
Dieser linke Rapper treibt tausende Spanier auf die Straße

Camino Mortera-Martinez
23 February 2021
Bayern 2
Camino Mortera forscht am Centre for European Research in Brüssel und sympathisiert mit den Protesten in ihrem Heimatland: „Der Protest bezieht sich im Grunde auf die Tatsache, dass der spanische Staat undemokratisch handelt, dass er den Menschen nicht erlaubt, ihre Meinung frei zu äußern und dass es ein großes Problem mit der Rechtsetzung im Land gibt.“

Flood of services trade heading to the EU after Brexit

Sam Lowe
22 February 2021
Britain should scrap visa costs for foreign workers and offer a stable regulatory climate for investment if it’s to stem a “flood” of services trade heading to the European Union after Brexit, according to a new report.  Fresh analysis by Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, urges the UK government to shift its policy focus away from securing free trade agreements (FTAs) and instead take steps to encourage immigration.

Europe risks shooting itself in foot with ‘premature’ Chinese trade agreement

Sam Lowe
21 February 2021
The Telegraph
Although the EU still sees China as a “systemic rival”, the realpolitik behind the deal has been enhanced by the UK’s harder line on China in a break from the courtship of the David Cameron era, underlined by the banishing of telecoms firm Huawei from 5G networks and ministerial condemnation of the democratic crackdown in Hong Kong. “That felt like a tipping point for me,” says Sam Lowe, research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Boris Johnson's government is 'gaslighting' Britain about the realities of Brexit, critics say

Sam Lowe
20 February 2021
"Politically, the government made a decision to prioritize regulatory autonomy over economic integration with the EU and the trade deal reflects that - it does little to facilitate trade," says Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

The Spectator Podcast: Boris’s climate conundrum

Sam Lowe
20 February 2021
While coronavirus has dominated the last year in politics, domestic issues are creeping back onto the agenda. Near the top of the list is reaching Net Zero by 2050 - not least because climate-conscious Joe Biden is now in the White House. Can Britain hit its target? Katy Balls speaks...

Is Russia trying to fuel or fool Europe?

18 February 2021
The New European
Is it really possible that Russian could impact the continent's energy security by simply turning off the gas tap? In theory, yes, says Ian Bond, director of foreign policy and a Russia expert at the Centre for European Reform. "But that goes in both directions. The question is whether the EU will freeze before the Russians run out of money," he adds. After all, the Russian economy – around the same size as Spain's – is highly dependent on selling gas and oil to Europe.

After Brexit: The UK and EU risk a state of ‘permanent alert’

18 February 2021
Financial Times
There is frustration in Brussels that the UK has so far been reluctant to engage more deeply on broader issues such as security and defence policy, but Charles Grant, director of the pro-EU think-tank Centre for European Reform, argues that mutual interests on issues such as the Middle East and climate change will ultimately bring the two sides together.

How performers lost out in ‘eye for an eye’ Brexit talks

Sam Lowe
18 February 2021
“It was a mixture of both sides talking past each other,” said Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, as well as the UK being afraid “to the point of absurdity” of anything that sounded like freedom of movement. “Eventually, it got deprioritised,” he added.

The equivalence tussle is giving UK a lesson in Brexit power politics

Sam Lowe
17 February 2021
Financial Times
“The EU is on a land-grab,” says Sam Lowe, of the Centre for European Reform. “It is pursuing a strategy designed to try to lever over as much economic activity as possible and being quite blatant about it.” Some equivalence may still come “but it is now down to what is in the EU’s interests”.

Mario Draghi: What will a new technocrat-led government mean for Italy and the wider EU?

16 February 2021
"Draghi's emphasis will be on firefighting," Dr Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER), told Euronews. "First is making sure that the vaccination campaign picks up speed. Second is ensuring that Italy's economy recovers quickly, by spending the money from the EU's recovery fund in ways that maximise potential growth."

Over the Farm Gate podcast: Trade and policy special

Sam Lowe
15 February 2021
This week, following the government's application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), we're asking what this is, and how could it affect UK agriculture?Concerns have been raised about how this could impact access to the UK for foreign produce, and food production standards.

BBC Politics West: Labour mobility

Sam Lowe
14 February 2021
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC Politics West about how the EU's proposal on general labour mobility would have reduced the red tape now affecting the UK's live music industry (from 9.20mins).

Brexit: Can the Northern Ireland Protocol be tweaked?

Sam Lowe
13 February 2021
BBC News
Sam Lowe a trade policy expert at the Centre for European Reform, a broadly pro-EU think tank, also suggests a veterinary agreement.He acknowledges it would restrict the UK's ability to accept American food standards as part of a future UK-US trade deal, but says it "would significantly reduce trade friction both within the UK, and with the EU, to the benefit of UK farmers."

Mario Draghi takes helm of crisis-hit Italy and unveils new cabinet

13 February 2021
The Telegraph
But "it is difficult to overstate the scale of the challenges that Draghi and Italy face", said Luigi Scazzieri, of the Centre for European Reform.

Britain must find a way to be competitive while cutting carbon emissions

Sam Lowe
12 February 2021
The Times
Joe Biden’s accession to the White House and the US’s subsequent rejoining of the Paris Climate Agreement has given the international effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions a significant boost.

Mario Draghi set to lead Italian unity government

12 February 2021
RTE News
But "it is difficult to overstate the scale of the challenges that Draghi and Italy face", said Luigi Scazzieri, of the Centre for European Reform. ..."But spending funds is not enough," noted Mr Scazzieri, adding that the new premier "will find it just as challenging to enact long-called for reforms".

Pandemic sets stage for euro-area showdown over debt rules

Christian Odendahl
12 February 2021
“What was clear before the pandemic has become even more obvious now: the fiscal rules in Europe need a substantial overhaul,” said Christian Odendahl, chief economist of the Centre for European Reform.

Mario Draghi will be Italian prime minister. On the agenda: covid, an economic crisis and raising Italy’s profile in the world

12 February 2021
The Washington Post
“Draghi is like a deus ex machina figure,” said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform. “But reforming the Italian [system] is very, very difficult.”

EU chaos: Member states told to 'let go of sovereignty' and hand over more control to VDL

Sigrid Kaag
12 February 2021
European Union member states have been ordered to "let go of parts of their sovereignty" for the sake of Ursula von der Leyen's control of the bloc. Sigrid Kaag, the Netherlands' Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Co-operation, told the Centre for European Reform that it was time for member states to renounce control. This comes amid growing infighting inside the EU since Brussels has endured brutal humiliation over vaccine rollout and Russia.

Brussels briefing: Around Europe

Christian Odendahl
11 February 2021
Financial Times
Christian Odendahl and Yiannis Mouzakis argue that Greece could use the money to fix issues in its economy that have plagued the country since its debt crisis.