After the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks in the US, Europe's leaders pledged to promote democracy in the region as a way of tackling the root causes of terrorism.
Turkey, Russia and modern nationalism

Turkey, Russia and modern nationalism

01 August 2006
The EU faces few challenges greater than working out a modus vivendi with two large and difficult neighbours. The way the Union chooses to deal with this duo will do much to determine its future character.
Britain and France must pool parts of their defence

Britain and France must pool parts of their defence

Edgar Buckley
01 August 2006
In European Union defence, Britain and France spend the most money (45 per cent of the total), maintain the largest and most effective expeditionary forces, run the biggest defence industries and manage the most important research facilities.
Serbia’s choice

Serbia’s choice

Angela Heath
01 August 2006
Serbia faces a stark political choice this year: to make progress towards joining the EU and NATO, or to turn backwards towards bitter nationalism and a mentality of victimhood.
Bulletin issue 49

Issue 49 - 2006

Charles Grant, Edgar Buckley, Angela Heath
28 July 2006
The EU must keep its promise to the Western Balkans

The EU must keep its promise to the Western Balkans

Tim Judah
07 July 2006
Enlargement has been one of the EU's most successful policies. In the case of the Central and East European countries, the wish to join the Union has helped to foster stability, democratisation and economic reform.
How to strengthen EU foreign policy

How to strengthen EU foreign policy

Charles Grant, Mark Leonard
03 July 2006
The European Union urgently needs a plan for a more effective foreign policy. Opinion polls suggest that a majority of Europeans would support a stronger EU foreign policy.
Cyprus, Turkey and the EU: Time for a sense of proportion and compromise

Cyprus, Turkey and the EU: Time for a sense of proportion and compromise

Lord Hannay
03 July 2006
The start of Turkish accession talks provided a faint glimmer of hope for unfreezing the Cyprus stalemate that has prevailed since the Greek Cypriots voted down a UN-sponsored settlement plan in 2004.
Unblocking EU-NATO co-operation

Unblocking EU-NATO co-operation

Daniel Keohane
01 June 2006
There is something rotten in the state of EU-NATO relations. Both organisations would benefit from working closely together on a range of security issues, from counter-terrorism to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Can we live with a nuclear Iran?

Can we live with a nuclear Iran?

Mark Leonard
01 June 2006
As Europeans and Americans put together a final package of incentives to divert Iran from its nuclear course, the world is facing up to the possibility of failure.
Bulletin issue 48

Issue 48 - 2006

Katinka Barysch, Daniel Keohane, Mark Leonard
26 May 2006
The EU's awkward neighbour: Time for a new policy on Belarus

The EU's awkward neighbour: Time for a new policy on Belarus

Charles Grant, Mark Leonard
06 April 2006
On 19 March 2006 the people of Belarus vote in a presidential election. The result of an election that has been neither free nor fair is certain: President Alyaksandr Lukashenka will be re-elected. What is not certain is how the EU reacts.
How to build a better EU foreign policy

How to build a better EU foreign policy

Charles Grant, Mark Leonard
03 April 2006
With its constitutional treaty moribund, the EU needs to find new projects that show its relevance to the citizens of Europe. One priority should be a plan for a more coherent Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).
A new European approach to China

A new European approach to China

Mark Leonard
03 April 2006
Until now EU policy towards China has focused mainly on domestic issues: opening up China’s economy, protecting intellectual property, improving respect for human rights, and securing the readmission of illegal migrants.
Bulletin issue 47

Issue 47 - 2006

Charles Grant, Simon Tilford, Mark Leonard
24 March 2006
EU 2010: A programme for reform

EU 2010: A programme for reform

Charles Grant, Hugo Brady, Katinka Barysch, Simon Tilford, Daniel Keohane, Mark Leonard, Aurore Wanlin
03 February 2006
The European Union is suffering from a profound malaise. There have been difficult times in the past – such as the 'empty chair' left by General de Gaulle in the mid-1960s, the rows over the British budget contribution in the early 1980s, and the struggles to ratify the Maastricht treaty...
The EU needs a bolder Balkan strategy

The EU needs a bolder Balkan strategy

Carl Bildt
01 February 2006
The Balkans are returning to the top of the EU’s agenda. UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari has begun to negotiate Kosovo’s future, while Montenegrins will probably vote in April on whether to break with Serbia.
Bulletin issue 46

Issue 46 - 2006

Charles Grant, Stephen Tindale, Carl Bildt
27 January 2006
East versus West?

East versus West? The European economic and social model after enlargement

Katinka Barysch
06 January 2006
The EU's enlargement to the East has been an economic success. Trade between the old and the new members is thriving. Foreign investment by West European companies has helped to create hundreds of thousands of jobs in Central and Eastern Europe, and it has generated multi-billion euro profits for the investing companies.