Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


NATO at 70: Twilight years or a new dawn?

03 April 2019
As NATO celebrates its 70th anniversary, the most serious threats to its survival are as much internal as external.

Europe without the UK: Liberated or diminished?

13 March 2019
In 2016 the CER made ten predictions about the effect of Brexit on future EU policy. How do they stand up now, on the eve of the UK’s departure?

Five years (is/is not)* a long time in Ukrainian politics (*Delete as applicable)

14 February 2019
It is five years since Ukraine’s then president, Viktor Yanukovych, fled the country for Russia. Since then, some commentators say a lot has changed, while others say not much. But however confused the picture, Ukraine still merits attention.

Trump's foreign policy: Two years of living dangerously

25 January 2019
President Donald Trump has given America’s traditional allies cause to worry that the US will withdraw from its global role. Those allies must now avoid precipitating what they fear most.

Putin's last term: Taking the long view

23 January 2019
Vladimir Putin has dominated the Russian political scene since 1999. But he is now in what should be his final term as president. He faces economic, social and foreign policy problems; and he has to decide what will happen at the end of his term of office.The performance of...

China and Europe: Buying hearts and minds?

29 November 2018
The EU does not need to compete financially with China’s grandiose ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ (BRI) everywhere. But it should at least stop China buying the support of EU member-states.

Is Trump right to nuke the INF Treaty?

02 November 2018
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty is a cornerstone of European stability. The US should challenge Russian treaty violations, but not abandon the treaty without a better plan.

Moving Balkan borders: Peace plan or Pandora's box?

28 September 2018
Moving borders in the Western Balkans is risky, but might occasionally be the best option. The EU should not block a Serbia/Kosovo deal, but should work on risk mitigation.

Trump's two summits: Can NATO navigate the dangers?

04 July 2018
Donald Trump attacked his allies at the G7 summit, then embraced North Korea’s Kim. Will summits with NATO and Vladimir Putin follow the same pattern?

Plugging in the British: Completing the circuit

22 June 2018
Post-Brexit internal and external security co-operation arrangements seem as hard for the EU and UK to agree on as trade. Other third countries’ relationships with the EU provide models.