
If it's broken, fix it!

If it's broken, fix it!

Katinka Barysch
01 October 2003
Europeans are right to worry about their economy. Forecasters think that the eurozone economy will grow by a paltry 0.5 per cent this year. But the real problem is that Europe's sluggish performance is part of a long-term trend.

A clean break for Europe

Nick Butler
01 October 2003
Europe needs to change. Those who constantly have to defend the concept of Europe against ill-informed criticism can easily slip into a defensive mode. But if we are serious about reform, we need to be on the front foot.

The EU must be tougher and more creative on Iran

Steven Everts
01 October 2003
Iran is a test case for EU foreign policy. After the Iraq debacle, the EU faces a daunting challenge. The Union must demonstrate it can stay united under pressure; act tough when necessary; and persuade Washington to adjust its overall strategy.
Tensions between Tehran and the West have risen markedly in...
Bulletin issue 32

Issue 32 - 2003

Katinka Barysch, Nick Butler, Steven Everts
26 September 2003
Der Lissabon-Anzeiger

Der Lissabon-Anzeiger: EU Wirtschaftsreformen vor der Osterweiterung

Alasdair Murray
05 September 2003
Als sich im März 2000 die EU-Staatschefs zum Gipfel in Lissabon versammelten, schien Europas Wirtschaft am Anfang eines neuen goldenen Zeitalters zu stehen. Die Wachstumsraten waren die höchsten seit nahezu einem Jahrzehnt.
Old Europe? Demographic change and pension reform

Old Europe? Demographic change and pension reform

David Willetts
05 September 2003
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was onto something when he classified the current EU countries as 'old Europe'. Germany, France and Italy together will have more than 70 million people over 60 in 2040. The fact that Europeans are leading longer, healthier lives is to be welcomed. The problem is...
Transatlantic rift

Transatlantic rift: How to bring the two sides together

05 September 2003
The Iraq conflict divided the West into two hostile camps. The rifts that run across the Atlantic and among the Europeans show few signs of disappearing.

Holidays in hell (and Hanover)

Alasdair Murray
04 August 2003
August used to provide a rare opportunity for Europe's political elite to escape the limelight. For a few weeks, EU leaders could catch up on their reading - or sleep - and spend some quality time with long-suffering families.
Eastern neighbourhood

Tough love for the EU's Eastern neighbours

Heather Grabbe and Henning Tewes
01 August 2003
After it embraces ten new members in 2004, the EU will have long borders with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. Few people in today's EU know or care much about these countries.

The way forward for European defence

Daniel Keohane
01 August 2003
The EU has lost its military virginity. At the request of the UN, the EU sent 1,500 troops to Congo at the beginning of June 2003. The Congo mission is significant for two reasons: it is both the first autonomous EU mission - one that does not rely on NATO's help - and the EU's first military operation outside Europe.
Bulletin issue 31

Issue 31 - 2003

Heather Grabbe, Henning Tewes, Daniel Keohane, Alasdair Murray
25 July 2003
Corporate social responsibility in the EU

Corporate social responsibility in the EU

Alasdair Murray
11 July 2003
Europe wants faster growth. But it also wants social fairness and a healthy environment. This is why companies in the EU are under growing pressure to broaden their focus from pure profits to policies of corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Difficult but necessary

Difficult but necessary: A transatlantic strategy for the greater Middle East

Steven Everts
10 June 2003
The US and Europe have to succeed in an exceptionally difficult undertaking. They have to meet not just a single or double challenge, but a triple one: They need to prove, to each other and the rest of the world, that the principal rationale of the US-European partnership is indeed no longer the bilateral relationship and the broader European agenda, but their ability to tackle, together, the growing problems of a troubled world.
Britain and the euro: How to reap the benefits

Britain and the euro: How to reap the benefits

Katinka Barysch
06 June 2003
The British government predicts that joining the euro would boost domestic investment, employment and growth – provided the economic conditions are right. It has promised to implement measures to ensure that Britain will benefit from the euro.
Transatlantic disputes must not undermine

Transatlantic disputes must not undermine EU and US counter-terrorism co-operation

Adam Townsend
05 June 2003
Not all is doom and gloom in the tattered transatlantic relationship. EU member-states and the US are co-operating effectively over terrorism. But the US needs to work more with the EU as a whole, rather thansimply through individual European governments. Moreover, officials on both sides of the Atlantic are increasingly...

Clear skies across the Atlantic

Nick DeLuca
02 June 2003
When asked recently by the chairman of the UK House of Commons Transport Select Committee, 'Is the government's policy towards aviation a UK policy or a European one?', Alistair Darling, the transport secretary, slightly sheepishly acknowledged, 'Sometimes it's one, sometimes it's the other.'

An unconventional bargain

Steven Everts and Daniel Keohane
02 June 2003
The Convention on the future of Europe has now entered its final phase. To the surprise of many it has already reached consensus on many elements of a new constitution for the EU.
Britain and France

Defrosting the entente glaciale

02 June 2003
When Britain and France fall out, they damage not only each other but also the United Nations, NATO and the EU's embryonic foreign and defence policy. So long as Jacques Chirac and Tony Blair remain leaders of rival European gangs, a harmonious transatlantic relationship is impossible.
Bulletin issue 30

Issue 30 - 2003

Charles Grant, Nick DeLuca, Steven Everts, Daniel Keohane
30 May 2003
The CER guide to Giscard's draft EU constitution

The CER guide to Giscard's draft EU constitution

30 May 2003
The draft constitution for the EU published on 26 and 27 May 2003 has provoked a ferocious debate in the British press. However, on closer inspection, the text would not fundamentally change the UK’s position in the EU, and it secures nearly all of the British government’s key objectives.