
We can bring change and reform to the EU — abandoning it is not the answer

Charles Grant, John Kerr
25 September 2014
The Independent
We urge the UK’s political parties to raise their game in leading, not leaving, Europe.

Big business steals the show at New York climate talks

Stephen Tindale
24 September 2014
New Scientist
The focus for climate diplomacy should be climate finance, argues Stephen Tindale, former director of Greenpeace UK, and author of a report for the CER, a London-based think tank.

Мистецтво (не) розійтися/The art of (not) breaking a relationship (with English translation)

23 September 2014
The Day
Які уроки треба винести Європі з шотландського референдуму/What lessons should Europe draw from the Scottish referendum?

Even the ECB thinks Germany needs to start spending more

Christian Odendahl
22 September 2014
The Washington Post
Take a look at the chart below from Christian Odendahl, the chief economist at the CER. Once you account for depreciation, Germany's public investment on construction and equipment has actually been negative the past decade.

French and German visions for Europe to clash in Berlin

Christian Odendahl
21 September 2014
"Behind closed doors, while Germany will certainly push France on reform and [budget] consolidation, France will be given more time and flexibility," said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the CER.

Could the Ryder Cup offer a sporting chance for European unity?

Stephen Tindale
21 September 2014
The Guardian
But sport, said Stephen Tindale of the CER, "is respectable tribalism" – and tribalism can prove a powerful and effective motor. The kind of people who oppose further European integration often do so, Tindale argues, on the grounds that there is no European "polis", or body of citizens.

Europe will never be the same after Scot vote, nor will British euroscepticism

20 September 2014
The Telegraph
“The Catalans see this as a victory regardless of the result, and I think we are heading for a very nasty crisis,” said Charles Grant, head of the CER.

Russian government feels squeeze of tighter sanctions

19 September 2014
Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty
"A lot depends on what's happening to the oil price," says Ian Bond. "The budget and accumulation of surpluses in the two national wealth funds depends so much on the world oil price and at the moment it is rather too low for Russia to run a surplus."

Die umstrittene Abwertung

Christian Odendahl
19 September 2014
Frankfurter Allgemeine
"Das Beispiel Japan zeigt deutlich, dass niedrige Zinsen und niedrige Inflation einen langfristigen Aufwertungsdruck ausüben", sagt Christian Odendahl, Chefökonom am CER.

Scotland’s ‘No’ vote: the UK takes stock

Stephen Tindale
19 September 2014
“The word ‘federal’ has been a swear word for years, but no longer,” said Stephen Tindale, associate fellow at the CER in London.

European integration emboldens Europe's separatists

18 September 2014
Wall Street Journal
Today, "separatism has a spring in its step," says Charles Grant, director of the London-based Centre for European Reform.

Nederland, neem een 'Brexit' serieus!

Rem Korteweg
18 September 2014
Internationale Spectator
Staat het Verenigd Koninkrijk met één voet buiten de Europese Unie? Na de mislukte poging van de Britse premier David Cameron om te voorkomen dat Jean-Claude Juncker president van de Europese Commissie werd, viert euroscepsis in Londen hoogtij.

Експерти "Дня" — про те, які ризики несе для Великобританії та Європи відповідь "так" на референдумі в Шотландії (with Russian translation).

18 September 2014
Ukranian Daily DEN
18 вересня в Шотландії відбувся референдум, який вирішить подальшу долю цієї частини Сполученого Королівства. Виборцям потрібно відповісти "так" або "ні" на запитання: "Чи повинна Шотландія бути незалежною країною?"

More questions than answers in Brussels as Scotland votes

17 September 2014
Europe online
"These shifts would make it harder for Britain to argue that it should maintain its place on the UN Security Council," said Charles Grant of the CER.

Judy Asks: Has Obama finally discovered foreign policy?

17 September 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

Europa doet too little, too late aan afhankelijkheid Rusland

Rem Korteweg
17 September 2014
Rem Korteweg, Centre for European Reform: "EU legt sancties met duidelijke tegenzin op"

West trades accusations over hostage ransoms

15 September 2014
Voice of America
“What we saw with al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb was that they did very good business by kidnapping Western tourists in places like Niger and Mali and then collected ransoms from governments in Europe. And that’s a very negative phenomenon," said Ian Bond.

Europe follows Scottish independence vote with wariness and hope

Stephen Tindale
14 September 2014
Voice of America
"Support for Catalan is growing, and they are inspired by what the Scottish are doing. What's happening is being watched very closely by many other parts of Europe..." said Stephen Tindale.

Scotland faces running gauntlet to join EU

Lord John Kerr
14 September 2014
Financial Times
John Kerr, chairman of the CER, warned that it was impossible to predict how any of these votes and negotiations would go. “The fact is that the EU would be uncharted waters,” he wrote in a recent appraisal of Scotland’s prospects.

Friends of the Earth's shift on nuclear should be celebrated, not denied

Stephen Tindale
12 September 2014
The Guardian
"Friends of the Earth campaigned to get existing nuclear stations closed down, on safety grounds, as well as opposing new nuclear stations. So the current Friends of the Earth line is a change from the past," said Stephen Tindale.