
Scottish border checks on Northern Ireland goods ‘playing with fire’

Sam Lowe
18 October 2020
The Telegraph
Sam Lowe, of the Centre for European Reform think tank, cautioned that any such checks could undermine the Withdrawal Agreement, which gave the Government the power to define which Northern Ireland goods qualified for unfettered access to the UK’s internal market.

El divorcio sin fin de la City y Bruselas

17 October 2020
El Pais
“No creo que vaya a haber ninguna perturbación repentina porque la industria financiera ya ha puesto en marcha planes de contingencia y porque muchos Gobiernos ya están actuando como si no fuera a haber acuerdo y otorgarán equivalencia para las operaciones transfronterizas que consideren necesarias”, opina John Springford, director adjunto del centro de estudios Centre for European Reform.

France Culture: Brexit, Covid : un Royaume désuni

17 October 2020
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Christine Ockrent about the current impasse Brexit impasse, "in my opinion, I believe Boris Johnson needs a deal" he said (from 3:10 mins).

Tür für Brexit-Lösung Spalt breit offen

16 October 2020
Wiener Zeitung
So würden Brexit und Covid-19 eine "toxische Mischung" ergeben, schreiben John Springford und Tomas Hirst in einem aktuellen Beitrag für die in London ansässige Denkfabrik CER (Centre for European Reform). 

Turkey is growing more assertive on the world stage but also more isolated

16 October 2020
"The shift towards a more assertive policy coincides with [President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan's alliance with the ultranationalist MHP [Nationalist Movement Party] since 2015 and the strengthening of his rule after the failed coup in 2016," Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said to Euronews.

¿Será la pandemia lo que dé el tiro de gracia a Schengen?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
16 October 2020
El área Schengen de la UE sobrevivirá a la COVID-19. Pero los Estados miembros deben coordinar los cierres de fronteras y establecer criterios claros para imponer cuarentenas o pondrán en peligro el mercado único.

With Brexit clock ticking, Boris Johnson vows, again, to walk away

Sam Lowe
16 October 2020
The New York Times
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, a research institute, described the prime minister’s statement as “high-stakes theatrics” and said he still believed that a deal was more likely than not because both sides had recently shifted on some of their red lines.

UCL policitical science podcast: POLICY AND PRACTICE - Was Brexit a British aberration?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 October 2020
Vernon Bogdanor’s latest book, Britain and Europe in a Troubled World, considers the motivations which lay behind Brexit, and asks how widespread they are in the rest of Europe. 

Farmers, greens and animal-lovers make doing trade deals difficult

Sam Lowe
15 October 2020
The Economist
“The US is asking the UK to import beef that’s been puffed up with hormones, meat that’s been washed with chemicals and crops that have been grown using vast quantities of pesticides,” says Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform. “None of that is very appealing on paper.”

BBC News: Brexit negotiations

Sam Lowe
15 October 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC News about the Brexit negotiations and the conclusions of the European Council. 

EU outrage: Abuse of international law by numerous member states exposed

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
14 October 2020
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a research fellow at the Brussels-based Centre for European Reform, highlighted in her article for the Guardian this year that countries across Europe are far from guilt-free. Mrs Gostynska-Jakubowska highlighted examples where EU nations have seen international law and democracy threatened.

Is Trump or Biden better for post-Brexit Britain?

14 October 2020
Voice of America
The British government is looking to the United States for a new trade deal to boost its economy. However, any hopes that such a deal would be quick and easy have faded rapidly, says Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform, in a recent interview.  

Macron has overplayed his hand by holding Brexit to ransom over fish

14 October 2020
The Telegraph
“In private, the Germans are very worried,” said Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform. “Macron is going to come under intense pressure to give ground, but he is so arrogant and bloody-minded that he may just go it alone as did over the 6-month Brexit extension.”

CER podcast: Europe, the US and China: A love-hate triangle?

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Leonard Schuette, Yu Jie
14 October 2020
This week's podcast accompanies the launch of the CER policy brief 'Europe, the US and China: A love-hate triangle?', which examines the complex triangular relations between Europe, Beijing and Washington,

Boris Johnson wants a Turkey deal for Christmas

Sam Lowe
13 October 2020
Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, said the current trade setup between the UK and Turkey “needs to be replicated [from 2021], but it’s going to be impossible to replicate." Even if the two sides do strike a deal, nothing will match the seamless relationship of a customs union.

The future UK-EU relationship on professional and business services

Sam Lowe
13 October 2020
House of Lords - European Union Committee
Sam Lowe, senior research fellow, Centre for European Reform, emphasised the relationship between these sectors and manufacturing exports, saying that: “ a lot of smaller SMEs do not think they are linked to the broader global market, but they are. A lot of them service local manufacturers, and because they are servicing local manufacturers their value is, I suppose, generated ultimately through a manufacturing export. The value added from services embodied in manufacturing exports is significant “.

CER podcast: Brexit, the Internal Market Bill and the prospects for a deal

Charles Grant, Catherine Barnard
09 October 2020
What impact does the controversial Internal Market Bill have on the UK and what is the likelihood of a UK-EU trade deal?

Euranet Plus: Migration pact: EU lawmakers ask for greater clarity

Camino Mortera-Martinez
07 October 2020
Camino Mortera-Martinez, of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, shares the view that the Commission’s proposal does not address the issue of the countries of first arrival. But reinforced cooperation is not appropriate in this case, the researcher says.

Gove says UK has '66% chance' of Brexit deal amid breakthrough

Sam Lowe
07 October 2020
The Guardian
“This is a big shift,” said Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. ...“I think what Frost was saying was that the UK has accepted that state aid is going to be subject to dispute resolution. This is the opening we were looking for to pave the way for an agreement on enforceability,” he said.

Schengen will survive the pandemic - the single market may not

Camino Mortera-Martinez
06 October 2020
Ever since the EU’s members began closing their borders to contain transmission of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus, many have heralded Schengen’s demise.