
Labour attacks ‘arrogant’ Tory government over EU trade deal effects

07 April 2021
Financial Times
John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, said that non-tariff barriers caused by the TCA that made trade with Europe relatively harder, would affect both goods and services.  “For example, the UK shellfish industry finds it much harder to export to the EU, as we’ve seen. Its costs go up, its market shrinks and some of its workers and capital shift over time out of fishing and into less productive, lower-paid economic activity,” he explained.

Por qué Europa debe gastar a lo grande, como está haciendo Biden

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
05 April 2021
La magnitud del plan de gasto del presidente Joe Biden significa que la economía estadounidense va a recuperarse mucho más rápido que la europea. Sin embargo, en muchos aspectos, es la economía de Europa la que necesita más estímulos.

What if Europe's fiscal largesse were as generous as America's?

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
03 April 2021
The Economist
While in America gross fixed capital formation grew by just under 1% a year in 2016-20, in Europe it shrank, according to an analysis by Christian Odendahl and John Springford of the Centre for European Reform.

TRT World: Russia-NATO tensions heat up

02 April 2021
Last week, NATO foreign ministers gathered in Brussels for the first time in over a year. The in-person summit featured Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg saying Moscow's 'pattern of repressive behaviour at home and aggressive behaviour abroad' required immediate, collective action. From Crimea to cyberattacks, diplomatic pressure seems to have achieved...

El Brexit agrava la crisis desatada por la pandemia en el Reino Unido

02 April 2021
El Pais
La Comisión Europea estimó que el coste previo a la salida para el Reino Unido fue de entre el 1,7% y el 2,9% del PIB y, según un informe del gabinete de estrategia Centre for European Reform (CER), las exportaciones se redujeron un 10% en el agitado periodo comprendido entre el referéndum de 2016 y el final del periodo de transición, en diciembre de 2020. 

Brexit in numbers

01 April 2021
Financial Times
John Springford at the Centre for European Reform has done some fascinating modelling showing that UK trade was £16bn in January lower than a “synthetic” UK that remained in the single market and customs union. (This after Brexit had already led to a 10 per cent reduction in total UK goods trade since the referendum in 2016 to the end of last year).

Conference on Future of Europe must restore sense of purpose to EU post-Brexit, says former UK MEP

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
30 March 2021
The Parliament Magazine
Christian Odendahl, chief economist and John Springford, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform, say the scale of US President Joe Biden’s spending plans means the US economy will recover much faster than Europe’s.They said, “There are two reasons why the economic recovery in Europe will be slower. First, the rollout of vaccines in Europe is roughly six weeks behind the US. As of late March, the EU had administered 13 doses per 100 people, according to the ‘Our World In Data’ website. The US passed that mark on February 10.” 

Joe Biden economic recovery puts Brussels to shame – Eurozone warning

Christian Odendahl
29 March 2021
Chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, Christian Odendhal argued the Brussels bloc could learn some lessons from the US model.He wrote: "In some ways, Europe is more in need of stimulus than the US, yet on current plans, its governments will do far less than the Biden administration."

Merkel’s party is polls apart from German electorate after vaccine botch

Christian Odendahl
28 March 2021
The Telegraph
“The CDU never really ran on any ideas, it ran on the status quo and good management,” says Christian Odendahl, Centre for European Reform chief economist. “This is why this combination of the pandemic mismanagement and the PPE scandal is so terrible for the CDU… If you can’t manage this crisis well, then what’s the point of you?”

Wake-up call for Germany as Chinese affair sours

28 March 2021
The Sunday Times
According to Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, the row coincides with recent signs of a cooling of European attitudes towards China. “Even a year ago, it would have been hard to imagine the EU imposing sanctions on China,” he said.

CER podcast: Britain after the pandemic

John Springford, Jonathan Portes
25 March 2021
John Springford discussed the links between pre-COVID austerity and the UK's poor pandemic outcomes with Jonathan Portes.

Statement by European research institute directors

25 March 2021
Charles Grant is among many directors of European research institutions to express concern that Chinese sanctions against institutions and individuals in Europe will damage mutual understanding.

The role of differentiation in EU foreign, security and defence policy co-operation with neighbouring countries

Ian Bond, Luigi Scazzieri, Senem Aydın-Düzgit
25 March 2021
The EU extensively practices differentiation in its foreign, security and defence policy, both internally and externally towards its neighbours.

Brexit has already been a disaster for British trade

23 March 2021
No one has much interest in talking about Brexit in the UK at the moment. The pandemic means that voters have more important things on their mind.

Meet Richard Szostak: The EU’s new Brexit divorce mediator

19 March 2021
“It’s going to be all about damage limitation,” said Charles Grant, director at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. ...“The British thought that during the Brexit negotiations he sometimes took quite a hard line,” Grant said. “Nobody accused him of being too soft on the British.”

Boris Johnson's vaccine miracle

18 March 2021
The New Yorker
“That exports to the EU collapsed so badly, much worse than to everyone else, shows that, you know, quelle surprise, if you have some checks on the French side of the border, you’re going to have a lot less trade,” John Springford, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a London think tank, told me.

How the UK government can solve the Brexit stand-off over Northern Ireland

Sam Lowe
18 March 2021
Financial Times
As Sam Lowe at the Centre for European Reform think-tank explains here, such a Swiss-style deal would leave the UK “permanently bound to EU food hygiene rules”, but in return there would be no more need for export health certificates and the reams of other red tape currently strangling UK businesses.

Europe's latest vaccine controversy risks being a crisis too far

Camino Mortera-Martinez
17 March 2021
“The EU’s vaccine rollout, or the lack thereof, will have long lasting effects on European politics, could see incumbent governments lose power, and could hinder economic recovery particularly in worst-hit countries,” said Camino Mortera, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in Brussels.

What Switzerland can do about the US-China rivalry

16 March 2021
Swiss Info
“This is the rivalry that will shape the next decades,” said Bond, head of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, a pro-European think-tank.

Global Britain pivots to Asia

15 March 2021
“I wonder whether we will be able to keep doing that — it is a question worth asking,” said Ian Bond, foreign policy director at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “NATO has always assumed that Britain will make a significant contribution to any land defense of Europe. We have a relatively small number of troops in Estonia, but NATO has worked on the basis that we would also have a larger body of troops available to defend Europe.”