
BNR: Brexit: snelle scheiding niet per se minder pijnlijk

Rem Korteweg
31 December 2016
Rem Korteweg speaks to BNR about the Brexit work ahead for Theresa May and the future of the EU-UK trade relationship. 

Brexit Tory Michael Gove attacked for refusing to let his claims about 'experts' go

28 December 2016
Ian Bond of the pro-EU Centre for European Reform think tank said: "Why is Michael Gove allowed to say experts should show their evidence & then to claim with no evidence that NHS will get £350m a week?"

Will the EU get serious on defence?

Sophia Besch
26 December 2016
Faced with deteriorating security at borders, tensions between Russia and the west, the migration crisis and the threat of terrorism, Europeans feel that the EU is not doing enough to protect them.

VPRO: Wat de Brexit voor onze Britse buren gaat veranderen

Rem Korteweg
23 December 2016
Rem Korteweg talks to VPRO 6 months after the Brexit vote about the obstacles ahead.

Theresa May says she wants to negotiate transitional Brexit deal

21 December 2016
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said the timetable was “overambitious”, not least because a trade deal would have to be ratified by 27 EU member states plus regional parliaments such as Wallonia in Belgium.

Europe's top court guts key parts of UK spy law

21 December 2016
The decision is doubly awkward for Davis, who removed his name from a legal challenge to the rules after being promoted to Theresa May’s cabinet. There could “still be some frosty moments in cabinet” after the decision, said Ian Bond of the CER.

The Telegraph: Sophia Besch on Merkel and the Berlin terror attack

Sophia Besch
21 December 2016
German political expert Sophia Besch says Angela Merkel's facing tough questions over her asylum policy following the Berlin attack (15:54 pm).

CER podcast: CER researchers review the year 2016

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Charles Grant, Simon Tilford
21 December 2016
Charles Grant, Simon Tilford and Ian Bond review the political themes and events that shaped 2016.

BBC Radio 4: World at One talks to Charles Grant

20 December 2016
Charles Grant talks to the World at One about Nicola Sturgeon's announcement on Scotland staying in the single market (22:42).

Berlin truck terror attack puts pressure on Merkel's re-election hopes

20 December 2016
Via emailed comments to CNBC, Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform said that it was still too early to tell how much this will impact Merkel's electoral chances.
"There are still months to go before the elections, and she has plenty of time to show that the government is on top of the terrorist threat," Bond explained.
"But if there are more attacks, especially if they involve asylum seekers, then that is likely to increase the vote for the anti-immigrant party Alternative for Germany," he added.

Share Radio: Ian Bond on the Berlin attacks

20 December 2016
Ian Bond is director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, and joined Share Radio's Juliette Foster on the line for more on these stories.

The Briefing, Monocle: Ian Bond on the shooting in Turkey

20 December 2016
Ian Bond on the shooting in Russia, and how this will affect Russia Turkey relations.

Russia Today: Charles Grant warns that Nicola Sturgeon's single market plans are 'unrealistic'

20 December 2016
Charles Grant says independence is the more realistic way for Scotland to stay in the single market.

'Brutal' Commission insider deliberately derailing Brexit with 'ridiculous' €60 billion demand

19 December 2016
Breitbart News Network
Charles Grant, the director of the pro-EU Centre for European Reform think-tank, said if that was the kind of deal the government wanted, a showdown with hard-line Brexiteers was necessary. “There will have to be a transitional period in which we stay in the single market and the customs union, pay into the EU budget, accept ECJ rulings and, probably, accept free movement,” he said.

Nicola Sturgeon Brexit adviser pours cold water on her single market plans hours before they are unveiled

19 December 2016
The Telegraph
Charles Grant said it was “extremely difficult” to see how her plans were legally, politically or technically feasible.

Sturgeon lays out Scotland plan to stay in single market after Brexit

19 December 2016
Financial Times
Charles Grant, a member of the Scottish government’s advisory Standing Council on Europe, said a special deal would be “extremely difficult” given the legal complexity and lack of support from the UK government. “It would be legally possible for Scotland to have control over immigration that would allow freedom of movement, but politically Mrs May would be highly unlikely to go for it,” said Mr Grant, the director of the CER.

Brexit Bulletin: Turkey for Brexit?

19 December 2016
"Given the political difficulties, custom union membership seems an unlikely outcome in the long term," John Springford, director of research at the Centre for European Reform, said in a report last week. "But it would be a sensible arrangement for a transitional deal."

Swiss and Danish travails show way ahead for Brexit talks

Camino Mortera-Martinez
16 December 2016
Financial Times
“The Danish deal is not a model for the Brits,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez, an expert on EU justice and home affairs policy at the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

I Rusland kalder de det ’Aleppos befrielse’

16 December 2016
Mens vestlige medier har forsøgt at sondre mellem etablerede terrorgrupper som Islamisk Stat eller det tidligere Jabhat al-Nusra, der har direkte links til al-Qaeda, og Syriens mange andre oprørsgrupper som Den Frie Syriske Hær, har russiske medier haft en tendens til at dele borgerkrigen op i to grupper: én for og én imod Assad-regeringen, siger Ruslandsekspert Ian Bond, udenrigsdirektør i tænketanken Centre for European Reform i London. »Det folkelige narrativ er, at det er en kamp imod terrorisme, og alle, der kæmper imod Assad, beskrives som terrorister,« siger han.

Brexit briefing: Business leaders want a Brexit plan

16 December 2016
Financial Times
John Springford, director of research at the Centre for European Reform, writes that while remaining in the customs union may appear to the best way to minimise the economic costs of Brexit while ‘taking back control’, the customs union and the single market are not easy to disentangle, and the EU-27 would demand a high price for an arrangement that eliminates costly customs charges and checks.
