China & Russia

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Russia, the West and Eastern Europe: Lenin's long shadow

26 January 2017
Russia's neighbours in Eastern Europe are dogged by their Soviet legacy. Both Russia and the West need better strategies to deal with Europe's contested spaces.

Russia and China: Partners of choice and necessity?

08 December 2016
Russia and China are not natural allies. Western policy should reflect their different interests, not drive them together. China may be the easier one to accommodate.
Not so special: why the US won't help Britain in the Brexit talks

Not so special: Why the US won't help Britain in the Brexit talks

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg
25 October 2016
The US is watching two of its best friends get a divorce. It is not in its interest to take sides.

Europe and its South China Sea dilemma

Rem Korteweg
19 September 2016
Few issues in today's international politics are as thorny as the disputes in the South China Sea. A recent international ruling complicates matters further. Europe's response has been too weak.
TTIP is no reason to leave the EU

TTIP is no reason to leave the EU

Rem Korteweg
17 May 2016
Opposition to TTIP has become a rallying cry for Brexiters. They are relying on myths about trade agreements, TTIP and the NHS.
No denial: How NATO can deter a creeping Russian threat

No denial: How NATO can deter a creeping Russian threat

Rem Korteweg, Sophia Besch
09 February 2016
Russia is sowing uncertainty about its intentions on NATO's eastern borders. At the Warsaw Summit in June, NATO should take steps to strengthen its deterrence.

China's European charm offensive: Silk Road or Silk Rope?

27 November 2015
China is building closer relations with European countries, offering investments to all. EU member-states should welcome China’s contribution, without abandoning European values and interests.
The insoluble Syrian problem: Only wrong answers? thumbnail

The insoluble Syrian problem: Only wrong answers?

29 September 2015
No-one, including Putin, has a peace plan for Syria. The EU should stop pursuing unrealistic military and political aims and focus on helping the war’s victims.
Reform in Kyiv

The battle for reform in Kyiv

16 September 2015
The government in Kyiv has introduced some important reforms. But vested interests and corruption are thwarting its efforts to modernise the state and the economy.
Chasing the dragon: Russia's courtship of China

Chasing the dragon: Russia's courtship of China

04 August 2015
Russia wants the West to fear a Moscow-Beijing axis. But China sees Russia as a route to Europe, not a destination in itself.
Greek foreign policy: The next ruin?

Greek foreign policy: The next ruin?

Ian Bond, Rem Korteweg
27 July 2015
Grexit could create a foreign policy mess for Europe. Despite its Russophilia, Syriza's current foreign policy may be the best on offer.
EU summit

The four horsemen circling the European Council summit

Rem Korteweg
24 June 2015
Grexit, the Mediterranean crisis, Russia's aggression and the British question will continue to sow discord in Europe. Unless leaders can think European, not national.
Don't mention Beijing: The EU and Asia's maritime security

Don't mention Beijing: The EU and Asia's maritime security

Rem Korteweg
27 May 2015
With tensions rising in the South China Sea, Europe should intensify its dialogue with south-east Asia about maritime security.

The Riga Summit: Enter, pursued by a bear

18 May 2015
The future of the EU’s Eastern Partnership is uncertain. Though it is under pressure from Russian hostility and EU apathy,  it can and should be saved.
Two cheers for Ukraine

Two cheers for Ukraine

30 April 2015
Ukraine’s reforms are advancing, but the Minsk peace deal is hard to implement; the military situation is threatening; and the economy is tottering. The EU should help more.
The slow dance between Minsk and Brussels thumbnail

The slow dance between Minsk and Brussels

10 April 2015
Buffeted by events in Ukraine, Belarus’s leaders are trying to balance their dependency on Moscow by enhancing ties with the EU. Brussels is responding.
Frozen: The politics and economics of sanctions against Russia

Frozen: The politics and economics of sanctions against Russia

Christian Odendahl, Ian Bond, Jennifer Rankin
16 March 2015
Western sanctions are hurting Russia more than Europe. They will remain an essential tool to prevent a strong and aggressive Russia dominating its neighbours.
Reduced to rouble?

Reduced to rouble? An update on the Russian economy

Christian Odendahl
24 February 2015
The Russian economy is heading for a long recession. Economic collapse, which could still occur, is not in the West's interests.