
Draghis plan vil købe tid, men ikke redde euroen

Simon Tilford
06 September 2012
"Det er kun en effektiv bagstopper, hvis betingelserne, der opstilles for landene, giver mening. Det er fejlen ved planen. Nøglespørgsmålet vil være, om fordelene ved opkøb af statsobligationer vil være store nok til at opveje skaderne fra de strukturelle reformprogrammer. Hvis ikke, så kan programmet vise sig at virke imod hensigten. Jeg tror ikke på, at den vil være en game changer," siger cheføkonom Simon Tilford fra tænketanken CER i London til Information.

In launching cases, Commission shows it plays by rules

06 September 2012
The Wall Street Journal
 "It's commendable that the commission is prepared to stand up for little Eastern European countries at the risk of hurting relations with Russia," said Charles Grant director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank.

Economist Sinn rattles Merkel laboring to save euro

Simon Tilford
06 September 2012
Bloomberg Businessweek
"Economists like Hans-Werner Sinn have contributed to a climate in which the German government has felt constrained in what it can agree at a eurozone level," says Simon Tilford, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in London.

Weidmann isolated as ECB plan approved

Simon Tilford
06 September 2012
Financial Times
"One question is whether the benefits from the bond buying are going to be enough to offset the damage inflicted by the conditionality attached," said Simon Tilford of the CER think-tank, reflecting fears that swingeing spending cuts and tax rises may kill off anaemic economic growth.

Peut-on croire Draghi?

Simon Tilford
05 September 2012
Les Echos
LE CERCLE. Mario Draghi, le président de la Banque Centrale Européenne, a affirmé à plusieurs reprises que la BCE ferait tout ce qui est nécessaire pour sauver l'euro.

Can Draghi be believed?

Simon Tilford
03 September 2012
Project Syndicate
LONDON – Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, has repeatedly claimed that the ECB will do everything necessary to save the euro.

German court holds eurozone fate in its hands

Katinka Barysch
03 September 2012
Katinka Barysch of the Centre for European Reform said this debate "suits both the opposition and government", giving the Social Democrats an easy platform and enabling Merkel to "put off hard decisions until after the 2013 election".

Britain and Europe going through gradual disengagement

03 September 2012
What is now clear, as others such as the Centre for European Reform have concluded, is that Britain is increasingly losing the support of its natural soulmates in East and Central Europe, nearly all of whom remain outside the euro and who have generally shared a more eurosceptic approach than the federalist core.

Unione politica il traguardo e non l'alibi per stare fermi

Katinka Barysch
02 September 2012
Il sole 24 Ore
Ho appena letto la nota di Katinka Baysch, vice-direttore del CER di Londra, che il 29 agosto segnala sul sito dello stesso Cer il duplice rischio che l'Europa dell'Spd appaia ai tedeschi la "transfer union" che essi non accettano e agli europei del Sud...

Weidemann resignation report turns up heat on ECB's Draghi

Simon Tilford
31 August 2012
The Guardian
Simon Tilford of the CER said that to have a significant impact on Italian and Spanish borrowing costs, the ECB plan must banish investor concerns that the two countries' membership of the eurozone would ever be threatened. "Unfortunately, the ECB is highly unlikely to do enough to convince investors that membership is unequivocally forever, not least because the Bundesbank opposes any open-ended commitment to cap borrowing costs."

Let the Bundesbank chief resign if he wants to, it'll be no bad thing

Simon Tilford
31 August 2012
The Daily Telegraph
The problem has been brilliantly summarised by Simon Tilford, of the CER, in his latest blog. Here's just a taste. "Countries facing depressions and rapidly weakening inflation typically face very low borrowing costs: investors invest in government bonds for a want of profitable alternatives. ..

Ukraine turns to China for cash to duck vote-damaging deal terms

Tomas Valasek
30 August 2012
"Ukraine is trying to avoid the conditionality that comes with EU, IMF or Russian money," said Tomas Valasek of the CER in London. "Europe wants reform and transparency in the energy sector and Russia wants control of key industries. That creates political difficulties before the elections."

Can imagination save the eurozone?

30 August 2012
Market Watch
Hugo Brady of the Centre for European Reform, recently proposed the concept of a political union with a 15-year expiration date, giving European citizens the ability to cede powers to a federal center but only for a fixed period. Could it work? Could a bit of imagination save the European Union? Let’s hope so, because, as McNamara warned, logic may not.

Europe contracts, concerns widen

Simon Tilford
14 August 2012
The Wall Street Journal
"There's no doubt that some countries have no option but to pursue tight fiscal policies at the moment, but the extent of fiscal austerity across the euro zone as a whole is counter-productive," said Simon Tilford of the CER.

Solving inflation divide crucial step for euro

Simon Tilford
14 August 2012
Market Watch
"Assuming inflation falls to zero in Spain, Italy and the peripheral trio, and averages around 2% in France and the Benelux trio, it follows that inflation in Germany (plus Austria and Finland) will need to rise to around 4%," Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER wrote in a recent blog post.

The Great British Brexit

Philip Whyte
10 August 2012
BBC News
It's summed up in a quote from Philip Whyte of the CER: "Three views of the UK are now common across Europe: that it is unreliable and unconstructive; that it is an active distraction from solving the region's worst crisis since World War Two; and that it appears to be heading for the EU's exit door".

Une troisième option pour l'Europe: une union politique qui ne durerait que 15 ans

03 August 2012
L'euro est un Frankenstein qui pourrait détruire son créateur", affirme Hugo Brady, chercheur au Centre for European Reform, qui a également collaboré comme consultant pour la Commission Européenne et la Chambre des Lords britanniques.

Prospects for deeper Visegrád defence collaboration

Tomas Valasek
01 August 2012
The May NATO Summit in Chicago ended with a call on member states to spend their money on the right priorities, to seek economies of scale in collaboration and to start specializing instead of duplicating each other's efforts.

Skies growing cloudy for Anglo-French UAV project

Tomas Valasek
28 July 2012
Defence News
Tomas Valasek of the Centre for European Reform, wrote in a recent article that while the British government and the previous French administration saw it as an exclusively bilateral affair, the new administration views UAV co-operation as the core of a wider European effort.

Balkan democracies fray as anti-austerity boosts Orban followers

Tomas Valasek
26 July 2012
Bloomberg Business Week
Government moves in Hungary and Romania "suggest to me that this is still a generation that doesn’t have democratic instincts in their blood," Tomas Valasek of the CER, said July 18 by phone. "It takes more for the generational change to cycle some of the old politicians out of the system."