Britain & EU member-states

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A new era in European democracy

A new era in European democracy

Steven Everts, Daniel Keohane
01 October 2004
The era of European integration by stealth is over. At least nine EU countries are committed to holding a referendum on the new constitutional treaty.
Bulletin issue 38

Issue 38 - 2004

Charles Grant, Nick Butler, Steven Everts, Daniel Keohane
24 September 2004
The peculiarities of the British

The peculiarities of the British

02 August 2004
In most European countries, those who dislike the EU tend to be the poor and the less educated, who fear for their future and travel little. The politicians who speak for such people tend to come from the far left or far right.
If Britain votes no ...

If Britain votes no ...

01 June 2004
Some people claim to know what will happen if a British referendum defeats the European constitutional treaty. Michael Howard, the Conservative leader, points out that the treaty cannot enter into force unless it is ratified by every member-state.
Jobs for the boys

Jobs for the boys

Steven Everts
02 February 2004
Last year may have been an annus horribilis for the EU, but 2004 looks set to be just as divisive. In between negotiating a new EU budget and a possible starting date for Turkey's accession negotiations, EU leaders have to choose a new Commission president.
Poland: the EU's new awkward partner

Poland: the EU's new awkward partner

Heather Grabbe
02 February 2004
As a former member of Poland's communist Politburo, Leszek Miller has little in common with Margaret Thatcher or John Major. But the Polish prime minister has adopted very similar negotiating tactics in the EU.
Bulletin issue 34

Issue 34 - 2004

Steven Everts, Heather Grabbe, Alasdair Murray
30 January 2004
EU constitution

Should Britain hold a referendum on the EU Constitution?

Steven Everts and Charles Grant
01 January 2004
Dear Charles,
European leaders are busy drawing up a constitution which will set out what tasks the EU should and should not perform; clarify who is responsible for what; and specify how the EU takes decisions. Once governments have agreed a final text, the question becomes: how should each country...
Bulletin issue 33

Issue 33 - 2003

Charles Grant, Katinka Barysch, Steven Everts, Daniel Keohane, Adam Townsend
28 November 2003
Bulletin issue 39

Issue 39 - 2004

Charles Grant, Katinka Barysch, Steven Everts, Alasdair Murray
28 November 2003

Holidays in hell (and Hanover)

Alasdair Murray
04 August 2003
August used to provide a rare opportunity for Europe's political elite to escape the limelight. For a few weeks, EU leaders could catch up on their reading - or sleep - and spend some quality time with long-suffering families.
Bulletin issue 31

Issue 31 - 2003

Heather Grabbe, Henning Tewes, Daniel Keohane, Alasdair Murray
25 July 2003
Britain and the euro: How to reap the benefits

Britain and the euro: How to reap the benefits

Katinka Barysch
06 June 2003
The British government predicts that joining the euro would boost domestic investment, employment and growth – provided the economic conditions are right. It has promised to implement measures to ensure that Britain will benefit from the euro.
Britain and France

Defrosting the entente glaciale

02 June 2003
When Britain and France fall out, they damage not only each other but also the United Nations, NATO and the EU's embryonic foreign and defence policy. So long as Jacques Chirac and Tony Blair remain leaders of rival European gangs, a harmonious transatlantic relationship is impossible.
The CER guide to Giscard's draft EU constitution

The CER guide to Giscard's draft EU constitution

30 May 2003
The draft constitution for the EU published on 26 and 27 May 2003 has provoked a ferocious debate in the British press. However, on closer inspection, the text would not fundamentally change the UK’s position in the EU, and it secures nearly all of the British government’s key objectives.
Bulletin issue 30

Issue 30 - 2003

Charles Grant, Nick DeLuca, Steven Everts, Daniel Keohane
30 May 2003

The return of Franco-German dominance?

03 February 2003
The Franco-German alliance has provided both stability and momentum to the European Union, for most of its history. But by the time that François Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl left the scene, the EU's 'motor' had more or less broken down.
New designs for Europe

New designs for Europe

Charles Grant, Katinka Barysch, Steven Everts, Heather Grabbe, Peter Hain, Ben Hall, Daniel Keohane, Alasdair Murray
04 October 2002
Everybody agrees that the EU's institutions are in bad need of reform. In the Convention on the Future of Europe, and elsewhere, a real debate has begun on how Europe should be governed.

Playing the European game

Antonio Missiroli
03 June 2002
Football is the most European, and simultaneously, the most global of sports. The British Empire spread the game throughout Europe, and then worldwide.