
Wanneer raakt Europa’s geduld met Duitsland nou eens op?

Simon Tilford
11 March 2015
Hervormen moet. Maar na het lezen van ‘German Rebalancing: Waiting for Godot?’ van Simon Tilford moest ik ineens heel erg aan Lucas 6, vers 42 denken: ‘Hoe kunt u tot uw broeder zeggen: Broeder, laat mij de splinter uit uw oog halen, terwijl ge de balk in uw eigen oog niet opmerkt; huichelaar’.

Traditionally frugal Germans fuel economy with spending spree

Christian Odendahl
09 March 2015
The surge in spending is likely to outlast weak oil prices due to low joblessness and expectations of bigger paychecks, said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at London's Centre for European Reform.

Panel discussion on 'Consequences of the Year 2014 for the World Order'

06 March 2015
Ian Bond speaks on the panel, 'Consequences of the Year 2014 for the World Order', in Warsaw in March 2015.

Nowa zimna wojna Zachodu z Rosją doprowadzi do Armagedonu (in Polish)

06 March 2015
Fakty interia
"W zeszłym roku osiągnęliśmy jednak taki etap, kiedy już nie dało się ignorować, tego co się dzieje" - dodał Bond z CER.

Why the United Kingdom should not leave the European Union

Christian Odendahl
02 March 2015
With the prospect of a British in-or-out referendum by 2017 and the eurosceptic UK Independence Party (UKIP) polling around 15%, the future membership of the UK in the European Union (EU) is in doubt. Exit supporters argue that Britain should be able to restrict immigration as it sees fit; spend...

Banker fürchten den Brexit

Christian Odendahl
02 March 2015
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Dann müssten sie ganze Abteilungen verlagern, müssten sie hoch bezahlte Spezialisten in London überzeugen, umzuziehen. Das werde nicht einfach, glaubt Christian Odendahl, Chefvolkswirt des CER.

Gebt Syriza eine Chance!

Christian Odendahl
27 February 2015
Welche Reformen Griechenland wirklich braucht und warum (Tot-) Sparen nicht hilft

Only more Greek drama will avoid the drachma

Christian Odendahl
26 February 2015
Wall Street Journal
“We will probably witness another late-night agreement in four months’ time,” says Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, a London think tank.

EU to lay out energy strategy reducing dependence on Russia

Rem Korteweg
25 February 2015
dpa international
"Europe will be a much more difficult market for Russian energy companies to penetrate in the future," Rem Korteweg, an analyst at the Centre for European Reform, told dpa Insight EU. "If they haven't noticed that yet, they surely will now."

Judy Asks: Is NATO’s 2 per cent spending call realistic?

Rem Korteweg
25 February 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

EU membership: Is it really ‘Time to Jump’ to a worse alternative?

Stephen Tindale
24 February 2015
British Influence
Stephen Tindale on attending David Campbell Banerman MEP's conference on 'Alternatives to EU membership'.

Expert: Minsk talks on Ukraine possible only due to Belarus' neutral position

23 February 2015
Belarusian News
According to Charles Grant, Europe is grateful to Belarus for its neutral position on the Ukrainian crisis. Only Belarus' position made the two rounds of Minsk talks possible.

Чего хочет Европа?

22 February 2015
Belarus TV
Чарльз Грант, директор Центра европейских реформ (Лондон): "Прежде всего, Европа очень благодарна Беларуси за её нейтральную позицию в украинском кризисе".

Wilton Park interviews Ian Bond

21 February 2015
Wilton Park
Wilton Park interviews Ian Bond and Maria Lipman on the frictions on Europe’s eastern boundaries.

Ian Bond speaks to BBC Radio 'Good Morning Scotland'

21 February 2015
BBC Radio Scotland
Ian Bond is interviewed by the 'Good Morning Scotland' show on BBC Radio Scotland to discuss the situation on the ground in Ukraine.

Concern in Britain over diminished role on world stage

21 February 2015
Agence France Presse
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, a think tank in London, told AFP that there had been a "shrinking of ambition".

To protect the environment, the UK must stay in the EU

Stephen Tindale
20 February 2015
Mark Avery
Stephen Tindale writes a guest blog for Mark Avery.

Эксперт о миротворцах на Донбассе: "Максимум, что может быть, – увеличение миссии ОБСЕ"

20 February 2015
Ian Bond explains why Ukraine's request for UN peacekeepers won't be met, but it may get more OSCE observers to monitor the ceasefire in the east (in Russian).

Eurozone officials reach accord with Greece to extend bailout

Simon Tilford
20 February 2015
The New York Times
“This deal won’t be a game-changer for the Greek economy — the outlook there won’t change dramatically” because the funds will largely go to repaying Greece’s debts, not to the real economy, said Simon Tilford of the CER.

Greece defiant as Germany tears up last-ditch EMU compromise on austerity

Simon Tilford
19 February 2015
The Telegraph
“Syriza have made a lot of mistakes and there isn’t much sympathy for them,” said Simon Tilford. “But at the same time frustration is increasing at the Germans. Not every country is relaxed at the prospect of Greece being ejected from the euro.”