
Middle class amid industrialized economies

Simon Tilford
11 November 2012
The Voice of Russia
Interview with Simon Tilford – chief economist at the London-based Centre for European Reform about middle class in industrialized or developed economiesI think over quite a long period of time the middle class in industrialized or developed economies has been I think squeezed. What we’ve seen over

EU crisis: Cutting down mast to save ship

Simon Tilford
09 November 2012
The Voice of Russia
This week the European Commission has published a new economic forecast for the eurozone countries up to the year 2014. This is discussed with our guest speakers Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER and Frederik Erixon.

Fragile coalition in Greece narrowly backs austerity

Simon Tilford
07 November 2012
The New York Times
"The reason why we've seen the economy implode much more rapidly than thought is that they grossly underestimated the impact that fiscal austerity of this magnitude would have on the Greek economy," said Simon Tilford, the chief economist at the CER.

Can Angela Merkel talk Cameron into being a more flexible ally?

Katinka Barysch
07 November 2012
The Guardian
The vexed EU budget is supposed to be the main topic of discussion when Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, meets David Cameron for supper on Wednesday in Downing Street.

Obama and the Russians: Moving on to the 'post-reset'

07 November 2012
Radio Free Europe
"I was recently in Moscow talking to various people in government and outside the government who work in the foreign policy world and they certainly have been hoping that Obama would win because from their point of view he is the devil they know," Charles Grant, director of the CER in London, says.

Angela Merkel warns UK will struggle alone if it turns against EU

07 November 2012
The Guardian
The Centre for European Reform has calculated the UK contribution would be £7.4bn a year if the budget were frozen, while the German or commission plans would result in an additional £400m-550m a year "at most".

UK and Germany: Exasperated allies

06 November 2012
Financial Times
"People in Britain think that because we’re important, the other Europeans will say yes," says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a UK-based think-tank. "But they will say no. People are deluding themselves. They won't allow us to opt out of significant policy areas."

Europe gets a low profile in US presidential duel

Clara Marina O'Donnell
05 November 2012
"Whoever wins the elections will increase its calls for Europeans to do more to uphold international security and continue refocusing America's attention towards the Pacific," said Clara Marina O' Donnell from the Centre for European Reform.

¿Qué candidato conviene a España?

Clara Marina O'Donnell
04 November 2012
EL Confidencial
En la relación con el Viejo Continente, Clara Marina O’Donnell, investigadora del CER afirma que Romney está más cerca de la postura de Angela Merkel. Y lo refuerza recordando que "uno de los asesores económicos de Romney ha criticado a la Administración Obama por animar a que Alemania rescate a los países más débiles y sus bancos".

Amerika hat kein Geld mehr für Tipps an Europa

Clara Marina O'Donnell
02 November 2012
Die Presse
Clara Marina O'Donnell, die am Centre for European Reform forscht, erinnert daran, dass weiterhin fast jeder zweite US-Soldat im Ausland auf europäischem Boden stationiert sein wird (das sind rund 70.000).

UK's euro-bashing starts to wear on Brussels

02 November 2012
The Wall Street Journal
Hugo Brady from the CER, believes that in the end pragmatism will prevail, and other states and the commission will want to avoid excluding a large country like the UK, which is home to many other EU nationals.

EU spending policies create dissent in UK

Simon Tilford
01 November 2012
USA Today
"It's in Britain's interests to compromise but it is awkward politically for the government, as it is with many governments having to cut spending at home but being called to increase spending in Europe," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at the CER.

Europe still favours Obama despite disappointments

Clara Marina O'Donnell
31 October 2012
Agence France Presse
"Regardless of the outcome of the presidential election, the eurozone crisis will be a source of major US concern," Clara Marina O'Donnell of the CER said in a recent article. Obama and his officials have identified the debt crisis as "their biggest frustation with Europe.

EU budget: What Britain pays and where it goes

Philip Whyte
31 October 2012
Channel 4 News
Philip Whyte of the CER told Channel 4 News that despite an overly complicated structure, reducing the UK's contribution would not result in a more efficient EU budget: "They are right that the structure is crazy. There is a huge appetite for reform of that, but cutting the budget will not help."

Budget européen : désaveu majeur pour Cameron

31 October 2012
Les Echos
Charles Grant, un spécialiste de ces questions du CER, estime cependant que le Royaume-Uni pourrait continuer à prospérer en Europe même s'il n'appartient pas à la zone euro. Pour cela, il doit cependant se trouver des amis et des alliés pour influencer les décisions de Bruxelles, a-t-il expliqué dans un point de vue au Financial Times.
Letter to Werner Hoyer, president, EIB

Letter to Werner Hoyer, president, EIB

Stephen Tindale
31 October 2012
The European Investment Bank is consulting on energy lending. It should cease lending to high-carbon coal.

London to Germany: Now save the euro

Katinka Barysch
31 October 2012
The Globalist
Plenty of policy makers and analysts in the United States and the United Kingdom think Germany is destroying the euro. The Germans think they are saving it. Clearly, they both can't be right.

Wrangling over Europe’s budget gets under way

Stephen Tindale
30 October 2012
The New York Times
"The politics of the EU budget are always nasty, but they may be nastier this time partly because of Mr Cameron trying to be Mrs Thatcher," said Stephen Tindale, an associate fellow at the CER in London.

Britain on slippery slope towards EU referendum

Simon Tilford
26 October 2012
Gulf Times
"Cameron held the line quite well in the first 18 months of government. But now he is out of his depth," said Simon Tilford, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform.

Britain's opt-out on EU police and crime laws raises eyebrows

26 October 2012
The CER, warned the decision would have "major implications" for Britain's security. "If Britain uses this 'block opt-out', it will lose access to a raft of cross-border agreements and databases designed to help EU countries maintain security," Hugo Brady of the CER, said in a recent policy paper.