‘Worse than feared’: Brexit to blame for £33bn loss to UK economy, study shows
20 December 2022
The Independent
Research by the Centre for European Reform (CER), shared with The Independent, shows that Britain’s economy is 5.5 per cent smaller than it would have been if the country had remained inside the EU.The UK’s goods trade is 7 per cent lower and investment is 11 per cent lower than it would have been had the Remain campaign won the 2016 Brexit referendum, according to the think-tank’s analysis.
ITV News: Brexit costs government £40 billion a year in lost tax revenue
20 December 2022
The difference in performance between his “doppelgänger UK economy” and the real thing is stark. Mr Springford’s latest update estimates that Brexit reduced Britain’s GDP by 5.5% by the second quarter of 2022.
Emprunts records pour Berlin en 2023 grâce à des tours de passe-passe sur la règle du frein à l’endettement
16 December 2022
Le Figaro
“Le gouvernement prétend faire une choise et en faire une autre grâce à une comptabilité créative” commente Sander Tordoir, économiste au Centre for European Reform a Berlin.
Feel free to talk to China about Ukraine, but don't expect miracles
15 December 2022
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President of the European Council Charles Michel have both taken the long flight to Beijing to meet Xi Jinping recently.
CER podcast: The implications of Russia's war against Ukraine
15 December 2022
In this year’s final episode of the CER podcast, our researchers unpack the most significant event of the past year, Russia’s war on Ukraine.
Europe may not find energy efficiency sexy — but it’s crucial
13 December 2022
Financial Times
EU leaders are right to try to protect consumers and keep business costs down, yet they have to do more.
Respect de l’Etat de droit : l’UE divisée face au cas Orban
13 December 2022
Alternatives Economiques
« Les difficultés rencontrées par l’économie hongroise ne sont pas fondamentalement différentes de celles que connaissent ses homologues européens, mais elles sont fortement exacerbées par Orban », analyse Sander Tordoir, économiste du cercle de réflexion Centre for European Reform.
Na druk van EU bindt Polen in, maar Orbán zoekt de confrontatie
11 December 2022
„Na jaren van passief toekijken is in Brussel eindelijk een manier gevonden om met dwarse regeringen om te gaan”, zegt juriste Camino Mortera van de denktank Centre for European Reform. „Wat niet lukte met inbreukprocedures via het Europees Hof en de ‘nucleaire optie’ van Artikel 7, gebeurt nu alsnog via de Europese begroting.”
Judy Asks: Are France and Germany wavering on Russia?
08 December 2022
Carnegie Europe
It would be wrong to say that France and Germany are wavering on Russia; the problem is that while they condemn Russian aggression and offer support to Ukraine, they struggle to see Putin’s regime as it really is.
No es el momento de que Ucrania negocie
07 December 2022
ES Global
Varias personalidades occidentales están animando a Ucrania a entablar negociaciones de paz con Rusia. Pero, en estos momentos, un alto el fuego dejaría al país vulnerable frente a un nuevo ataque ruso. Kiev necesita armas, no titubeos.
The EU accession dream in the Western Balkans
06 December 2022
The Week
Luigi Scazzieri, a researcher at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank based in London, told the news site that each country still had “substantial hurdles” to overcome in order to meet the Copenhagen criteria, “which define the EU’s standards on strong democratic institutions, a functioning market economy and the ability to take on the obligations of membership”.
Enlargement back on EU’s agenda at Western Balkans summit
05 December 2022
Associated Press
“None is close to joining the EU,” said Luigi Scazzieri, a researcher at the Centre for European Reform, a think tank based in London. “They must all overcome substantial hurdles to meet the Copenhagen criteria, which define the EU’s standards on strong democratic institutions, a functioning market economy and the ability to take on the obligations of membership.”
Does Britain have a problem with R&D spending?
01 December 2022
The Economist
According to the Centre for European Reform (CER), a think-tank, the uncertainty over British participation in Horizon has already hit EU funding for British academic science by around 2.5% relative to the 2004-16 trend. Although the money can be replaced, the opportunities for collaboration that Horizon offers cannot.
CER podcast: Will the EU unblock Hungary's funds?
30 November 2022
Camino Mortera-Martínez and Sander Tordoir discuss the dispute between Hungary and the EU.
Der Austritt hatte vorhersehbare okonomische Folgen
29 November 2022
Die Presse
Die britische Wirtschaft geht auf Talfahrt, immer mehr Briten halten den Brexit für einen Fehler, und die Regierung erwägt offenbar eine Annäherung an die EU. Ein Gespräch mit dem Brexit-Experten John Springford vom Centre for European Reform.
Brexit is hurting UK innovation
28 November 2022
Times Higher Education
German-style political stability and long-term science funding could help mitigate the damage, say Zach Meyers and John Springford.
Euronews: Brussels my love: Hungary's stalled EU funding and 70 years of EU Parliament
26 November 2022
Camino Mortera-Martinez said she had an issue with the European Parliament claiming that it's the only democratically elected institution in the European Union.
“We have to think of the Council as an association of governments who are very much elected in the member-states. And I think if you are going to...
“We have to think of the Council as an association of governments who are very much elected in the member-states. And I think if you are going to...
Fortress Europe
25 November 2022
Financial Times
As long as they can’t agree on how to distribute migrants internally, EU capitals will continue to focus on striking deals with countries to take back rejected asylum seekers and beefing up border security, writes Luigi Scazzieri at the Centre for European Reform.
Musk: Twitter will relaunch premium service after initial issues
25 November 2022
Al Jazeera
Zach Meyers, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said giving blanket amnesty based on an online poll is an “arbitrary approach” that’s “hard to reconcile with the Digital Services Act”, a new European Union law that will start applying to the biggest online platforms by mid-2023.
EU trade ministers try to avert the subsidy race
24 November 2022
In this 20-minute podcast, Sander Tordoir of the Centre for European Reform gives a very good explanation of the Commission’s recently announced plan on how it wants to reform the EU’s infamous fiscal rules.