Judy Asks: Can Europe defeat Russian disinformation?
11 January 2017
Carnegie Europe
You cannot defeat disinformation: it is a tactic, not an enemy in its own right. But Europe can counter it, and do so more effectively.
Brexit-folk er ikke globaliseringstabere
09 January 2017
Siden et flertal af briterne i juni sidste år stemte for at forlade EU, har politikere og analytikere kaldt det et oprør fra vælgere, der er blevet ramt af globaliseringens ulemper og stigende ulighed.
Polskie Radio 24: W marcu nastąpi rozpoczęcie procedury Brexitu
08 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Polskie Radio about Theresa May's interview for Sky News where she said Britain would activate article 50 by the end of March 2017.
Det store valgår 2017 kan for altid forandre Europa
08 January 2017
"Hvis det bliver med Fillon som modkandidat i anden runde, så har Le Pen faktisk en chance, fordi de mere venstreorienterede vælgere ikke kan lide Fillon, og derfor måske bliver hjemme eller ligefrem stemmer på Le Pen. Det kan ikke længere udelukkes, og Le Pen som præsident vil være en tidsindstillet bombe under EU," siger Rem Korteweg, som er seniorforsker ved tænketanken Centre for European Reform, der arbejder for et reformeret og styrket EU.
Unia Europejska: Niewiarygodna Bułgaria liderem
07 January 2017
Pierwsza prezydencja jest zawsze okazją do pokazania się od dobrej strony i poprawienia swoich notowań – mówi „Rzeczpospolitej" Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspertka think tanku Centre for European Reform w Londynie. Według niej wszystkie dotychczasowe prezydencje nowych państw członkowskich (czyli tych, które dołączały do Unii od 2003 r.) były w miarę udane. W tym ostatnia – estońska – zakończona 31 grudnia 2017 r.
Sir Ivan Rogers' resignation an opportunity for Brexit Britain
06 January 2017
The Mirror
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform said: "Hardline eurosceptics criticised him for advising Cameron on the limits of what he could ask for in his renegotiation, but he told the truth - that the 27 were not prepared to give more than they offered."
Nicola Sturgeon softens Scottish stance on Brexit
06 January 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the think-tank Centre for European Reform who has advised Ms Sturgeon, said at the time that "quite a lot of EU countries", including Spain, would oppose such an arrangement.
Cameron's failure looms over May's Brexit task
06 January 2017
Financial Times
“It seems No 10 is overcompensating for the perceived errors Cameron made by depending too much on his close ties with Merkel,” said Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform.
Rude awakening for Brexit diplomacy
05 January 2017
EU Observer
“Hardline eurosceptics criticised him [Ivan Rogers] for advising Cameron on the limits of what he could ask for in his renegotiation, but he told the truth - that the 27 were not prepared to give more than they offered,” says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform.
UK's resigning diplomat critical of Brexit planning
05 January 2017
New Europe
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank that is broadly pro-EU but advocates reform, said the resignation will make May’s task of securing a good deal for Britain “significantly harder”.
Tok FM: Jak rezygnacja ze stanowiska brytyjskiego ambasadora przy UE może wpłynąć na procedurę Brexitu?
04 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to TOK FM about the resignation of Ivan Rogers and the potential effects on Brexit negotiations.
'Speak truth to power', departing envoy tells UK Brussels staff
04 January 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform said in a tweet on Tuesday: "Ivan Rogers’ resignation makes a good deal on Brexit less likely. One of the very few people at top of Brit government who understands [the] EU."
Britain's EU ambassador resigns weeks before Brexit talks
03 January 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform said in a tweet on Tuesday: "Ivan Rogers' resignation makes a good deal on Brexit less likely. One of the very few people at the top of the British government who understands the EU".
Economists dispute claim that Brexit could create 400,000 jobs
03 January 2017
The Guardian
Simon Tilford, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform thinktank, said Change Britain “seem to assume that leaving the deepest and biggest customs union and free trade agreement in the world, the EU, with which we do half of our trade, will not have any negative economic implications and will not cost employment – that’s an unserious proposition.”
UK ambassador to EU quits amid Brexit row
03 January 2017
The Guardian
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, tweeted that Rogers’ resignation meant the UK had lost one of its most experienced EU negotiators at a crucial juncture.
“The EU 27 will take Rogers’ resignation as a sign that May’s government prefers to placate hardline sceptics than keep its top EU expert,” Grant said.
“The EU 27 will take Rogers’ resignation as a sign that May’s government prefers to placate hardline sceptics than keep its top EU expert,” Grant said.
Brexit blow: UK's top EU diplomat quits as Article 50 deadline looms
03 January 2017
International Business Times
Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, spoke to IBTimes UK about Rogers' resignation.
BNR: Brexit: snelle scheiding niet per se minder pijnlijk
31 December 2016
Rem Korteweg speaks to BNR about the Brexit work ahead for Theresa May and the future of the EU-UK trade relationship.
Brexit Tory Michael Gove attacked for refusing to let his claims about 'experts' go
28 December 2016
Ian Bond of the pro-EU Centre for European Reform think tank said: "Why is Michael Gove allowed to say experts should show their evidence & then to claim with no evidence that NHS will get £350m a week?"
Will the EU get serious on defence?
26 December 2016
Faced with deteriorating security at borders, tensions between Russia and the west, the migration crisis and the threat of terrorism, Europeans feel that the EU is not doing enough to protect them.
VPRO: Wat de Brexit voor onze Britse buren gaat veranderen
23 December 2016
Rem Korteweg talks to VPRO 6 months after the Brexit vote about the obstacles ahead.