
The Lisbon scorecard VI

The Lisbon scorecard VI: Will Europe's economy rise again?

Aurore Wanlin
01 March 2006
The European Union and its 'Lisbon agenda' of economic reform, have received a battering over the past year. The pace of reform has remained slow in the big eurozone countries.
New budget, old dilemmas

New budget, old dilemmas

Iain Begg
22 February 2006
After months of fierce haggling, the UK government managed to broker a deal on the EU's new budget at the Union's summit in December 2005.
EU 2010: A programme for reform

EU 2010: A programme for reform

Charles Grant, Hugo Brady, Katinka Barysch, Simon Tilford, Daniel Keohane, Mark Leonard, Aurore Wanlin
03 February 2006
The European Union is suffering from a profound malaise. There have been difficult times in the past – such as the 'empty chair' left by General de Gaulle in the mid-1960s, the rows over the British budget contribution in the early 1980s, and the struggles to ratify the Maastricht treaty...
The EU's new financial services agenda

The EU's new financial services agenda

Alasdair Murray, Aurore Wanlin
03 February 2006
After five years of intense law-making, the European Commission promises fewer financial services laws for the remainder of the decade. But there is still no fully integrated single European market in financial services.
The EU must do more on climate change

The EU must do more on climate change

Stephen Tindale
01 February 2006
The EU, like the rest of the world, faces no greater threat than climate change. There are two – equally bleak – scenarios for Europe if greenhouse gas emissions are not cut quickly and substantially.
India and the EU: strategic partners?

India and the EU: strategic partners?

01 February 2006
Most EU governments take very little interest in India. That is likely to change. According to Goldman Sachs’ (admittedly speculative) research, over the next half century India will grow faster than any other large national economy.
The EU needs a bolder Balkan strategy

The EU needs a bolder Balkan strategy

Carl Bildt
01 February 2006
The Balkans are returning to the top of the EU’s agenda. UN envoy Martti Ahtisaari has begun to negotiate Kosovo’s future, while Montenegrins will probably vote in April on whether to break with Serbia.
Bulletin issue 46

Issue 46 - 2006

Charles Grant, Stephen Tindale, Carl Bildt
27 January 2006
The Austrian EU presidency and the future of the constitutional treaty

The Austrian EU presidency and the future of the constitutional treaty

Katinka Barysch
24 January 2006
Austrians heaved a sigh of relief when the UK presidency brokered a last-minute deal on the EU budget in December 2005. The Austrian government hoped that the agreement would free its hands to focus on more rewarding issues during its presidency.
East versus West?

East versus West? The European economic and social model after enlargement

Katinka Barysch
06 January 2006
The EU's enlargement to the East has been an economic success. Trade between the old and the new members is thriving. Foreign investment by West European companies has helped to create hundreds of thousands of jobs in Central and Eastern Europe, and it has generated multi-billion euro profits for the investing companies.