
Channel 4 News: EU threatens to take UK government to court over proposed changes to Brexit deal

10 September 2020
"The real weapon of torture is the lack of a trade agreement, the economic impact on Britain,

Why Boris Johnson is considering a no-deal Brexit for a bruised economy

Sam Lowe
08 September 2020
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform and an adviser to the UK government, says a no-deal exit would also complicate other aspects of Britain’s dealings with the EU, tarnishing relations for years to come.

Brexit : «Un accord de libre-échange éviterait le chaos aux frontières»

Sam Lowe
07 September 2020
Pour le chercheur Sam Lowe, le Royaume-Uni et l’Union européenne doivent s’éloigner de leurs positions initiales afin d’arriver à un compromis.

Brexit revelation: Trade expert exposes Boris Johnson's brutal threat to Brussels

Sam Lowe
07 September 2020
Commenting today, Sam Lowe, senior researcher for the Centre for European Reform revealed the UK is not attempting to “renege” on the agreement.Although he claimed the UK is not attempting to “renege” on the agreement, he said it is also a "risky" approach.

As Brexit deadlines loom, the posturing and bickering flare again

Sam Lowe
07 September 2020
The New York Times
“They would say: ‘You’re refusing to implement the agreement we already have. How we can negotiate a new agreement with you?’ ” said Sam Lowe, an expert on trade at the Centre for European Reform, a research group in London. British officials played down suggestions that they plan to rip up the agreement.

Navalny poisoning raises pressure on Merkel to cancel Russian pipeline

04 September 2020
The New York Times
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy for the Centre for European Reform and a former British diplomat in Moscow, said he expected Ms. Merkel would go first to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to investigate the poisoning, as Britain did after the Salisbury attack. After that she could raise the issue in the Security Council, the European Union and NATO.

Fears grow of a December Brexit without a trade deal

Sam Lowe
04 September 2020
The Economist
As Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, notes, the economic difference between a barebones trade deal and no deal is not all that large. A deal would avoid tariffs in sensitive sectors like cars, but in either case disruption from customs checks, lorry queues and intrusive non-tariff barriers would be substantial.

CER podcast: Tensions rising between Turkey and EU in Eastern Mediterranean

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
03 September 2020
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s regional ambitions and push for control of gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean have put Turkey on a collision course with the EU.

BBC Parliament: Wales and Brexit Committee

Sam Lowe
03 September 2020
Coverage of a Welsh Affairs Committee session taking evidence on the implications of Brexit for trade in Wales, with witnesses including Mujtaba Rahman of the Eurasia Group, Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform and Shanker Singham of Competere.

A quatre mois du Brexit, Johnson peine à tenir sa promesse de « Global Britain »

Sam Lowe
02 September 2020
Les Echos
« A ce stade, le Royaume-Uni est surtout parvenu à répliquer les accords commerciaux de Bruxelles avec des pays comme la Suisse, Israël et la Corée du Sud pour continuer de bénéficier des mêmes conditions même lorsqu'il sera sorti de l'UE, explique Sam Lowe, du think tank Centre for European Reform. Ce n'est pas si mal. Mais il lui reste à faire de même d'ici la fin de l'année avec le Canada, l'Ukraine, Singapour ou encore le Vietnam, voire le Mexique et la Turquie ».

Brussels briefing: Around Europe

Camino Mortera-Martinez
02 September 2020
Financial Times
Camino Mortera-Martinez at the Centre for European Reform thinks the EU’s chaotic border closings induced by the pandemic will damage but not ultimately kill off the Schengen passport-free area.

ECB on cusp of history if only its next top recruit is a woman

Christian Odendahl
01 September 2020
Bloomberg Quint
“If she wants to, Lagarde has the standing to put a lot of pressure on governments to find a woman for the job, which would force them to look at their hiring practices,” said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in Berlin.

IIEA: What next for Belarus?

31 August 2020
In his webinar presentation to the IIEA, Charles Grant, director of the CER reflects on the widespread demonstrations and strike actions across Belarus which have greeted Alexander Lukashenko’s contested re-election as President, an office he has held since 1994.

Donald Trump How should Europe respond now its American ally has turned hostile?

Sophia Besch
30 August 2020
The Guardian
As Sophia Besch of the Centre for European Reform argued recently, Europe must be able to defend its geopolitical interests. Call it “strategic autonomy”. Or simply call it survival. In a world where once trusted friends join the ranks of the predators, soft power is not enough.

Belarus opposition leader ‘a pawn of the West’, Mick Wallace suggests

28 August 2020
The Times
Charles Grant, director at the Centre for European Reform and an expert on Russian and European foreign policy, criticised Mr Wallace and said Ms Tikhanovskaya was not a pawn of western neoliberalism.He told The Times: “I suggest Mick Wallace goes to Belarus to talk to the people there. The overwhelming majority want the regime of Lukashenko to step aside and allow free elections. In contrast to Ukraine in 2014, this is not a ‘geopolitical’ popular movement.

The Eastern Mediterranean heats up

26 August 2020
Summer may be drawing to a close but tensions are still heating up in the Eastern Mediterranean. A succession of dangerous military incidents between Turkey, France and Greece has raised the risk of conflict in the region.

German town fears ruin by US effort to stop Russian pipeline

Christian Odendahl
25 August 2020
The New York Times
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in Berlin, said the United States, given the power of the dollar, “always had this power but never used it so openly, brutally and clumsily,” especially on allies and Europeans. “With brute force, you can have some impact, but you do long-term damage to US interests in Europe,” he said.

Europe tried to limit mass layoffs, but the cuts are coming anyway

Simon Tilford
24 August 2020
The New York Times
“The programs in Europe are more generous than in the United States, but they won’t last forever,” said Simon Tilford, an author of a Centre for European Reform report on the economic risks of the pandemic. “Lots of companies will lay off workers irrespective of whether they can continue to access wage subsidy schemes because they can’t see demand recovering anytime soon,” he said.

Wer kommt besser durch die Corona-Krise, Europa oder die USA?

John Springford, Simon Tilford
24 August 2020
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Die Arbeitslosigkeit in den USA steigt wieder, nachdem viele US-Staaten vorzeitig die Restriktionen des öffentlichen Lebens zurück genommen hatten und es dadurch zu einem Anstieg der COVID-19-Infektionen kam.

Just how much political capital can Johnson risk on an EU trade deal?

Sam Lowe
23 August 2020
The Telegraph
All the same, it’s hard to disagree with Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, who in a recent blog argued that something must be better than nothing. A bare bones FTA may not make much difference in overall economic terms, but aggregates are often misleading and to certain industries, particularly auto and agricultural produce, tariff-free trade remains of the utmost importance. For some communities, it is a make-or-break matter.