
ARD: Die Story im Ersten - Albtraum Brexit

Simon Tilford, John Springford, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
06 June 2016
Das Rennen zwischen Befürwortern und Gegnern eines Austritts aus der EU ist denkbar knapp. Doch was kommt nach einem Brexit?

MPs 'considering using majority' to keep UK in single market

06 June 2016
BBC News
Charles Grant, director of the pro-EU Centre for European Reform think tank, said: "I think it is quite possible that Parliament would vote to impose the Norway model on a post-Brexit Tory government. "Boris Johnson and Michael Gove are free marketers down to their finger tips and might be quite happy to be beaten up by Parliament and have this model imposed on them. They might protest but secretly quite like it. The pressure for Britain to retain some linkage with the single market would be overwhelming."

Is Juncker in danger of becoming Putin's "useful idiot"?

06 June 2016
His visit will not help Russia’s relationship with the West, will do nothing to resolve the ongoing Ukraine crisis, and could even split the European Union, according to Ian Bond, the director of foreign policy at the London-based Centre for European Reform think-tank. It will certainly deliver the Russian leader another propaganda coup, he says. “This is a really bad move by Juncker. It is really ill-timed,” Mr Bond said, dismissing the 16-18 June St Petersburg International Forum as “a fundraiser for the Russian economy” rather than a serious conference.

Is Juncker in danger of becoming Putin’s “useful idiot”?

06 June 2016
His visit will not help Russia’s relationship with the West, will do nothing to resolve the ongoing Ukraine crisis, and could even split the European Union, according to Ian Bond, the director of foreign policy at the London-based Centre for European Reform think-tank. It will certainly deliver the Russian leader another propaganda coup, he says.
Cómo salvar Schengen

Cómo salvar Schengen

Camino Mortera-Martinez
04 June 2016
El Pais
La EU ha perdido el control de sus fronteras. Schengen, el acuerdo que abolió los controles fronterizos en 26 países europeos, está a punto de derrumbarse.

Prophecy of doom: EU member-states predict Brexit disaster

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
03 June 2016
Sputnik News
Several EU states were present at the debate, including Poland, represented by Agatha Gostynska-Jakubowska, a research fellow from the Centre for European Reform. Joining her from Denmark was Dr Sara Hagermann, an assistant professor at the LSE European Institute. Germany was represented by Die Welt correspondent Alan Posener, and Ireland sent Brian O'Connell, UK consultant director of the British Irish Chamber of Commerce and former editor of RTE news.

Brexonomics: The five most insidious anti-EU myths debunked

Simon Tilford
03 June 2016
City A.M.
Eurosceptics peddle a raft of myths about the economic costs of EU membership. These have little, if any, empirical basis, but Brexiteers cling to them doggedly however many times they are refuted by proper academic research.

CER podcast: EU capitals weigh in on the Brexit debate

Sophia Besch, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Christian Odendahl, Paola Buonadonna and Shahin Valée
02 June 2016
Sophia Besch chats to her peers about how their home country's capitals view the Brexit debate in the UK.

En cas de Brexit, les Européens pourront rester outre-Manche

Simon Tilford
01 June 2016
Les Echos
Si le Royaume-Uni adoptait un système à points vis-à-vis des Européens, l'UE « prendrait probablement des dispositions similaires », prévient Simon Tilford, du think tank Centre for European Reform. Les Britanniques s'installant en Europe « devraient demander des visas ou des permis de travail », dit-il.

Apokalypse nå igjen

Simon Tilford
01 June 2016
Det ovenstående er hva Simon Tilford, økonom og nestleder ved tankesmien Centre for European Reform, kaller «et mulig scenario». Jeg møtte ham på kontoret hans like ved parlamentsbygningen i London nylig.

KE będzie unikać eskalacji sporu z Polską do brytyjskiego referendum

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
01 June 2016
The European Commission would like to avoid escalation of the political row with the Polish government over rule of law at least until the British referendum on its membership in the EU.

Tusk blames 'utopian' EU elites for eurosceptic revolt and Brexit crisis

01 June 2016
The Telegraph
"There would undoubtedly be a Franco-German declaration the day after Brexit, but the truth is that the differences between France and Germany over the way forward for the eurozone have never been greater," said Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform. 

The EU's warning to Poland over the rule of law comes with risks

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
01 June 2016
The Guardian
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, an analyst at the Centre for European Reform, said that being taken to task by the European commission has so far not damaged the government’s popularity at home. “This may backfire in Poland. People may turn again the commission rather than the government,” she said.

Why is Europe so fed up?

31 May 2016
The Telegraph
There are those, like Charles Grant, who look at the Europe Union today and find that – despite all its undoubted problems - the most remarkable thing is that “everywhere, it appears that the centre appears to be holding”.

What happens next if Britain votes to leave the EU?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
31 May 2016
The Guardian
But Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska of the pro-EU Centre for European Reform says delaying for too long “might be unacceptable for the EU partners”, further eroding goodwill and weakening their negotiating hand. The UK, by extending the agony, would be an unwanted participant in EU meetings.

UK's EU referendum: Brexit opponents surge as Cameron strikes alliance with Labour London Mayor Sadiq Khan to rally young voters

Simon Tilford
31 May 2016
International Business Times
"One of the big problems the 'remain' camp has is that the Labour Party leadership is not campaigning convincingly to stay in the EU," said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London. "Having won the mayor's post, [Khan] has credibility. He appeals to the young and the ethnic vote. And he is savvy about the media."

Too much pain for little gain

Simon Tilford, John Springford
30 May 2016
Northumberland Gazette
According to analysis by John Springford and Simon Tilford, of the Centre for European Reform (The Great British Trade-off), none would be straightforward. All except the last would take us back into subjection to EU rules without us being at the table where those rules are made. That seems a foolish step to take.

Briterne er ikke EU's

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
30 May 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspert i bl.a. EU’s institutioner i Centre for European Reform i London, er enig. "Jeg tror ikke, at Brexit vil fremme eurozoneintegrationen. Vi så hvordan landene i eurozonen ikke kunne blive enige om, hvordan de bedst kom ud af det økonomiske hængedynd. Der er ikke noget fælles standpunkt,"siger hun, men erkender, at der bl.a. i hendes hjemland Polen er en frygt for, at Brexit vil føre til "tysk dominans". 

Öppen strid om brexit

Christian Odendahl
30 May 2016
Christian Odendahl sees Theresa May as a possible candidate who could unite the party. “George Osborne might not be able to do that unless there is a resounding victory for Remain. Neither could Boris Johnson in case of a Brexit or narrow Remain vote. Theresa May, as a tough eurosceptic who still backed Remain, could become the front-runner in those cases.” 
Pretiravanje na eni strani, laži na drugi

Pretiravanje na eni strani, laži na drugi

30 May 2016
Delo (Slovenia)
Britanski volivci se po besedah Charlesa Granta počasi zavedajo, da vseh podrobnosti o EU nikoli ne bodo razumeli.