
The working time directive: What's the fuss about?

The working time directive: What's the fuss about?

Katinka Barysch
26 April 2013
The working time directive has had limited impact on British business. It has caused trouble in hospitals partly because the NHS relies so heavily on junior doctors.
European austerity: Turn or TINA?

European austerity: Turn or TINA?

Simon Tilford
25 April 2013
Despite the overwhelming weight of evidence, both empirical and theoretical, many policy-makers will continue to trot out Margaret Thatcher's favourite line: there is no alternative.
Is the euro crisis responsible for populism?

Is the euro crisis responsible for populism?

Katinka Barysch
19 April 2013
The euro crisis is fuelling populism but it is not the only reason. Italy and Greece are special cases. Political uncertainty would prevail without austerity.
Out of range, out of mind: Is there a role for Europe in the Korean crisis?

Out of range, out of mind: Is there a role for Europe in the Korean crisis?

12 April 2013
The Korean Peninsula is a long way away, but what happens there affects Europe.  In a modest way, the EU can do some good.
The EU's Rubik's cube: Who will lead after 2014?

The EU's Rubik's cube: Who will lead after 2014?

Hugo Brady
03 April 2013
The EU will appoint new leaders after the 2014 European elections. Who are the likely candidates and are they suitable?
Germany & Treaty change

Germany’s plans for treaty change – and what they mean for Britain

28 March 2013
Germany is no longer pushing for a new EU treaty. This makes it harder for David Cameron to renegotiate the terms of British membership.
Why Europe should change its approach to Azerbaijan

Why Europe should change its approach to Azerbaijan

Rem Korteweg
25 March 2013
The EU has relied on oil and gas from Azerbaijan to reduce its dependence on Russian energy supplies since the beginning of the century.
It’s the politics, stupid!

It's the politics, stupid!

Simon Tilford
25 March 2013
Many economists have been accused of being too gloomy about the euro because they underestimate the degree of political commitment that eurozone countries have made to the euro.
Central and East European migrants are a boon for Britain

Central and East European migrants are a boon for Britain

25 March 2013
When economies are struggling, governments find it difficult to resist calls for protectionism of one form or another. The British government is trying to erect barriers to immigration.
Could Cyprus reignite the eurozone crisis?

Could Cyprus reignite the eurozone crisis?

Simon Tilford, Philip Whyte
22 March 2013
Financial markets have taken the latest crisis in their stride. But the ramifications of an uncontrolled Cypriot default and/or exit from the eurozone would be far-reaching.
Do Britain's European ties damage its prosperity?

Do Britain's European ties damage its prosperity?

Philip Whyte
22 March 2013
Leaving the EU would not resolve Britain's economic difficulties, which are mostly home-grown. However, it could turn Britain into a more closed economy.
The EU and Iran

The EU and Iran

Rem Korteweg
15 March 2013
The EU-Iran relationship focuses on the stop-and-go negotiations to end Iran's nuclear programme, which Europeans and the US believe is designed to build nuclear weapons.
The EU and transatlantic relations

The EU and transatlantic relations

Rem Korteweg
15 March 2013
The UK considers its relationship with the United States as central to its foreign policy. Underpinned by strong historical links, the UK-US relationship covers economic ties, diplomacy and security co-operation.
The EU’s policy towards the Middle East peace process

The EU’s policy towards the Middle East peace process

Clara Marina O'Donnell
15 March 2013
Since the beginnings of EU foreign policy co-operation, the Union has sought a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. This objective is of significant interest to the United Kingdom.
The European External Action Service

The European External Action Service

15 March 2013
The European External Action Service (EEAS) is, potentially, a very useful tool for enhancing British influence in the EU and in the world.
The EU and energy security file thumbnail

The EU and energy security

Katinka Barysch
15 March 2013
The EU’s target for 20 per cent reduction in energy demand is non-binding but it does provide incentives for member-states to increase energy efficiency and so lower their overall demand for energy.
The EU and climate change policy

The EU and climate change policy

Stephen Tindale
15 March 2013
The EU carries more weight in UNFCCC negotiations than the UK would acting alone.
The UK and the single market file thumbnail

The UK and the single market

15 March 2013
There is no threshold beyond which the removal of trade barriers becomes ineffective, at least in economic terms. Barriers to trade are numerous, and eliminating them is a potentially limitless process.
The EU, Russia and China

The EU, Russia and China

15 March 2013
Both Russia and China matter to the UK. Strategically, they are nuclear powers and P-5 countries, with diplomatic interests in many parts of the world.