
Serbia’s choice

Serbia’s choice

Angela Heath
01 August 2006
Serbia faces a stark political choice this year: to make progress towards joining the EU and NATO, or to turn backwards towards bitter nationalism and a mentality of victimhood.
Bulletin issue 49

Issue 49 - 2006

Charles Grant, Edgar Buckley, Angela Heath
28 July 2006
The EU must keep its promise to the Western Balkans

The EU must keep its promise to the Western Balkans

Tim Judah
07 July 2006
Enlargement has been one of the EU's most successful policies. In the case of the Central and East European countries, the wish to join the Union has helped to foster stability, democratisation and economic reform.
Cyprus, Turkey and the EU: Time for a sense of proportion and compromise

Cyprus, Turkey and the EU: Time for a sense of proportion and compromise

Lord Hannay
03 July 2006
The start of Turkish accession talks provided a faint glimmer of hope for unfreezing the Cyprus stalemate that has prevailed since the Greek Cypriots voted down a UN-sponsored settlement plan in 2004.
How to strengthen EU foreign policy

How to strengthen EU foreign policy

Charles Grant, Mark Leonard
03 July 2006
The European Union urgently needs a plan for a more effective foreign policy. Opinion polls suggest that a majority of Europeans would support a stronger EU foreign policy.
Europe’s new division of labour

Europe’s new division of labour

Katinka Barysch
01 June 2006
Two years after the accession of ten new members, the EU is showing clear signs of enlargement fatigue. While most politicians and economists insist that eastward enlargement has been good for the EU, voters are increasingly sceptical.
Unblocking EU-NATO co-operation

Unblocking EU-NATO co-operation

Daniel Keohane
01 June 2006
There is something rotten in the state of EU-NATO relations. Both organisations would benefit from working closely together on a range of security issues, from counter-terrorism to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
The future of European universities: Renaissance or decay?

The future of European universities: Renaissance or decay?

Richard Lambert, Nick Butler
01 June 2006
Knowledge is an increasingly critical factor in shaping economic life. But in Europe, the institutions that should be the main sources of knowledge are failing to meet the challenge.
Can we live with a nuclear Iran?

Can we live with a nuclear Iran?

Mark Leonard
01 June 2006
As Europeans and Americans put together a final package of incentives to divert Iran from its nuclear course, the world is facing up to the possibility of failure.
Bulletin issue 48

Issue 48 - 2006

Katinka Barysch, Daniel Keohane, Mark Leonard
26 May 2006
Democracy in Europe

Democracy in Europe: How the EU can survive in an age of referendums

Mark Leonard was director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform (2005-2007).
05 May 2006
The European Union has never been loved, but for most of the last 50 years it has been accepted. Voters thought that as long as it made them richer and safer they were happy to leave the precise details of treaties to bureaucrats and politicians.
Let justice be done: Punishing crime in the EU

Let justice be done: Punishing crime in the EU

Hugo Brady, Mónica Roma
06 April 2006
Cross-border crime is on the rise across the European Union. Member-states have committed themselves to fighting this trend by closer co-operation in justice and home affairs (JHA).
The EU's awkward neighbour: Time for a new policy on Belarus

The EU's awkward neighbour: Time for a new policy on Belarus

Charles Grant, Mark Leonard
06 April 2006
On 19 March 2006 the people of Belarus vote in a presidential election. The result of an election that has been neither free nor fair is certain: President Alyaksandr Lukashenka will be re-elected. What is not certain is how the EU reacts.
A new European approach to China

A new European approach to China

Mark Leonard
03 April 2006
Until now EU policy towards China has focused mainly on domestic issues: opening up China’s economy, protecting intellectual property, improving respect for human rights, and securing the readmission of illegal migrants.

What future for free trade in services?

Simon Tilford
03 April 2006
The controversy that has engulfed the Commission’s draft services directive is hardly surprising: the establishment of a single EU market in services was always going to generate more opposition than the liberalisation of trade in goods.
How to build a better EU foreign policy

How to build a better EU foreign policy

Charles Grant, Mark Leonard
03 April 2006
With its constitutional treaty moribund, the EU needs to find new projects that show its relevance to the citizens of Europe. One priority should be a plan for a more coherent Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).
Bulletin issue 47

Issue 47 - 2006

Charles Grant, Simon Tilford, Mark Leonard
24 March 2006
The future of the European economy

Ditchley conference note - The future of the European economy

Katinka Barysch
21 March 2006
In November 2005, the CER took more than 40 of Europe's top economists, policy-makers and commentators to the Ditchley Park in Oxfordshire to discuss 'The future of the European economy'. Participants included Graham Bishop, Jean-Philippe Cotis, Daniel Gros, Will Hutton, DeAnne Julius, Anatole Kaletsky, John Kay, Mart Laar, Richard Layard,...
The Lisbon scorecard VI

The Lisbon scorecard VI: Will Europe's economy rise again?

Aurore Wanlin
01 March 2006
The European Union and its 'Lisbon agenda' of economic reform, have received a battering over the past year. The pace of reform has remained slow in the big eurozone countries.
New budget, old dilemmas

New budget, old dilemmas

Iain Begg
22 February 2006
After months of fierce haggling, the UK government managed to broker a deal on the EU's new budget at the Union's summit in December 2005.