Foreign policy & defence

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What cuts in US defence budget will mean for the transatlantic alliance

What cuts in US defence budget will mean for the transatlantic alliance

Tomas Valasek
15 March 2011
The US defence budget seems set to fall as Washington begins to restore order in its finances. Spending on the military has reached such heights – $700 billion, or 20 per cent of the US federal budget – that it has become too large for deficit-cutters to ignore.
A new neighbourhood policy for the EU file thumbnail

A new neighbourhood policy for the EU

11 March 2011
The revolutions in North Africa have exposed the failings of the EU's neighbourhood policy. Rather than fostering democracy, the policy entrenched autocracy.
What should NATO’s new strategic concept say about Russia?

What should NATO’s new strategic concept say about Russia?

Tomas Valasek
09 March 2011
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, NATO has strived to reduce mutual suspicions with Russia and to build a more co-operative relationship. So it is vexing that 20 years on, Russia continues to view NATO as a hostile alliance.
A new opportunity for EU foreign policy

A new opportunity for EU foreign policy

01 February 2011
The EU's foreign policy has not impressed many people in recent years. A wide range of views among member-states has made it hard for the EU to develop focused policies on key issues such as Russia and China.
Bulletin issue 76

Issue 76 - 2011

Charles Grant, Katinka Barysch, Sir Julian Priestley
28 January 2011
Has Ukraine lost appetite for reforms?

Has Ukraine lost appetite for reforms?

Tomas Valasek
17 December 2010
In a study on Ukraine published in October, the CER gave President Viktor Yanukovich credit for passing difficult economic reforms but criticised his efforts to suppress political opposition. Since then, reforms have stalled while the concentration of power in the president's hands has continued unabated.
Turkey and the EU: Can stalemate be avoided?

Turkey and the EU: Can stalemate be avoided?

Katinka Barysch
16 December 2010
Turkey's accession to the EU is heading for an impasse. The bulk of the membership talks are blocked. Unless there is progress over Cyprus or Nicolas Sarkozy starts welcoming Turkish membership – both unlikely prospects – the EU and Turkey will soon run out of policy chapters to negotiate.
Britain cannot afford to neglect EU defence efforts

Britain cannot afford to neglect EU defence efforts

Clara Marina O'Donnell
01 December 2010
Britain is showing an unprecedented interest in closer defence co-operation with its European partners. The coalition government in London should be commended for initiating bilateral deals and projects amongst a limited number of EU countries.
Bulletin issue 75

Issue 75 - 2010

Charles Grant, Clara Marina O'Donnell, Simon Tilford
26 November 2010
Britain's defence review: Good news for European defence?

Britain's defence review: Good news for European defence?

Clara Marina O'Donnell
28 October 2010
On October 19th, the UK's coalition government published its 'strategic defence and security review' (SDSR), laying out the future shape of Britain's armed forces. As was to be expected at a time of budget austerity, the SDSR foresees significant cuts in military capabilities.
Ukraine turns away from democracy and the EU

Ukraine turns away from democracy and the EU

Tomas Valasek
15 October 2010
Ukraine is turning inwards and becoming increasingly authoritarian. The new president, Viktor Yanukovich, has taken steps to muzzle independent media, harass critics and sideline the opposition.
Europe and the Middle East - perspectives on Major Policy Issues

Europe and the Middle East - perspectives on Major Policy Issues: What does the future hold for the EU’s efforts in the Middle East?

Clara Marina O'Donnell
08 October 2010
Al Siyassa Al Dawliya/European Commission
The Middle East has been a region of major importance to the EU for decades; however, member-states have struggled to fulfil their objectives of supporting peace, prosperity and good governance amongst their southern neighbours.

The midterm elections, Europe and US foreign policy

Tomas Valasek
01 October 2010
Though Barack Obama remains popular in Europe, he has his detractors there, particularly among foreign policy professionals.
Turkish politics and the fading magic of EU enlargement

Turkish politics and the fading magic of EU enlargement

Sinan Ulgen
07 September 2010
Open hostility towards Turkish accession in some EU countries has made it hard for Turkish politicians to continue preparing the country for membership.
How should Europe respond to sovereign investors in its defence sector?

How should Europe respond to sovereign investors in its defence sector?

Clara Marina O'Donnell
01 September 2010
A small number of sovereign investors, sometimes originating from non-democratic states, are buying shares in European aerospace and defence companies.
Who is winning Eastern Europe's great game? thumbnail

Who is winning Eastern Europe's great game?

Katinka Barysch
19 July 2010
The US is withdrawing from the former Soviet space; the European Union struggles to be taken seriously there. Does that leave Russia free to strengthen its influence in the countries around its borders? Not necessarily, for the situation in the region is complex.
Membership for Russia a step too far for NATO?

Membership for Russia a step too far for NATO?

Tomas Valasek
08 July 2010
There are growing signs that Russia’s relations with NATO are on the mend. Senior Russian thinkers, some close to the government, have been cautiously talking up the possibility of Russia joining the alliance, as have several western officials and think-tanks (including the CER.)
A transatlantic defence market, forever elusive?

A transatlantic defence market, forever elusive?

Clara Marina O'Donnell
01 July 2010
Despite close political and military ties across the Atlantic, defence markets are fragmented by burdensome export controls and government reluctance to buy equipment from abroad.
NATO, new allies and reassurance

NATO, new allies and reassurance

Ronald Asmus, Stefan Czmur, Chris Donnelly, Aivis Ronis and Klaus Wittmann, Tomas Valasek
12 May 2010
NATO spends too little time thinking about potential conflicts close to home and developing the means to react. Some of its members – mostly in Central and Eastern Europe – worry that the alliance would not be able to come to their defence in a crisis.