Charles Grant

Charles Grant

Areas of expertise 

Britain’s relationship with the EU, the ‘future of Europe’ debate, European foreign and defence policy, and China's relations with the West.


EU foreign policy must not become a casualty of the euro crisis

EU Observer
16 December 2011
Dear EU leaders,

We are seriously concerned about the impact that the current eurozone debt crisis is having on the external relations of the Union.
The first casualty is the time available for foreign policy. We recognise and support your efforts to overcome the current crisis but it is...

Ma l’Europa di Merkozy è già vecchia

08 December 2011
«In questo momento mi pare si possa adattare ai leader europei quello che Churchill usava dire a proposito degli americani: si può sempre essere sicuri che facciano la cosa giusta, una volta che abbiano esaurito tutte le altre possibilità». Charles Grant, direttore del Centre for European Reform di Londra, è...

Interview: Les Britanniques ont le sentiment que l’Union européenne essaie de faire du tort à la City

Le Figaro
26 October 2011
Le Figaro - David Cameron a essuyé sa plus grande rebellion dans son propre camp au Parlement. Peut-on parler d’un vent d’euroscepticisme chez les politiques?
Charles Grant – Oui, il y a une vague croissante d’euroscepticisme. Mais la nouveauté, c’est toute cette classe de députés, récemment élus, qui se proclament...

Eurozone 'outs' must stick up for the single market

Financial Times
12 October 2011
One of the European Union’s greatest achievements has been to scrap non-tariff barriers to trade in goods and services. But the “single market” remains incomplete and faces new threats. The European commissioner responsible for it is blocking further liberalisation of services – even though the Commission as a whole is...

Resuscitating the euro

The National Interest
07 October 2011
For almost two years, the eurozone has been stricken with a potentially fatal malaise. Three crises have intermingled and reinforced each other: Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain face crises of excessive debt (public and private); those same countries suffer from anemic economic growth; and much of the European Union is afflicted with a banking crisis.

It doesn’t matter who is president of Russia

Financial Times
02 August 2011
In Moscow, the speculation about Russia’s next president is becoming tedious. Dmitry Medvedev has made it clear he would like to run again, but most people think Vladimir Putin, prime minister, will be the official candidate and win March’s election.
But does it matter whether President Medvedev continues, Mr Putin returns...

European leaders must step up their game

Financial Times
11 July 2011
George Soros is right that Germany's new approach to Europe bears some responsibility for the eurozone crisis. Germany's leaders are finding it hard to consider broader European rather than immediate national interests.

A smaller eurozone would be stronger

The Times
20 June 2011
A single European currency has the merit of encouraging trade and investment across frontiers, and thus growth. But countries with inflexible, badly-run economies should never have been allowed to join the euro. The sooner the eurozone shrinks, the sooner it will stabilise.
A country such as Greece with large budget and...

The price of German leadership

Financial Times
17 November 2010
The euro, the European Union’s boldest and most ambitious project, is under threat. Divisions among Europe’s leaders, and their inability to stabilise the euro, have damaged the EU’s reputation on other continents. The good news is that the EU now has an emerging leader.

The strategic consequences of the euro crisis

Europe's world
01 September 2010
The euro crisis will be with us for many years. The underlying causes, such as southern Europe's lack of competitiveness, cannot be remedied overnight; Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain face years of low growth, severe curbs on public spending and perhaps social unrest.