
Morning Trade UK: Pompeo in town - Brexit gaps - Trade Bill vote

Sam Lowe
21 July 2020
“I don’t think the talks will fall apart — but the negotiators are clearly at an impasse,” Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank told Morning Trade UK. “The negotiators, and particularly David Frost, have reached the limits of what they are able to achieve … this is a political negotiation, not a technocratic one.”

Safety experts warn that US trade deal must not include dangerous American cars

Sam Lowe
19 July 2020
The Independent
Sam Lowe, a trade policy expert and senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told The Independent he would expect a US trade deal to lift tariffs on American cars but that this might not lead to more on the roads. "The main reason US cars aren’t more popular in the UK and Europe isn’t necessarily tariffs or the need to meet more stringent standards, it’s that British consumers don’t like them very much," he said.

CER podcast: Belarus may be less stable than it appears

Charles Grant, Khrystyna Parandii
17 July 2020
Lukashenka is certain to win Belarus’s presidential election. But his suppression of dissent poses a dilemma for the EU: punishing Lukashenka could help Russia to extend its sway over the country.

London calling Huawei out

16 July 2020
Aspenia Online
After much deliberation, in mid-July the British government decided to implement restrictions on the role of controversial Chinese company Huawei in the UK’s next-generation 5G telecommunications network.

Brexit vote hits leave areas the hardest

16 July 2020
Financial Times
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, which cancelled publication of a similar national estimate of the cost of Brexit, said that the technique would still be valuable for assessing the relative performance of different areas. “Even if the magnitudes are questionable,” he said, “if you are satisfied the comparators are reasonable, it is as good a way as any of getting a sense of the Brexit effect”.

As Bulgaria and Croatia bid to join the euro, is there life in the currency yet?

Christian Odendahl
15 July 2020
The Telegraph
“Usually when countries join a strong and stable currency they are trying to import macroeconomic stability and import the credibility of bigger countries,” explains Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform. He says smaller economies, such as Bulgaria and Croatia, can enjoy more stability, intensify trade links and gain political sway by getting a seat at the euro table. 

China says those who see China as hostile are wrong

Liu Xiaoming
15 July 2020
The New York Times
"Those who see China as systematic rival or as a potentially hostile state have got it all wrong - they have chosen the wrong target and they are heading in the wrong direction," Ambassador Liu Xiaoming told the Centre for European Reform.
"China has never interfered in other countries' internal affairs and we strongly oppose interference in China's internal affairs by any country," he said, adding that the security law had been "warmly welcomed by Hong Kong residents".
He said some European politicians had made "irresponsible" comments on the law.

China says UK's 'dumping' of Huawei will hit investment

Liu Xiaoming
15 July 2020
China said on Wednesday that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s 5G ban on Huawei was disheartening and that other Chinese businesses had followed how the telecoms giant was “dumped” so investment would be hurt. “Now I would even say this is not only disappointing - this is disheartening,” Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiaoming told the Centre for European Reform, adding that Britain had “simply dumped this company”.

China fury: Beijing unleashes new threat to UK and EU over 'scapegoating' - tensions erupt

Liu Xiaoming
15 July 2020
Speaking at a Centre for European Reform webinar, the Chinese ambassador to the UK urged European leaders to cooperate in the global fight against coronavirus. He warned "scapegoating is unhelpful to solving problems" and urged China and Europe to remain "major players" in the COVID-19 fight. He said: "War peace and stability are under great threat. The pandemic has revealed a weak link in global public health government systems.

Post-Brexit border checks to cost businesses £13 billion

Sam Lowe
14 July 2020
The Times
Sam Lowe, a trade policy expert at the Centre for European Reform, said: “This demonstrates that no matter what happens [by] the end of the year the cost to business of trading with the EU will be notably higher than it is today.”

BBC Newsnight: Frictonless borders in Ireland

Sam Lowe
14 July 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the CER told Newsnight, "What we do know is that good exiting Great Britain and going to Northern Ireland there will be customs declarations for products of animal origin and inspections and document checks entering Northern Ireland"

The green tax revolution Europe needs

Christian Odendahl
13 July 2020
Project Syndicate
European policy-makers need to bolster short-term demand while simultaneously accelerating the shift toward carbon neutrality.

EU accused of risking lives in standoff over coronavirus medicines produced in Britain after Brexit

Sam Lowe
11 July 2020
The Telegraph
Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform think tank, said, “After Brexit, the EU cannot ignore the UK’s role in its medical supply chains and the fact is the EU is still going to import a lot of medicine from the UK.”

EU border carbon adjustment: Proposed models and the state of play

Sam Lowe
08 July 2020
ONB Schwerpunkt Außenwirtschaft
The EU intends to introduce a border carbon adjustment (BCA) mechanism by the end of 2021.

Europe awaits German fiscal cascade that could be just a trickle

Christian Odendahl
06 July 2020
“There will be some knock-on effects,” said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in Berlin. “There’s an argument to be made that spillovers might be lower than they’d otherwise be because the trade links, particularly the service trade links, are limited.”

Europe must take on its own defense responsibilities

03 July 2020
Defence News
As they look at the state of their coronavirus-hit economies and U.S. President Donald Trump’s poor standing in opinion polls, many European leaders may be tempted to put on hold any plans to meet NATO’s target of spending 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense.


Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
01 July 2020
El 13 de octubre del 2019, los polacos optaron por el statu quo en la política europea polaca.

CER podcast: The EU's €750 billion question: How should the COVID-19 recovery fund be spent?

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
01 July 2020
European Union leaders will meet in Brussels on July 17-18 to discuss plans for a new recovery fund and long-term budget to help Europe bounce back from the COVID-19 crisis.

Germany takes over EU Presidency at challenging time

30 June 2020
Voice of America
“Now, I think, there’s a realization that she wants to have been a chancellor that has made Europe stronger, and so they’re kind of a happy marriage of interests going on between her and Macron,” said John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform research institute in London.

UK farmers win concession on post-Brexit agricultural trade policy

Sam Lowe
29 June 2020
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, said Ms Truss’s decision to set up the commission recognised the awkward political realities of doing a US-UK trade deal as objections from farmers and backbenchers had become increasingly stark in recent months.“It was always going to be difficult for the UK open up its agriculture sector to increased competition from American producers and others,” he said.