
Charles Grant

Voice of America: Внеочередные выборы в британский парламент

05 July 2024
В Великобритании – досрочные выборы в парламент, грозящие полной сменой правительства. Каких последствий ждут эксперты для внутренней и внешней политики Лондона? Charles Grant, director, CER speaks to Voice of America (from 7.27mins).

How Labour can fix the UK’s tech industry

05 July 2024
If Labour dropped the immigration health surcharge—a levy of around £1,000 ($1,276) annually for workers—it would make it much more attractive for skilled people to come to the UK, says Zach Meyers, assistant director for the Centre for European Reform. “The immigration surcharge is kind of insane, because it’s basically like a tax on their migrants. And that is a single step that would, I think, go a long way to addressing the skills problem.”

Labour may find a trade deal with Trump easier than getting anything from the EU

05 July 2024
The Telegraph
“Germany is desperately looking for friends. The National Rally is a Germanophobic party, and [Jean-Luc] Mélenchon on the Left has a history of anti-German outbursts,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform.“But if you go behind the door of the EU and try to do bilateral deals, it always backfires. The Commission is too powerful to ignore,” he said.

Debakl: Konzervativci ve volbách utrpěli nejhorší porážku v historii. Vrátí se Británie do EU?

05 July 2024
Hospodářské Noviny
Během vlády labouristů tak nejspíš nastane určité sblížení, například podpis veterinární dohody, která by usnadnila vývoz a dovoz potravin na britské ostrovy. „Dá se čekat určitý pokrok, ale nikoliv zásadní změna ve vzájemném vztahu,“ shrnul to Aslak Berg z think-tanku Centre for European Reform.

UK election analysis: A fragile landslide

05 July 2024
“It is a shocking result, and I can't recall anything so similar in British history that one party does so well in terms of seats having not won very many votes,” Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, told Euronews.
Labour's majority is built on very shallow foundations as a result, according to Grant and “can easily be washed away by the next storm that hits the UK”.

Avec Starmer, la promesse d’un Royaume-Uni constructif

03 July 2024
Kessel - Blocs
Un point de vue partagé par Zach Meyers, du Centre for European Reform : « Parvenir à une intégration économique bien plus poussée sera en tout cas difficile, compte tenu des lignes rouges du parti travailliste - pas de marché unique, pas d’union douanière et pas de liberté de circulation », estime ce chercheur britannique.

How could a Labour-led government change the UK's migration policies?

03 July 2024
"France has an interest in fighting, migration, crime, but it doesn't really have an interest in stopping migrants leaving France and travelling to the UK," Ian Bond of the Centre of European Reform, said. "I suspect that that may be even more of a problem if France does get a more right-wing government after the second round of the elections."

Concerns grow at impact on EU of Hungarian Presidency

03 July 2024
EU Reporter
Concern is voiced by Zselyke Csaky, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, a leading think-tank. Csaky said, “The Hungarian presidency will have limited impact on EU policies – but the hit to the Union’s reputation could be significant. “The Council of the EU’s rotating presidency is often described as ‘responsibility without power’. Whichever member-state is at the helm drives the EU’s legislative agenda and represents the Council in negotiations with the EU’s other law-making institutions. 

Wie Labour die Wirtschaft beleben und mit Europa umgehen will

02 July 2024
Die EU werde auch ihren Preis dafür verlangen, die Beziehungen über die Sicherheits- und Verteidigungszusammenarbeit hinaus wieder aufzubauen, meint Charles Grant, Direktor des Centre for European Reform in London. „Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU werden ihm [Starmer] zu verstehen geben, dass er einige ihrer Wünsche erfüllen muss, wenn er von der EU etwas haben will“, sagt Grant. 

Orbán vil "køre sit show" i spidsen for EU, men hvor meget skade kan han gøre?

02 July 2024
”Hans slogan sætter virkelig tonen for, hvad resten af EU kan forvente i den kommende tid. Der vil komme mange af den type provokationer,” siger den ungarske forsker Zselyke Csaky, der er ekspert i europæisk politik ved Centre for European Reform (CER).

Why the EU should be watching closely as the UK prepares to head to the polls

02 July 2024
"When you dig down into the details of what they (Labour) want to do, it's by and large relatively small things and even some of those would probably be quite difficult to negotiate with the EU," Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform (CER), said.
Zselyke Csaky

Voice of America: Hungary in the chair of the EU presidency

02 July 2024
Zselyke Csaky spoke to Voice of America on what can Ukraine and Europe expect from Orban. (From 3:30 mins). 

With ‘Make Europe Great Again,’ Hungary taunts allies, touts hard right

01 July 2024
The Washington Post
“The biggest challenge over the next six months will be to separate noise from actual impact,” said Zselyke Csaky, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank, “because I expect a lot of noise.”

Trump’s top fan in Europe grasps a political megaphone with EU Presidency

01 July 2024
The Wall Street Journal
After recent European elections, “there may be more governments that are perhaps a little bit more friendly, or a little bit more aligned with the Hungarian government,” said Zselyke Csaky, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think tank. If that is the case, she said, the question may no longer be about which policies Hungary is blocking, but the impact a broader political shift would ultimately have on European decision-making.

La 'oveja negra' se hace con las riendas del club: inquietud en la UE por la presidencia de Orbán

01 July 2024
El Espanol
"Aunque los poderes de la presidencia sean limitados, eso no significa que Hungría no pueda causar daño mientras ejerce este papel. Ya es bastante perjudicial que la UE esté representada por un país que ha socavado la democracia interna y que quiere tomar el control de Bruselas para promover su agenda antidemocrática. Si además Hungría intenta aprovechar la oportunidad que le brinda la presidencia para impulsar sus puntos de vista, podría crear confusión diplomática o incluso caos en el peor de los casos", relata a EL ESPAÑOL Zselyke Csaky, investigadora del Centre for European Reform.

Législatives 2024 : à Bruxelles, la France donne des sueurs froides

01 July 2024
Le Parisien
“L’Allemagne et la France sont les deux pays indispensables au sein de l’Union. Sans l’un ou l’autre, aucune initiative européenne ne pourrait émerger, résume Sander Tordoir, chercheur néerlandais du groupe de réflexion Centre for European Reform. Le risque est de saper la capacité de l’UE à renforcer son indépendance énergétique, sa sécurité économique vis-à-vis de la Chine, et sa défense face à la Russie - autant de sujets où la coopération entre pays européen est primordiale”.
Charles Grant

BBC Radio 4 - The World Tonight: French centrists and Left strike deals to squeeze out National Rally

01 July 2024
Charles Grant spoke to 'The World Tonight' and explained the impact a far-right French government would have on the EU.

What are Labour’s options for boosting trade with Europe?

30 June 2024
Financial Times
John Springford, a trade economist at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said a £2bn uplift would be “a nice to have” but still relatively meagre when set against total UK exports to the EU of more than £150bn a year.

Hungary for change: Orban’s controversial turn at the EU helm

30 June 2024
International Policy Digest
Zselyke Csaky, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, believes the Hungarian presidency will have limited impact on EU policies – but the hit to the Union’s reputation could be significant. “The incoming Hungarian presidency is worrying,” he says. Viktor Orbán’s “years-long, consistent policy of undermining EU unity on Ukraine and other issues prompted many to question whether Hungary should take on the role,” says Csaky.
Judy Asks: Will enlargement spur EU reform?

Judy Asks: Will enlargement spur EU reform?

27 June 2024
Carnegie Europe
Enlargement might spur EU reform, but I won’t hold my breath for more than minor changes.