
Boris Johnson sows confusion over Northern Irish trade after Brexit

Sam Lowe
09 November 2019
Bloomberg Quint
Sam Lowe, trade researcher at the Centre for European Reform, said the effect of the deal is to place the EU’s external border in the Irish Sea. “There will be checks,” he said.

Boris Johnson wants the hardest of EU trade deals

Sam Lowe
08 November 2019
The best Britain can hope for is the removal of tariffs and quotas on goods. But, as the Centre for European Reform’s Sam Lowe points out in a paper published this week, even that will depend on how far it submits to the EU’s level playing field demands.

There's no chance fibber Johnson will 'get Brexit done' by end of January

Sam Lowe
07 November 2019
The Times
Yet even if he agreed to a free trade agreement on these terms, it would still create a lot more trade friction than presently exists, warns Sam Lowe, a trade expert, in a new paper for the Centre for European Reform. Exporters will still be obliged to submit to rules-of-origin checks to prove that goods entering the EU market originated in Britain rather than, say, China. British suppliers will face further disruption because their goods will no longer count as EU content under the terms of the EU’s own free trade agreements.

CER podcast: The cost of Brexit to June 2019

John Springford, Beth Oppenheim
06 November 2019
The UK economy is 2.9 per cent smaller as a result of the vote to leave the EU. John Springford talks to Beth Oppenheim about his final analysis in this series.


06 November 2019
Financial Times
John Springford at the Centre for European Reform has done a handy green audit of the EU’s budget spending. For all the talk of emissions cuts, Brussels spends plenty on “dirty” sectors led by subsidies to high polluting farmers: “Between 2014 and 2020, the largest EU budget line is agricultural subsidies (37 per cent of the total budget). The farm sector is a major source of emissions, because of the methane emitted by livestock, and the impact of different farming practices on the ability of the land to sequester carbon dioxide.”

'Get Brexit done' rings hollow for baffled British businesses

Sam Lowe
06 November 2019
In any event, many businesses would find adapting to a new a free-trade agreement just as troublesome as if the UK left without a deal, said Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. “It would still create a lot more trade friction and cost than currently exists,” Lowe said, citing the need for companies to grapple with issues such as rules of origin paperwork, customs and security declarations, and other import and export formalities. “No matter how ambitious the deal is, there are known limits to how much it can do to liberalize trade.”

The UK will never get the US trade deal it wants

Sam Lowe
06 November 2019
CNN Business
"The US's priorities would be quite difficult for the UK to take on board because they focus on agricultural goods and medicines procurement," says Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow in trade at the Centre for European Reform. 

Warum das Brexit-Theater weiter geht (sorry)

Christian Odendahl
04 November 2019
Die Neuwahl in Großbritannien wird Klarheit im Brexit-Drama bringen. Wirklich? Ein Wahlsieg für Boris Johnson ist keineswegs ausgemacht - und selbst wenn, das Ringen um den EU-Austritt wird weitergehen. Ein Selbstgespräch von Christian Odendahl.

Boris Johnson warns against 'bog roll Brexit'

03 November 2019
Valliant News
Research by the Centre for European Reform has shown Brexit has already made the UK economy 2.1% weaker than it would have been if voters had decided to stay in the EU. CER deputy director John Springford said: “Two years on from the referendum, we now know that the Brexit vote has seriously damaged the economy.
“And we know that the government‘s ‘Brexit dividend‘ is a myth, the vote is costing the Treasury £440m a week, far more than the UK ever contributed to the EU budget.”

Macron steps into a leadership vacuum in Europe, and on some toes

01 November 2019
The New York Times
“The French think that they can act unilaterally without talking to everyone and get away with it, because they have a dynamic young leader with power and no one else does,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a research institute. 

What if Trump calls Putin? Balts and Poles worry after Syria

31 October 2019
The Baltic countries should expand their national guards as another precaution, said Ian Bond, former UK Ambassador to Latvia and director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank. “And I would definitely be building up relations with other significant European countries that might be able to come to my assistance in a crisis, whether that’s France, Germany Poland or Sweden, or someone else,” he said.

Trump says hard to do trade deal with UK under Boris Johnson Brexit deal

Sam Lowe
31 October 2019
The Wall Street Journal
“Under Johnson’s withdrawal agreement and desired future UK-EU free trade agreement it is hard to see any reason why the UK would not be able to do a free trade agreement with the US, if it wanted to,” said Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, a London think tank focused on European Union policy. 

The UK in a Changing Europe: Brexit: What next?

31 October 2019
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform joined Professor Helen Thompson, Stephen Bush and Professor Anand Menon to discuss 'Brexit: What next?'.

Post-Brexit trade with Northern Ireland may survive systemic abuse

Sam Lowe
29 October 2019
Financial Times
Sam Lowe at the Centre for European Reform says it would be hard to stop someone driving a car across from Great Britain, claiming it belongs to them, and selling it to a “friend”. But, in general, the proposals give the EU enough control. A joint committee of EU and UK officials will decide which goods are seen to be “at risk” of onward movement, and the EU will be able to monitor the checks HM Revenue & Customs carry out.But the UK’s pledge to allow “unfettered access” for goods moved from Northern Ireland to Great Britain clearly does create a back door into the UK market.

The curious tale of Julian, the last King of Brussels

Camino Mortera-Martinez
28 October 2019
“Julian King is the Security Union, and the Security Union is Julian King,” says Camino Mortera-Martinéz, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER). The syllogism means that King, as the first Security Union commissioner ever, has profoundly shaped his portfolio; it also means that, without Brexit and King’s surprise takeover, the Security Union’s portfolio would have never existed, and its multiple components would have been managed by several commissioners, rather than unified under King’s umbrella. “Without Brexit, the Security Union would have remained a nice sentence in official documents,” Mortera Martinéz says.

Polskie Radio: Nowa Komisja Europejska

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
28 October 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform talks to Polskie Radio about the new Commission.

Brexit negotiators removed 'adequate' from worker rights plan

Sam Lowe
27 October 2019
BBC News
Sam Lowe, trade fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said: "The Level Playing Field commitments in the EU's Free Trade Agreements with Canada and Japan are unenforceable, because they are specifically excluded from the dispute settlement mechanisms. The government appears to be aiming for the same treatment."

Die EU stark machen

Christian Odendahl
27 October 2019
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Großbritannien spart 350 Millionen Pfund wöchentlich durch den EU-Austritt? Dieser Traum der "Leave"-Kampagne ist aus. Im Gegenteil, sagt Christian Odendahl, Chefökonom des proeuropäischen Thinktanks Centre for European Reform (CER). Der Brexit werde für die Briten extrem teuer. 250 Millionen Pfund pro Woche, errechneten Odendahl und seine CER-Kollegen, könnten den Briten durch den EU-Austritt künftig verloren gehen.

Polskie Radio: Od czego Unia Europejska uzależnia przełożenie Brexitu

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
26 October 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform talks to Polskie Radio about the extension of Brexit talks.

Boris Johnson's Brexit deal moves a step nearer to approval

26 October 2019
The Economist
As Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, says, this means that the EU, nervous of being undercut, will offer Britain only a relatively thin free-trade deal. That implies a harder Brexit with more trade barriers than Mrs May’s deal, raising the costs to the economy of leaving the EU.