How Brexit should be done
24 June 2016
In the early hours of this morning - when we discovered "Leave" had won 52 per cent of the votes in this referendum - the rules of British politics were torn to shreds.
If you break it you own it
24 June 2016
Financial Times
In the most illuminating of the many quick reactions to the vote, the CER's John Springford rightly writes: "The best way to manage the economic risks would be for the EU to make a quick offer for the UK to join the European Economic Area" - know as the "Norway option".
El futuro de la UE queda tocado por el referéndum británico
24 June 2016
El Espanol
"Aunque este referéndum sólo afecta a Reino Unido, el sentimiento de crítica a la UE lo comparten tantos países en estos momentos que es muy arriesgando culpar únicamente a la pérfida Albion", dice a este periódico el analista del Centre for European Reform, Rem Korteweg.
Britain's Out. Now what?
24 June 2016
Before dawn broke on the Continent, the outcome was shocking, if not wholly surprising. The majority of British voters chose to leave the EU. So what happens now to the UK, the EU and the world beyond.
Brexit spowodowali emigranci
24 June 2016
Brytyjski instytut statystyczny podał w czwartek, że tylko w 2015 r. ludność Zjednoczonego Królestwa wzrosła o 500 tys. osób, do 65,1 mln osób. 2/3 z tego wzrostu wynika z imigracji.Jednak Ian Bond, dyrektor Centre for European Reform powiedział "Rzeczpospolitej", że spadek dochodów Brytyjczyków, a także problemy z infrastrukturą wynikają z polityki surowych oszczędności budżetowych prowadzonej przez Davida Camerona od 2010 r. "Problemy emigracji, to była fałszywa debata" mówi Bond.
Welche Lehren der Rest der EU aus dem Brexit ziehen sollte
24 June 2016
One positive element of the British EU referendum debate is the lively discussion about the economics of EU membership. And the verdict is relatively clear: the single market has benefitted its members.
Viewpoint: Brexit throws uncertain EU off balance
24 June 2016
BBC News
A while ago France's National Front (FN) leader Marine Le Pen said that if the UK voted to leave the EU, it would be like the Berlin Wall falling in 1989.
Mogherini shakes up staff, mission
23 June 2016
"The EEAS is very much a tool that hasn't reached maturity yet," said Rem Korteweg, an EU foreign policy expert at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. "Its general direction still needs to be mapped out: Is it a 28-member ministry of foreign affairs? Or is it an entity coordinating ministries of foreign affairs in the 28 countries?"
JK gyventojai sprendžia, ar atsišvartuoti nuo ES
23 June 2016
Verslo Zinios
Ian Bond CER užsienio politikos padalinio direktorius, atkreipia dėmesį, kad britų vyriausybę nuo sąlygų keitimo JK jau dirbantiems ES piliečiams turėtų atgrasyti ir galimos atsakomosios priemonės prieš britus, gyvenančius ES valstybėse. Tokių yra apie 2 mln.
EU referendum: What the world is saying
23 June 2016
The Telegraph
The Dutch financial paper, the Financieele Dagblad says: "The Netherlands votes with Britain more often than with Germany in the EU" and claims a Brexit would negatively affect the balance in the EU Parliament. It quotes Rem Korteweg of the pro-European British think-tank CER saying that "a number of policy areas would become more difficult".
The Remain camp has been weak
23 June 2016
EU Observer
As Britons go to the polling booths to decide about their country's EU membership, the outcome of the referendum is impossible to predict. But whatever the result, what prime minister David Cameron has called "a frenetic campaign" has failed to produce a compelling argument for Europe, EU expert Charles Grant told EUobserver.
Эксперт о референдуме: Если Британия проголосует за выход из ЕС, союз потеряет внутреннее и внешнее доверие
23 June 2016
Metro News
Эксперт о референдуме: Если Британия проголосует за выход из ЕС, союз потеряет внутреннее и внешнее доверие
Nederland trekt in EU vaker op met Britten dan met Duitsers
23 June 2016
Financial Times Netherlands
"Je mag verwachten dat een aantal dossiers lastiger wordt na een Brexit", zegt Rem Korteweg van de pro-Europese Britse denktank CER.
Tok FM: Brytyjski czas decyzji
23 June 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about the UK's EU referendum vote.
WDR: EU-Referendum - Brexit or Not
23 June 2016
Interview mit Christian Odendal, Chefvolkswirt des (europafreundlichen) Centre for European Research in London.
RSI: Londra al bivio
23 June 2016
Christian Odendahl speaks to RSI about the UK's EU referendum, from 1.06 mins.
Brexit by byl pro Visegrád rána. Kdo by pak brzdil dominanci Paříže a Berlína?
23 June 2016
Odchod Británie z EU by pro země střední Evropy znamenal ztrátu důležitého partnera a spojence. Londýn byl vždy vnímán jako protiváha francouzsko-německého tandemu, jenž prosazuje hlubší integraci.
Let's greet Trump with Mexican flags flying ... and a vote to Remain
23 June 2016
The National
According to Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, Brexit supporters mirror Trump voters who tend to be older, white, less affluent, and less likely to live in urban areas – folk left behind by Britain’s shockingly poor pensions provision but who blame our fast-changing world instead.
Four things the EU referendum means for Newcastle and the North East
23 June 2016
Huffington Post
In a recent paper, a team of experts at the Centre for European Reform, the University of Groningen and the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency presented an analysis of the integration of UK regional economies with European markets. By linking their findings with opinion poll data, they argue that the areas with most to lose from leaving the EU have the highest levels of support for Brexit.
Las consecuencias del referendo por el "brexit" en la UE, más allá del resultado
23 June 2016
“Bruselas debería tratar al referendo del Reino Unido como un llamado de atención”, decía Sophia Besch, investigadora del Centre for European Reform de Londres, a Publimetro sobre el Brexit.