
Nick Clegg tells Nigel Farage to work harder in Europe

05 March 2014
BBC News
In a speech to the CER think-tank later, the deputy prime minister will launch an attack on his rival, saying: "Nigel Farage and deputy leader Paul Nuttall rarely turn up to vote in the European Parliament, despite being happy to take their taxpayer-funded salaries."

Nick Clegg to accuse Ukip leader Nigel Farage of failing to stand up for Britain

05 March 2014
The Guardian
In a speech to a pro-European think-tank, the Centre for European Reform, in London the deputy prime minister will say that Farage is happy to claim his "taxpayer-funded salary" while failing to turn up for many votes in the parliament.

PM's strategy on UK's EU membership condemned to fail – Clegg

05 March 2014
The Guardian
In a speech to the CER today, in which he declared that pro-Europeans were best placed to modernise the EU, the deputy prime minister said Cameron would only achieve a "little tweak here, a little tweak there".

Nick Clegg to accuse Ukip leader Nigel Farage over Brussels voting record

05 March 2014
Evening Standard
Having challenged Mr Farage to a debate on the EU before key elections in May, Mr Clegg will admit during a speech to the CER that the EU has faults and should be "pushed back". He will call for the "wasteful" second parliament in Strasbourg to be binned and for more progress developing the single market.

Clegg and Farage trade blows

NIck Clegg
05 March 2014
The Independent
In a speech today, Mr Clegg told the CER: "You would have thought that if your world view was based on the idea that it has been bad for Britain for us to be part of the EU, a party such as the Ukip would have used its berth in the European Parliament to find every possible opportunity to promote reforms that create British jobs."

Nick Clegg attacks Ukip over EU ahead of debate

05 March 2014
The Telegraph
In a speech to the Centre for European Reform think-tank today, Mr Clegg accused Ukip of having "let down" British interests within the EU.

PM's strategy on UK's EU membership condemned to fail – Clegg

Nicholas Watt
05 March 2014
The Guardian
Nick Clegg has said that David Cameron's "peculiar" plans to renegotiate the terms of Britain's EU membership ahead of a referendum by the end of 2017 are "condemned to failure".
In a speech to the Centre for European Reform on Wednesday, in which he declared that pro-Europeans were best placed...

Украинский кризис: взгляд из Лондона

05 March 2014
Voice of America [Russia]
Иан Бонд: «Мы не вправе вторгнуться, например, в Зимбабве, поскольку ее англоязычные жители страдают от нарушений прав человека. Это было бы абсурдно! Но я боюсь, что именно эту странную логику используют в России»

Страны Запада оказывают давление на Россию, чтобы убедить ее уважать суверенитет Украины. В Вашингтоне и европейских...

High stakes limit bid to cow Putin

04 March 2014
The Wall Street Journal
"I think a set of targeted economic measures and limited economic sanctions might give Putin pause for thought, given the rather precarious economic situation in Russia," says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank.

Bez riposty za Krym

02 March 2014
Obawiam się, że NATO nic nie zrobi. A przecież mógłby postawić więcej sił w stan gotowości bojowej lub wysłać siły szybkiego reagowania do Polski – powiedział w rozmowie z „Rz" Ian Bond, ekspert londyńskiego think tanku CER.

Video interview on the way ahead for Ukraine

28 February 2014
Video interview with Ian Bond, director for foreign policy at the CER on the way ahead for Ukraine.

Miliband, Merkel and the f-word

Stephen Tindale
27 February 2014
Progress online
What should Ed Miliband discuss in his meeting with Europe’s most powerful and successful politician, German chancellor Angela Merkel? The economy will rightly be top of the agenda.

England, conflicted on its place in Europe, looks to Germany

26 February 2014
The New York Times
"They think Merkel is the savior, the great white hope," said Charles Grant, director of the London-based CER. "But her power is much more limited than that."

Growth forecast prompts hope for end to euro crisis

Simon Tilford
26 February 2014
Voice of America
"Certainly no developed or even second-world country has ever pulled off a fiscal adjustment of the scale that the Greeks have managed.  But they don’t just need a surplus; they need a huge surplus in order to service their debt burden," said Simon Tilford of the CER.

Why is the coalition keeping the coal fires burning?

Stephen Tindale
25 February 2014
Green Alliance
In the 20th century, the British political party which supported the coal industry was Labour. The relationship between the Tories and the miners was confrontational.

Ukraine crisis

25 February 2014
CNN's Max Foster talks to Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER about the situation in Ukraine (see 00:46).

Ukraine's new government will face old economic challenges

24 February 2014
"The main thing is that Ukraine needs to reform. And that’s what it hasn’t been doing for the last 20 odd years,” says Ian Bond of the CER. He says Ukraine may have to scrap fuel subsidies, tighten controls over public spending, and shake up its system of governance in return for EU and IMF support.

Egypt, Europe and Realpolitik

Rem Korteweg
22 February 2014
Daily News Egypt
"If it had wanted to make a stronger point, the EU could have suspended aid, withdrawn its ambassadors, made a common demarche on the Egyptian ministry of foreign affairs or slapped economic sanctions on the assets and movements of senior government or military officials," says Rem Korteweg of the CER.

Violence in Ukraine

19 February 2014
BBC Radio - The World Tonight
Ian Bond the director of foreign policy at the CER speaks to The World Tonight as the EU threatens sanctions on Ukraine as violence continues in Kiev. (Listen from 16.30)