
Europe Express: The Brexit stats gap

22 July 2021
Financial Times
Ask officials in Brussels and London how trade has changed and you may get two very different answers.

CER podcast: The EU's climate action plan for 2030: What's inside the Fit for 55 package?

22 July 2021
Sam Lowe speaks to Elisabetta Cornago about what Fit for 55 could mean for EU and international climate action.

The rising cost of leaving the EU: £18bn blow in lost trade to Britain

22 July 2021
The Evening Standard
The Centre for European Reform estimates that leaving the single market and customs union at the end of December 2020 had reduced UK trade by £10 billion, or 13.5 per cent, in May. The think tank said this was on top of a £8 billion, or 10 per cent, hit to trade between the June 2016 referendum and splintering away from the single market.

ECB looks to keep rates low for longer

Christian Odendahl
22 July 2021
The Wall Street Journal
“In truth, the ECB is not delivering on its new strategy,” said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank. “It seems the ECB just wanted to wait for inflation to come, instead of pushing hard for it.”

UK considers import taxes to combat 'carbon leakage' but wants global deal

Sam Lowe
21 July 2021
Sky News
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said: "In the real world we have to appreciate the EU is moving ahead unilaterally with its own carbon border adjustment mechanism, and we've seen a proposal from the Democrats in the US this week, of something similar."

Sky News: UK considers import taxes to combat 'carbon leakage' but wants global deal

Sam Lowe
21 July 2021
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said: "In the real world we have to appreciate the EU is moving ahead unilaterally with its own carbon border adjustment mechanism, and we've seen a proposal from the Democrats in the US this week, of something similar."

BBC Radio 4 PM: Northern Ireland protocol

Sam Lowe
21 July 2021
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Evan Davis about today's proposal paper on the Northern Ireland protocol and what the British solution is to the impasse on GB-Northern Irealand trade.

Lagarde's strategy hints at new era of ECB teamwork with Germans

Christian Odendahl
19 July 2021
“As long as the ECB continues to expect too-low inflation, the new strategy would require it - strictly speaking - to loosen its policy,” said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in Berlin. “The true test of the negotiated consensus is still ahead.”

UK forced to reopen sensitive Ukraine trade pact after errors in text

Sam Lowe
18 July 2021
The Independent
Sam Lowe, senior fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said that mistakes in trade deals are “unfortunate but not entirely uncommon”. He added that it was “unsurprising that it had happened with a rollover agreement” because these have tended to include more copying and pasting of text than fresh deals.

Australian trade deal fears justified, says ex-negotiator

Sam Lowe
16 July 2021
BBC News
Sam Lowe, from the Centre for European Reform think tank, told the committee that while there was likely to be some impact on Welsh farmers, this was likely to be marginal."Because [the amount of Australian produce being imported] is so low right now, even a six hundred per cent increase isn't that much in quantity terms," he said.

Letters: Fait accompli

16 July 2021
Julian King’s assessment of Michel Barnier’s role in the Brexit talks (“The Brexit illusions,” July) is fair minded.But perhaps he underplays Barnier’s nationality. The Frenchman was a key link in the Brussels-Paris axis that drove the EU to be hard on the British.

Europe Express: Compromise on tech

16 July 2021
Financial Times
The US and EU working together has always been a delicate tightrope to walk, most recently epitomised by the EU’s now-delayed digital tax. The Centre for European Reform argues that the two powers should not seek regulatory harmonisation, but instead co-operate on semiconductors and the promotion of new sources of rare earths outside China.

Welsh Affairs Committee: One-off session on the implications for Wales of the UK/AUS FTA

Sam Lowe
15 July 2021
Sam Lowe gave evidence this morning at the Welsh Affairs Committee about the UK-Australia trade deal and what it will mean for Wales (from 10:17).

Why the European Union is a less-than-jolly green giant

14 July 2021
The Economist
Slashing emissions is a rotten problem for the officials, politicians and diplomats who must solve it. The costs come now and the benefits are reaped only in a generation, points out Elisabetta Cornago of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. 

Europe unveils plan to shift from fossil fuels, setting up potential trade spats

14 July 2021
The New York Times
The cross-border carbon tax proposal could have the greatest impact on goods from Russia and Turkey, mainly iron, steel and aluminum, according to data analyzed by the Centre for European Reform. The impact on U.S. exports to Europe would be far smaller, according to the analysis.

Europe’s carbon prices are going global

14 July 2021
The Wall Street Journal
Brussels worries that continuing to grant free ETS allowances might breach World Trade Organization rules, but industry representatives believe CBAM and free allowances - without which their exports risk becoming uncompetitive - can coexist. Russia, Turkey, China and the UK are expected to be hardest hit, according to the Centre for Europe Reform, a British think-tank. 

La Comisión Europea fija para 2035 el fin de la venta de coches de combustión

14 July 2021
El Pais
Y en las condiciones actuales del mercado golpearía sobre todo a Rusia, Turquía, China, el Reino Unido y Ucrania, según un informe del gabinete de estudios Centre for European Reform. Bruselas confía, sin embargo, en que los principales socios comerciales de la UE adapten sus modelos de producción y que el nuevo mecanismo de fronteras, cuya compatibilidad con las normas de la OMC ponen en duda algunos analistas, no tenga que aplicarse o solo en casos excepcionales.

Comment le commerce extérieur britannique a encaissé le choc du Brexit

14 July 2021
Les Echos
Pour l’heure, il est encore difficile d’isoler les effets de la pandémie et de la sortie du marché unique. Pour y parvenir, le Centre for European Reform, un think tank à tendance pro-européenne, a bâti un indicateur permettant de comparer les importations et les exportations britanniques avec celles d’un panier de pays comparables, sélectionnés par un algorithme parmi 22 économies développées (Etats-Unis, Canada, Nouvelle-Zélande, Allemagne Suisse et Portugal).

Europe’s manufacturers fear landmark carbon import tax may do more harm than good

Sam Lowe
13 July 2021
"My advice is to mount a huge diplomatic push to assuage the concerns of third countries", says Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, who expects the EU may end up at least altering its carbon border tax following a likely challenge.
He worries a CBAM could trigger a new bout of trade disputes at a time when the international rules-based trading system has come under heavy fire.

CER podcast: How well will the UK's European diplomatic strategy work?

Ian Bond, Luigi Scazzieri, Georgina Wright
09 July 2021
Ian Bond speaks to Luigi Scazzieri and Georgina Wright about EU-UK diplomatic co-operation and the ways both parties can work together in foreign and security policy.