Luigi Scazzieri

Luigi Scazzieri

Senior research fellow
Areas of expertise 

European foreign and security policy, Italy and the EU, transatlantic relations, migration.


TRT World: How far will Italy’s populism spread?

22 May 2018
Luigi Scazzieri a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform speaks to TRT World roundtable to discuss the Italian elections (from 17.10 mins).

The Italian election has shattered any illusion that Europe's populists are in retreat

The Telegraph
05 March 2018
In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s victory in France, many argued that anti-establishment parties in Europe were on a downward trajectory. Italy's election has shattered that illusion.

How to think about Britain's post Brexit foreign policy

05 March 2018
What impact will Brexit have on the UK’s foreign and security policy? While many Brexiteers argue it will lead to a global Britain, for many others it is clear it will result in a substantial loss of international influence.

Whatever happens in this election, Italy has fallen out of love with the EU

The Telegraph
04 March 2018
Italy’s election comes at a crucial time for the EU. French President Emmanuel Macron has set out ambitious plans for reforming the eurozone and integrating more closely in security, defence and migration.

CER podcast: A briefing on Italy's election

14 February 2018
Sophia Besch asks Luigi Scazzieri about the political debate in Italy and which coalition might win the election on March 4th.

Europe must guide Trump on Iran nuclear deal

05 December 2017
North Korea’s latest ballistic missile test is an unsettling reminder of what happens when there is no agreement in place to moderate the behaviour of a bellicose regime.

CER podcasts: Relaunching the EU

08 November 2017
The CER has launched a major new report ‘Relaunching the EU’. In this podcast mini-series, CER researchers explain some of the reports main recommendations.

The West cannot afford to give up on Turkey

17 October 2017
European leaders are set to discuss the increasingly difficult issue of Turkey at a summit this week in Brussels amid the deepest freeze in bilateral relations in years.

CER podcast: Peacekeepers for Ukraine?

11 October 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Luigi Scazzieri about Russian President Putin’s proposal to send a UN peacekeeping force to eastern Ukraine.
CER podcast: The Middle East peace process - state of play

CER podcast: The Middle East peace process - state of play

06 July 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Luigi Scazzieri about the position of the Trump administration on the Middle East peace process, and about concrete policy recommendations for the EU.