
Hollande's pro-growth rhetoric won over France. But what about Merkel?

Simon Tilford
24 June 2012
The Guardian
As Simon Tilford notes in a report for the CER, Germany seems to have a sense of invulnerability amid the storms around it. "For many Germans, including many senior policymakers, the crisis seems to be someone else's problem," Tilford writes.

'One blood and one destiny?' Yemen's relations with the Gulf Co-operation Council

Edward Burke
20 June 2012
London School of Economics & Political Science
For years Yemen has been the poor, neglected relation of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Long-promised aid commitments from the GCC have not materialized because of concerns over Yemeni absorption capacity.

Eurozone crisis: What steps should be taken to move forward?

Simon Tilford
20 June 2012
The Voice of Russia
Interview with Simon Tilford – chief economist at the Centre for European Reform coming to us all the way from London.
I think a more deeply integrated financial architecture is possibly a solution. One of the reasons why the crises ran out of control in the eurozone is that bank in...

O efeito dominó que ameaça a Espanha e a zona do euro

Simon Tilford
19 June 2012
Carta Maior
Em entrevista à Carta Maior, Simon Tilford, economista chefe do Centre for European Reform, defende a necessidade de uma massiva injeção fiscal na eurozona, sem a qual a Espanha terá que pedir um resgate este ano.

France's new leader negotiates to keep promises

17 June 2012
National Public Radio
Charles Grant talks to National Public Radio about Frenco-German relationship.

Polarised Greece girds for crucial election

Stephen Tindale
15 June 2012
Market Watch
"Spain now having been bailed out without the very stringent austerity measures that Greece, Ireland and other bailed-out countries were forced to accept has complicated the issue in Greece, making it more likely that the anti austerity party will win," CER's Stephen Tindale added.

EU to Syrian regime: No more caviar, cigars or expensive shoes until the violence stops

15 June 2012
The Washington Post
But Edward Burke, a research fellow at the CER, said the practical impact of the ban on luxury items would be "zero". "This is an existential fight for them, caviar or not ... These are guys with their backs to the wall, blood on their hands and nothing to lose.

Continental drift adds to challenge

Simon Tilford
15 June 2012
The Wall Street Journal
"Domestically, [Ms Merkel] hasn't paid the price for the deepening of the financial crisis," says Simon Tilford, chief economist at CER. "But certainly, she's looking increasingly isolated within the eurozone. ... There was a window of opportunity five to six months ago to forge a consensual relationship with Mario Monti... But Merkel didn't play that so well. ... At what point do they say enough? ... Unless the German position on a number of points shifts considerably, it's inevitable that Spain and Italy will be much more openly critical of the German stance."

Fears of social and political unrest if Greece leaves Euro

Simon Tilford
15 June 2012
The New York Times
"The last thing the EU wants or needs is a failed state on its borders in a region as combustible as this," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER. "Greece would not be left to its fate because they cannot afford to let a country descend into chaos.

Eurozone braces for Greek election

Simon Tilford
15 June 2012
Voice of America
However, other economists, such as Simon Tilford of the CER, say Greece is heading for the exit regardless of the election's outcome. "I struggle to see how Greece can stay within the eurozone. I think for that to happen, the country would need ongoing support ... I don't just mean loans, but ongoing transfers of money from elsewhere within the eurozone." ... Economist Tilford says European governments have low expectations.

How Spain's problems got worse in less than a week

Simon Tilford
15 June 2012
"The European Union has a strong incentive to blame Spain, because that way it can distract attention from the fact that the overall strategy has failed," says Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER. "There's no doubt that the Spanish government has made mistakes, but it's increasingly being put in an impossibly difficult position. ... The European Central Bank is the only institution that can dispel investor fears, and Rajoy is right to argue that going forward, you need an activist bank that backstops debts at the eurozone level ...

As Greece votes, Europe holds its breath

Simon Tilford
15 June 2012
The Christian Science Monitor
"There's been a feeling in Greece that eurozone leaders are bluffing and will do anything to stop Greece from leaving. I'm not sure that is any longer the case," says Simon Tilford of the CER. "A Greek departure from the common currency would certainly dispel the myth of irreversibility of the eurozone. ... The Greeks are being asked to do the impossible, in their austerity reforms ... Capping public spending in a severe recession the terms are mathematically impossible."

The Greek election

Simon Tilford
15 June 2012
BBC Radio - The World Tonight
As the Greeks are preparing to vote, Simon Tilford of the CER speaks to The World Tonight on the election's impact on the future of Europe.
From 24 min

Merkel stresses limits to Germany’s strength

Philip Whyte
14 June 2012
The New York Times
"Merkel still thinks it's all about introducing new rules, making countries stick by the rules, and if they stick by the rules the situation will stabilise," said Philip Whyte, a senior research fellow at the CER. "She seems to think that she has a lot more time than the markets seem to think. ...

Germany threatens Europe

13 June 2012
International Herald Tribune
In the face of such onslaughts, it is easy to understand the German reaction described by Charles Grant in an IHT Global Opinion article, "When 'Anglo-Saxon' commentators criticise Germany for imposing excessive austerity, the response can veer toward paranoia."

German leaders want 'more Europe'

13 June 2012
BBC Newsnight
Charles Grant talks to BBC Newsnight about how Germany's leaders want 'more Europe'. At 15.48. See also his article in the International Herald Tribune. 

Russia must take the lead on Syria says expert

13 June 2012
ABC News
Edward Burke talks to ABC News about Russia's role in the continuing conflict in Syria

Falling oil prices prompt Russian economic fears

Stephen Tindale
12 June 2012
Voice of America
Stephen Tindale, of the Centre for European Reform, said, “Almost half of the Russian government's revenue comes from various taxes on oil and gas exports." Tindale says that leaves the Russian economy highly vulnerable to a fall in oil prices.

Germans, the euro and the painful truth

12 June 2012
International Herald Tribune
Will the Germans save the euro? Many people within the European Union and further afield are urging Berlin to take bold steps to secure the currency’s future. They have become frustrated by the Germans' apparent inaction. 
But the view of German policy makers — conveyed to me on a recent visit...

Let Russia show the way on Syria

Edward Burke
11 June 2012
The New York Times
Like him or loathe him over his stance on Syria, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, is a better diplomat than most. Experience counts, and Lavrov has spent almost three decades at the United Nations. As a former senior Soviet diplomat and Russia’s permanent representative to the Security Council in the...