
L'UE face au défi d'appliquer ses nouvelles règles pour dompter les géants de la tech

07 March 2024
Les législateurs sous-estiment largement le défi que représente l'application des récentes lois sur le numérique, prévient Zach Meyers, du think tank Centre for European Reform.
L'avalanche de textes accroît le risque que la Commission et les autorités nationales chargées de les appliquer ne disposent pas des ressources nécessaires pour les mettre en œuvre correctement, s'alarme-t-il.

Tech’s 6 ‘gatekeepers’—including Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft—are about to face heavy new scrutiny as Europe aims for ‘fairer’ digital markets

06 March 2024
Officials will be looking to Brussels for guidance, said Zach Meyers, assistant director at the Centre for European Reform, a think tank in London.
“If it works, many Western countries will probably try to follow the DMA to avoid fragmentation and the risk of taking a different approach that fails,” he said.

Inflated debate: Why won’t the ECB cut rates?

06 March 2024
Moreover, Europe’s economy is stagnating and “could use a bit of a momentum injection from lower interest rates”, Sander Tordoir, a senior economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER), told Euractiv.“The rate decision matters because the eurozone economy has come to a long standstill after getting its recovery [from the pandemic] knocked off course by Russia’s war on Ukraine,” he added.

Will Europe's DMA promote gatekeeper competition?

06 March 2024
(CEPA) The Center for European Policy Analysis
The Digital Markets Act aims to level tech’s uneven playing field. This goal requires not just reining in the largest tech companies but encouraging them to compete against each other.

Apple on collision course with EU as new Digital Markets Act kicks in

05 March 2024
“The most significant challenge is from Apple, because it challenges one of the DMA’s rules, which requires it to give app developers the same ability to use iPhone functions which Apple reserves to itself,” said Zach Myers, the assistance director at the Centre for European Reform. “But even if that case succeeds, most of the DMA will still be in force.”

La France contribuera à l'achat de munitions hors d'Europe pour l'Ukraine

05 March 2024
Les Echos
 « Les positions de nombreux pays sont en train de changer face à l'urgence dans laquelle se trouve l'Ukraine », décrypte Luigi Scazzieri, du think tank Centre for European Reform.
...« Ce serait une quantité énorme, pour l'instant les Européens n'auront réussi à livrer, à la fin du mois, que 500.000 pièces au grand maximum », pointe Luigi Scazzieri.

Macron in Prague to thaw relationship with Central Europe

05 March 2024
“There’s a bit of baggage between Macron and Central European counterparts,” Luigi Scazzieri, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER), a think tank, told Euractiv.

Karo dievų nemalonėje: keturios Europos gynybos pramonės bėdos ir du būdai jas išspręsti

04 March 2024
IQ -Lithunaia
„Europos gynybos pramonė yra struktūriškai pritaikyta gaminti mažais kiekiais, todėl jai reikėjo didinti gamybą. Tai vyko lėtai dėl dviejų priežasčių. Viena jų susijusi su sunkumais didinant gamybą, apsirūpinant žaliavomis, darbo jėga, kuriant naujas gamybos linijas ir pan.“, – IQ aiškino Europos gynybos pramonės nesugebėjimą įsibėgėti Europos reformų centro (CER) vyresnysis mokslo darbuotojas Luigi Scazzieri, kuris neseniai parengė studiją „Can European defence take off?“ („Ar Europos gynyba gali įsibėgėti?“).

How Germany has become Nato’s ‘weak link’ against Putin after ‘Brit troops in Ukraine’ leak & dragging heels over arms

04 March 2024
The Sun
Ian Bond, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform, said that by not sending more weapons and help [to Ukraine] - Germany would effectively be siding with Russia.

What is going on with Europe's economy?

04 March 2024
The Atlantic
“Germany knows that it needs the same kind of fiscal policy as America,” Sander Tordoir, a senior economist at the Centre for European Reform, told me. “But it has placed a straitjacket on itself that it can’t escape.”

Interviu Aslak Berg / Nu e deglobalizare: superputerile lumii își reașează piesele pe tablă

04 March 2024
CRONICILE Curs de Guvernare
Ceea ce unii numesc deglobalizare nu reprezintă altceva decât intrarea comerțului global într-o nouă eră, care să răspundă provocărilor lumii multipolare în care trăim – spune cercetătorul Aslak Berg

Russian Roulette: Why Macron raised the stakes on Ukraine

04 March 2024
RTE News
"Europe’s defence industrial base shrank after the Cold War and is fragmented along national lines," writes Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow, in a paper for the Centre for European Reform (CER).
Zach Meyers

The World: European Union fines Apple $2 billion in antitrust case

04 March 2024
On Monday, the European Union sent a message to Apple and other tech giants: We will ensure compliance with our regulations. It followed a massive $2 billion antitrust fine for Apple. The EU had accused the tech giant of anti-competitive practices toward rival music applications on its products.
Host Carolyn Beeler...

Jeremy Hunt knows Brexit Britain can’t afford to cut taxes

03 March 2024
The Observer
With the Office for Budget Responsibility estimating a hit to the economy of 4% of GDP, Goldman Sachs putting it at 5%, and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research calculating up to 6%, Hunt knows that anything up to £40bn (the Centre for European Reform estimate) may have been knocked off the “headroom” he has for budgetary concessions.

UK trade volumes suffer record five-year decline

01 March 2024
Financial Times
“The UK’s weak trade performance is unusual among advanced economies,” said John Springford, associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. He added that most countries saw an increase in goods trade after the pandemic, but “the UK did not participate in the boom thanks to the trade barriers that it imposed upon itself”. “The obvious culprit is Brexit,” he said.

Senkt die EZB die Zinsen noch in diesem Jahr?

01 March 2024
„Lagarde hat ihren Schwerpunkt leicht verlagert, indem sie nicht mehr vor Lohn-Preis-Spiralen warnt, sondern betont, dass die Löhne den Kaufkraftverlust teilweise ausgleichen können, ohne inflationär zu werden“, erklärte Sander Tordoir, ein leitender Wirtschaftswissenschaftler am Centre for European Reform, gegenüber Euractiv.

CER Podcast: War in Ukraine: Where are we two years on?

Ian Bond, Dame Melinda Simmons, Hanna Shelest
29 February 2024
Dame Melinda Simmons, Hanna Shelest and Ian Bond discuss the conflict in Ukraine two years on from Russia's full-scale invasion.

Versleten Britse strijdkrachten staan onder grote druk

28 February 2024
Het Financieele Dagblad
'Trump hoeft niet eens helemaal te menen wat hij zegt om de kracht van Artikel 5 van het Navo-verdrag te ondermijnen', zegt oud-diplomaat Ian Bond von der Centre for European Reform.

Agenda for the next Commission

23 February 2024
Europe must enhance its digital economy amid challenges from China and the US, according to an agenda for the next Commission by the Centre for European Reform. According to the report, the next European Commission must focus on implementing digital laws effectively, fostering a privacy-friendly data economy, and investing in connectivity and infrastructure.

Britain after Brexit: A jumping off point for better EU relations

22 February 2024
Financial Times
John Springford at the Centre for European Reform — best-known for his own work with “doppelgänger” analysis on the impacts of Brexit — finds Goldman’s analysis to be persuasive.