
EU referendum: What should the In campaign be saying? - Is it time for hope or fear?

13 October 2015
Yesterday, the campaign to keep Britain in the EU, called Britain Stronger in Europe, launched with a central London event, where spokespeople ranging from Stuart Rose, the former Marks and Spencer CEO, to June Sarpong, the TV presenter, extolled the benefits of maintaining our current relationship with the continent....

BBC World at One: Cameron's EU referendum negotiations

12 October 2015
Charles Grant discusses David Cameron's EU referendum negotiations with Martha Kearney (at 18:08) on BBC Radio 4, the World at One.

UK premier urges German chancellor to revive EU renegotiations

09 October 2015
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the CER, has studied the UK-German relationship and says the British side feels that the Germans "aren’t being as helpful as they might be" on the question of welfare for migrant workers.
Meanwhile, he says Ms Merkel's team views as "special pleading" British demands for protection for non-eurozone countries and their place in the EU single market. "They see it as crude protectionism for the City," he said.

The Netherlands: There is support for the UK's renegotiation, but only up to a point

Rem Korteweg
08 October 2015
Transatlantic relations
The Hague has a strong economic and political interest to keep the UK in the EU. The Dutch government also shares several of Downing Street's concerns about the functioning of the EU. It will therefore work with London in the renegotiation, but only up to a point.

Cameron isolé face au risque de Brexit

07 October 2015
Le Figaro
 Analyste au think-tank pro-européen CER, John Springford serait lui aussi "très surpris que Cameron obtienne des changements substantiels". Dès lors, estime-t-il "il lui sera difficile de ramener sur une ligne modérée une majorité du Parti conservateur désormais massivement eurosceptique".

Q: With Europe at the top of the Tory party conference agenda, is Cameron's EU renegotiation doomed to fail?

Simon Tilford
05 October 2015
City A.M
Simon Tilford is deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, says No. 

Hoping to put the 'In' back in Britain

05 October 2015
“There’s a real danger that our campaign is real top-down patronizing, focusing on economic statistics, TTIP or FTAs or FDIs,” said Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform.

David Cameron: I will ignore Europe's top court on prisoner voting

Camino Mortera-Martinez
04 October 2015
The Telegraph
Camino Mortera, of the CER, said the case is "absolutely crucial" for Britain's renegotiation, which includes a far more ambitious aim of banning EU citizens from claiming in-work benefits for four years.

Migrant influx costs Europe, but economy could benefit

Christian Odendahl
02 October 2015
Voice of America
Germany expects up to 1 million asylum seekers this year alone. The upfront costs of housing, education and social care are considerable — but it could stimulate the economy, argues Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform.

Poland: Warsaw's stance will remain uncertain until after the October elections

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
30 September 2015
Transatlantic relations
Poles will vote in parliamentary elections on 25 October. The Civic Platform party has been in a governing coalition with the Polish Peasant Party for the last eight years.

What does Britain want from the EU?

30 September 2015
BBC News
As Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform, says: "The British government has not convinced many of its partners that its concerns about the relationship between the euro and the single market are justified."

Britain can't be Norway, and Eurosceptics know this

29 September 2015
The Telegraph
Norway's relationship with the EU is being pushed as an alternative for Britain, but outers know it wouldn't work

EU 'ring of friends' turns into ring of fire

29 September 2015
Daily Mail
Ian Bond from the CER, called the current policy a "mess of inconsistency and wishful thinking". The last review in 2010-11 had urged a focus on promoting "deep and sustainable democracy", he noted. Yet since then two countries - Libya and Syria - had fallen into near anarchy, one - Egypt - had had a military coup, and repression of civil society and the media had worsened in several, including Azerbaijan, Bond said.

Catalonia independence election: Barcelona exit could hurt Spain's already sluggish economy

Simon Tilford
28 September 2015
International Business Times
"It’s clearly not going to go away," Tilford said of the independence movement, noting  Catalonia is "a net fiscal contributor to much of the country. It pays more in than it gets out."

Five concurrent crises push Europe into the realm of chaos

Simon Tilford
27 September 2015
Financial Times
As Simon Tilford of the CER, recently argued, there is no way the eurozone will be able to shrug off the global downturn because its post-crisis recovery strategy rests on net exports. The eurozone is headed for a current account surplus of 3.5 per cent of gross domestic product this year.

A troubled euro needs a softer Germany

25 September 2015
The World Today: Chatham House
For those of us who think that the European Union is a good idea, the euro’s travails in recent years have been very trying. We had long assumed that the euro would encourage trade and investment across frontiers, thereby deepening the single market and boosting competition.

Judy Asks: Will the refugee crisis destroy the EU?

Rem Korteweg
23 September 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

UE przegłosowała państwa Europy Środkowej

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
23 September 2015
Wirtualna Polska
"Sprawna prezydencja przewodząca Radzie szuka kompromisu i po głosowanie sięga dopiero wtedy, gdy nie da się go osiągnąć. I wydaje się, że prezydencja luksemburska starała się o kompromis do ostatniej chwili" - mówi Agata Gostyńska, analityk londyńskiego CER.

Polen er den tikkende bombe under EU's asylplan

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
23 September 2015
"Lov og Retfærdighedspartiet er ikke alene imod tanken om kvoter, partiet betragter faktisk hele kommissionens forslag som et angreb på polsk suverænitet", siger Agata Gostynska, der er ekspert i polsk europapolitik hos tænketanken CER i London.

EU ministers gather in hopes of ending rift over migrants

Camino Mortera-Martinez
22 September 2015
Financial Times
“It is a real European problem: just looking at the geography makes that clear,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. “But the sad thing is that many EU member states seem to be following just national logic.”