
Anti-Brussels rhetoric goes mainstream across Europe

16 September 2016
Financial Times
But even if the bloc manages to contain the populist onslaught, growing Euroscepticism threatens to cripple the EU’s inner workings by placing national governments — instead of the commission — at the heart of the machine. Such a shift, warns, Charles Grant, founder of the Centre for European Reform, could put divisive topics, such as deeper eurozone integration, on hold "for decades" while undermining Brussels' authority in the meantime.

Minus Britain, the EU brainstorms in Bratislava

Sophia Besch
16 September 2016
As Brussels and European Union capitals get back into their political rhythm again after the summer break, the EU meeting in Bratislava on Friday 16 September is set to be anything but business as usual.

Juncker-Tusk: A clash of EU visions

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 September 2016
EU Observer
On Wednesday (14 September), the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, delivered his annual state of the Union speech at the European parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg.

CER podcast: Simon Tilford and Alexander Stubb on Brexit and the future of Britain and the EU

Simon Tilford, Alexander Stubb
16 September 2016
Simon Tilford speaks to former Prime Minister of Finland Alexander Stubb about the implications of Brexit and the challenges ahead for the EU.

Ahead of post-Brexit summit, France and Germany call for unity

15 September 2016
Voice of America
"You have some governments, particularly in Central European countries like Hungary, who are really trying to take advantage of Brexit to say the EU really needs to get out of our business, or we'll go the same way as the British," says Ian Bond, foreign policy director of the London-based Centre for European Reform. "And I think that's quite dangerous."

Szczyt UE w Bratysławie. Rewolucji nie będzie?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
15 September 2016
W ostatnim czasie, np. w kwestii polityki migracyjnej mogliśmy obserwować próbę sil pomiędzy Komisja Europejska a Rada Europejska oraz przewodniczącymi Tuskiem i Junckerem. Tuskowi zależny, i bardzo słusznie, aby w kwestii kierunków rozwoju Unii to Rada Europejska grała pierwsze skrzypce. Będzie próbował to zaznaczyć podczas nieformalnego spotkania w Bratyslawie - mówi WP Agata Gostyńska, ekspert Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

EU needs minister of foreign affairs and defence HQ, says European Commission president

Sophia Besch
15 September 2016
Global Government Forum
"Post Brexit and without the British veto [a new military headquarters] has now very much become an option," said Sophia Besch, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. "But it's important to note that Juncker has stopped short of proposing a European army," she said.

Kontrol med migration er nøglen

14 September 2016
Med undtagelse af Merkel er EU-ledere end ikke begyndt at tale med deres egne befolkninger om udfordringens størrelse ved migration, mener britiske Ian Bond, leder af Centre for European Reforms udenrigspolitiske afdeling.

EU officials to discuss 'free movement' at Bratislava summit in bid to stem Brexit contagion

12 September 2016
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, a pro-EU think-tank, said that the line in Brussels, Paris and Berlin was very clear on free movement and - despite recent remarks suggesting a more pragmatic approach - with Mr Tusk's office too.

It's border wars! Home Secretary Amber Rudd threatens retaliation against EU over plans to force British travellers to pay for visas in Europe

Camino Mortera-Martinez
11 September 2016
The Daily Mail
Camino Mortera-Martinez, a research fellow specialising in justice and home affairs at the Centre for European Reform, quoted in the [Guardian] newspaper, said: 'In theory UK citizens, as third-country nationals, would certainly be subject to the obligations (of such a scheme),' adding: 'This will have to be part of the Brexit talks. It will all have to be negotiated.'

Britons may have to apply to visit Europe after Brexit

Camino Mortera-Martinez
10 September 2016
The Guardian
"In theory UK citizens, as third-country nationals, would certainly be subject to the obligations" of such a scheme, said Camino Mortera-Martinez, a research fellow specialising in justice and home affairs at the Centre for European Reform. "This will have to be part of the Brexit talks. It will all have to be negotiated."

Grappling with trade options

Nick Clegg, Peter Sutherland
09 September 2016
Financial Times
The UK government's unwillingness or inability to explain its "Brexit" strategy came under withering criticism this week from Nick Clegg, a former deputy prime minister, and Peter Sutherland, the World Trade Organisation’s first director-general. The pair shared their extensive experience of EU and global trade issues at an event in London held by the Centre for European Reform. 

German conservatives' tax cut plans may not boost support much

Christian Odendahl
09 September 2016
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, said announcing tax cuts would probably boost the CDU's popularity somewhat, but he warned that the upside potential of such a move would likely be limited. "It's not as if those who are feeling frustrated, detached or insecure – the people voting AfD – are voting AfD because their tax is high, so I don't think it will be very effective," he said.

Merkel in desperate attempt to win back support after migrant crisis as she slashes taxes

Christian Odendahl
09 September 2016
The Express
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, said: "It's not as if those who are feeling frustrated, detached or insecure - the people voting AfD - are voting AfD because their tax is high, so I don't think it will be very effective." The economist said that the CDU should invest in the integration of migrants and the police force to stop the AfD's popularity rising further. 

Bratislavský summit bude prvým krokom EÚ bez Veľkej Británie

09 September 2016
Hlavne Spravy
Neformálny summit v Bratislave bude veľmi dôležitým summitom pre dvadsaťsedmičku a bude zároveň prvým krokom EÚ bez Veľkej Británie. Pre TASR to povedal Ian Bond, riaditeľ pre zahraničnú politiku londýnskeho think tanku Centra pre európsku reformu.
“Svojím spôsobom to bude veľmi zvláštny summit, pretože Veľká Británia tam nebude mať svoje zastúpenie. Pravdepodobne jednou z hlavných tém diskusie bude práve to, čo robiť s Veľkou Britániou. Z toho dôvodu si myslím, že to bude veľmi dôležitý summit pre dvadsaťsedmičku,” uviedol Bond.

Macron : un dîner à la City pour récolter jusqu’à 7 500 euros par couvert

Emmanuel Macron
09 September 2016
Le Monde
L’ancien ministre de l’économie devait aussi vendredi matin rencontrer les militants d’En Marche !, son mouvement. Dans l’après-midi, il devait aller discuter du Brexit au Centre for European Reform, un think tank pro-européen.

Former WTO boss attacks 'total confusion' over Brexit

Peter Sutherland
08 September 2016
Theresa May's government has been slammed by a former director general of the WTO Peter Sutherland, for creating "total confusion" around its plans for Britain's new trade relationship with the EU and the wider world after Brexit.

CER podcast: Charles Grant and Nick Clegg on Brexit challenges

Charles Grant, Nick Clegg MP
08 September 2016
Charles Grant talks to Nick Clegg MP about the challenges facing the EU-UK exit negotiations, after the launch of his second 'Brexit Challenge' report.

Tok FM: Wielka Brytania nie ujawni przed czasem strategii wobec UE

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 September 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Theresa May's meeting with Donald Tusk.
Don’t give up on TTIP

Don’t give up on TTIP

Rem Korteweg
06 September 2016
TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is in trouble. A chilly protectionist breeze is blowing across the west and the likelihood of reaching and ratifying a deal is receding.