Luigi Scazzieri

Luigi Scazzieri

Senior research fellow
Areas of expertise 

European foreign and security policy, Italy and the EU, transatlantic relations, migration.


La UE y EE UU deben trabajar unidos para acabar con el sitio de Trípoli

07 February 2020
El conflicto libio continúa intensificándose a pesar de la reciente conferencia de Berlín. La Unión Europea debe trabajar con Estados Unidos y presionar a las potencias regionales para que dejen de alimentar la lucha. 

The UK and European security co-operation, post-Brexit

Aspenia Online
22 January 2020
The UK’s departure from the EU at the end of January raises the question of what security co-operation between member states and the UK will look like after Brexit.

CER podcast: Where is Turkey going?

04 December 2019
After Turkey’s recent offensive in northern Syria, Ankara’s relationships with the EU and US have been badly strained.

Is a European Security Council a good idea?

02 December 2019
The EU is a trade and regulatory superpower, but it has consistently punched below its weight in foreign and security policy.

Salvini is gone for now, but the EU needs to act fast to ensure he doesn't come back

The Independent
08 September 2019
The birth of the new coalition government between the populist Five Star Movement and the centre-left Democratic Party marks the end of the latest Italian political crisis – for now.

Gulf tension making it harder for EU to save Iran deal

EU Observer
02 August 2019
Tensions between Europe and Iran are rising after Iran's seizure of a British-flagged tanker transiting through the Persian Gulf in mid-July.

Trump, Kushner and Netanyahu are hellbent on destroying the two-state solution – the EU must not let them

The Independent
02 August 2019
In typical Trump style, Kushner is pushing a $50bn Middle East ‘deal of the century’ to solve the Israel-Palestinian question. It won’t work and so the European Union should step in.

BBC World Service: The Real story - Europe's migration standoff

20 July 2019
Luigi Scazzieri a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform discusses is it time for the EU to forge a new pact on migration and asylum?

Transatlantic divergence in the Middle East

11 July 2019
From Libya to Iran, Donald Trump has re-orientated US policy in the Middle East, opening a rift with Europe.

Missing in Libya

Berlin Policy Journal
27 June 2019
The civil war in Libya is getting worse, carrying the risk of spreading instability and extremism. Another refugee crisis could be looming. Yet so far the EU has been divided and passive.