Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


No shock in Russian election: But can Europe surprise Putin?

26 March 2018
After his re-election, the West is more likely to face Putin the aggressive nationalist than Putin the economic reformer. It should respond firmly.

British foreign policy after Brexit: Hand in hand?

22 March 2018
British foreign policy priorities will change little after Brexit, but London will need to find new ways to rally EU support for them.

Plugging in the British: EU foreign policy

06 March 2018
As part of the EU, the UK has been able to leverage the resources of other member-states to support Britain’s foreign and development priorities. After Brexit, that will be harder.

From 14 points to 280 characters: Trump vs Wilson

22 January 2018
Woodrow Wilson's 14 points of January 1918 were the first sketch of the liberal, rules-based international order. A century later, Donald Trump risks demolishing the edifice.

Relaunching the EU

07 November 2017
The EU is ripe for fundamental reform. New policies are needed for migration and the euro. The EU also needs more flexible structures so that countries can opt in and out of key policies.

EU enlargement: Door half open or door half shut?

09 October 2017
EU enlargement has spread peace and prosperity, but it has now stalled. The EU should keep the door open, and prepare countries for coming inside.

Can the world live with North Korea's bomb?

19 September 2017
The world should stop pretending that North Korea will give up its nuclear weapons, and focus on minimising the risks of further proliferation and of accidental or deliberate conflict.
European policy in Asia: Getting past mercatorism and mercantilism

European policy in Asia: Getting past mercatorism and mercantilism

07 September 2017
Asia is a dangerous place, and closer to Europe than most Europeans think. They cannot leave Trump's America to tackle all Asia's security problems.
Liberalism under attack: Is the EU a fortress or a sandcastle?

Liberalism under attack: Is the EU a fortress or a sandcastle?

27 July 2017
The EU cannot rely on partnership with Trump’s America to defend the international liberal order. It must do more to protect its values and interests.

The EU, the Eurasian Economic Union and One Belt, One Road: Can they work together?

16 March 2017
The EU, Russia's Eurasian Economic Union and China's One Belt, One Road initiative may become rival spheres of influence. But could they complement each other instead?