Macroeconomics & the euro
How to make EU fiscal rules compatible with net zero
09 May 2022
EU governments will have to invest a lot more to meet 2030 emissions targets. Fiscal rules exemptions and more EU funding are needed to ensure Europe reaches its climate goals without political crises.
Russia may ditch the dollar – but it needs the euro
29 March 2022
Naysayers claim Western financial sanctions will speed Russia and China’s drift away from Western currencies and finance. But the West’s predominance in the global financial system is enduring.
The EU must triple down on green investment
24 March 2022
Russia’s war on Ukraine forces Europe to make some tough economic choices. Higher climate investment is a no-brainer, however.
How the world has changed in 25 years: Annual report 2021
07 February 2022
The CER has been in business for about a quarter of a century – we published our first pamphlets in 1996 and opened our London office in 1998.
Ditchley conference report: The politics of climate change
02 February 2022
Climate change is as much a political problem as a technological one, and the CER's annual economics conference focused on ways to overcome inertia, denial and myopia.
Europe shouldn't worry about inflation
20 July 2021
The fear of inflation is stalking Europe again. Policy-makers are right to be relaxed.
The G7 corporate tax deal: Why the EU should curb its enthusiasm
09 June 2021
The recent G7 deal will not bolster the European Commission’s broader efforts to fight aggressive tax practices. The Commission needs political realism and more modest aims to make headway.
Don't imitate – innovate! Why Europe doesn't need a rival to Visa and Mastercard
28 May 2021
The European authorities want a home-grown challenger to Visa and Mastercard. They should instead encourage European banks to support more diverse payment options.
Learning to live with debt
18 May 2021
When the old consensus on public debt was formed in the 1980s, the world economy was very different from today’s. It’s time for a new approach.
The US proposals on digital services taxes and minimum tax rates: How the EU should respond
15 April 2021
OECD members are negotiating a global digital services tax and a global minimum corporate tax. EU member-states should support recent US proposals to conclude the talks.
Why Europe should spend big like Biden
29 March 2021
The scale of Biden’s spending plans means the US economy will recover much faster than Europe’s. Yet in many ways it is the European economy that is in greater need of stimulus.
How Greece can recover from Covid
09 February 2021
The pandemic is adding to Greece’s economic problems. But the EU recovery fund, if spent well, offers Greece a chance to turn a corner.
Ditchley conference report: COVID-19, the global economy and the return of power politics
22 January 2021
At the CER's Ditchley economics conference, participants discussed the global role of the EU in the aftermath of the pandemic, with faltering trade and investment and growing strategic competition between the US and China.
Bulletin issue 132 - June/July 2020
29 May 2020
- Securing Europe's medical supply chains against future shocks, Sam Lowe
- The recovery fund faces a tricky passage, Christian Odendahl, John Springford
- Trump's COVID-19 response is deepening the transatlantic rift, Luigi Scazzieri
The recovery fund faces a tricky passage
29 May 2020
The Commission's proposed recovery fund is macroeconomically meaningful. The 'frugals' should focus less on negotiating away the transfers to harder-hit countries, and more on how the money is spent.
Three ways COVID-19 will cause economic divergence in Europe
21 May 2020
Europe's economies will diverge further as a result of COVID-19, as the economic impact will be larger in Southern Europe. Fiscal transfers would help to restart the EU's 'convergence machine'.
A proposal for a coronabond: The Pandemic Solidarity Instrument
06 April 2020
The economic hit is so severe, and the demands on fiscal policy so high, that the EU needs to share the burden between stronger and weaker countries.
Can France and Germany steer Europe to success? Annual report 2019
06 February 2020
The CER's annual report features an essay on the state Franco-German friendship. It also describes some of the CER’s achievements in 2019, including the increasingly prominent role played by our Brussels and Berlin offices.
Conference report: Five challenges for Europe
16 December 2019
A new CER report summarises its 2019 Ditchley Park conference, which brought together 50 leading economists to discuss 'Five challenges for Europe'.
Germany should not run the ECB
23 May 2019
If Jens Weidmann became president of the European Central Bank (ECB), it would be more difficult to fight the next recession and prevent future crises.